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Constraint Violating Yak Guru
255 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-19 : 11:36:59
Hello all. I've been up and down Google and searched this site as well, but haven't run into any 'good' information on this issue.The heart of the issue is paging, which I did find a good article for paging in SQL 2000 a while back, and just recently one for SQL2005, which supports paging.Anyhow here's the situation. When I've come across paging, I always used client-side paging (using ASP) since I was naive about doing it at the SQL (server-side) level. Now I want to optimize my apps to take advantage of this server-side paging. I can successfully only get the records I want from SQL, but my issue is this. Say I want 10 records per page...fine. But without returning the total number of records, how do I know how many 'more' records are there in order to display a next button, or maybe display all the possible pages available with the page size? I've successfully writen a sproc that first returns a recordset with the records, and then another select returning the total count, but I get an ASP error, when I use "set rs= rs.NextRecordset" saying "ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CB3) Current provider does not support returning multiple recordsets from a single execution". I've also tried returning the value as a returned value, and an output value, but it seems the issue lies somewhere else.By the error message itself, I'm sure I can go ahead and execute another sproc/query to return the count, but I'm trying to determine a way to do it with a single execution. I've tried using the SQLOLEDB provider, using an SQL Native Client DSN connection. I'm all outta ideas. Unless it I'm going wrong about it and the provider the error speaks of is ADODB.Thanks everyone.- RoLY roLLs |
3564 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-19 : 13:53:57
quote: Originally posted by RoLYroLLs Hello all. I've been up and down Google and searched this site as well, but haven't run into any 'good' information on this issue.The heart of the issue is paging, which I did find a good article for paging in SQL 2000 a while back, and just recently one for SQL2005, which supports paging.Anyhow here's the situation. When I've come across paging, I always used client-side paging (using ASP) since I was naive about doing it at the SQL (server-side) level. Now I want to optimize my apps to take advantage of this server-side paging. I can successfully only get the records I want from SQL, but my issue is this. Say I want 10 records per page...fine. But without returning the total number of records, how do I know how many 'more' records are there in order to display a next button, or maybe display all the possible pages available with the page size? I've successfully writen a sproc that first returns a recordset with the records, and then another select returning the total count, but I get an ASP error, when I use "set rs= rs.NextRecordset" saying "ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CB3) Current provider does not support returning multiple recordsets from a single execution". I've also tried returning the value as a returned value, and an output value, but it seems the issue lies somewhere else.By the error message itself, I'm sure I can go ahead and execute another sproc/query to return the count, but I'm trying to determine a way to do it with a single execution. I've tried using the SQLOLEDB provider, using an SQL Native Client DSN connection. I'm all outta ideas. Unless it I'm going wrong about it and the provider the error speaks of is ADODB.Thanks everyone.- RoLY roLLs
What about returning an output parameter from your stored procedure with the count of those records? Keeping the web experience alive -- [url][/url]RS Blog -- [url][/url] |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-19 : 14:02:34
If the server-side paging that you are using is using the temp table approach, then you just need to include the count in your temp table. Have it be the first column. Here is an example pulled from one of our stored procedures:Select totalRecords = (Select count (distinct assetID) from #TempItems), AssetID, FROM #TempItems Where ID > @FirstRec AND ID < @LastRecOrder By ID ASC I had to remove a bunch of stuff from the query in order to post it here. But it should give you an idea.Tara Kizeraka tduggan |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
255 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-19 : 15:46:13
Here's my sproc, no temp tables:set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_ShowClient] @Page int , @PageSize intas declare @PageStart int , @PageEnd int set @PageStart = (@PageSize * @Page) - @PageSize + 1; set @PageEnd = @PageSize * @Page;begin select Client.ClientID , dbo.DeFormatGUID(Client.ClientUID) as ClientUID , Client.ClientAccountNumber , Client.ClientCompany , Client.ClientFirstName , Client.ClientMiddleName , Client.ClientLastName from ( select top (@PageEnd) a.* , ROW_NUMBER() over(order by a.ClientCompany) as TheCount from Client a order by a.ClientCompany) Client where Client.TheCount between @PageStart and @PageEnd end I've tried adding @Count int output as a param and setting select @Count = count(*) from Client. But no go, it seems like the error is with ADO? Anyhow I'm wondering if anyone has come across this issue or what are other methods others use to return the total number of records.I am tempted to use something like returning the number of rows within the recordset as a field like this:set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_ShowClient] @Page int , @PageSize intas declare @PageStart int , @PageEnd int , @Count int set nocount on --is this correct what i do here, setting nocount on? select @Count = count(Client.ClientID) from client set nocount off set @PageStart = (@PageSize * @Page) - @PageSize + 1; set @PageEnd = @PageSize * @Page;begin select @Count as TotalCount , Client.ClientID , Client.ClientUID , Client.ClientAccountNumber , Client.ClientCompany , Client.ClientFirstName , Client.ClientMiddleName , Client.ClientLastName from ( select top (@PageEnd) a.* , ROW_NUMBER() over(order by a.ClientCompany) as TheCount from Client a order by a.ClientCompany) Client where Client.TheCount between @PageStart and @PageEnd end - RoLY roLLs |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
255 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-19 : 15:48:55
Ha, thanks Tara, my solution is the same as yours =) Are there any performance issues here? I'd think not, but then again, I'm not an SQL Guru like all of you - RoLY roLLs |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
255 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-19 : 15:56:27
I noticed, Tara, that your solution was one that I was going to do, but I changed it a bit, because I was concerned with performance and I'll explain what and where. take these two sprocs: (the differences are in bold)#1set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_ShowClient] @Page int , @PageSize intas declare @PageStart int , @PageEnd int , @Count int set nocount on --is this correct what i do here, setting nocount on? select @Count = count(Client.ClientID) from client set nocount off set @PageStart = (@PageSize * @Page) - @PageSize + 1; set @PageEnd = @PageSize * @Page;begin select @Count as TotalCount , Client.ClientID , Client.ClientUID , Client.ClientAccountNumber , Client.ClientCompany , Client.ClientFirstName , Client.ClientMiddleName , Client.ClientLastName from ( select top (@PageEnd) a.* , ROW_NUMBER() over(order by a.ClientCompany) as TheCount from Client a order by a.ClientCompany) Client where Client.TheCount between @PageStart and @PageEnd end versus #2set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_ShowClient] @Page int , @PageSize intas declare @PageStart int , @PageEnd int set @PageStart = (@PageSize * @Page) - @PageSize + 1; set @PageEnd = @PageSize * @Page;begin select (select count(Client.ClientID) from client) as TotalCount , Client.ClientID , Client.ClientUID , Client.ClientAccountNumber , Client.ClientCompany , Client.ClientFirstName , Client.ClientMiddleName , Client.ClientLastName from ( select top (@PageEnd) a.* , ROW_NUMBER() over(order by a.ClientCompany) as TheCount from Client a order by a.ClientCompany) Client where Client.TheCount between @PageStart and @PageEnd end Since I don't know the technical ways SQL retrieves each row, would #1 be better performace (even if just slightly) than #2? Does #2 run the nested select for EACH row generated? Even if it's optimized does it run for each time, or not? I think it does, which is why I like #1 better. I'm looking for all sides of the arguement so I can decide for myself which is best for what situation, so feel free to tell me what you think. Thanks!- RoLY roLLs |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
255 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-19 : 15:58:51
BTW Tara, been a while since I've been on here, just noticed ur name changed! Congrats on your marriage (I know it was back in Oct, but I wasn't invited :P)! Best wishes!- RoLY roLLs |