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 Creating Views within sp's

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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

324 Posts

Posted - 2001-04-27 : 10:25:20
I am trying to create a view in a stored procedure but am unable to do so in anything other than the database in which the sp is stored.

I have tried the following:-

"Use @database" - @database is passed as a parameter to the sp - cannot use "use database" in an sp!

Including the database and user as identifiers in the "create view" statement - cannot use a database identifier with a view!

Running the sp from within the database I want to create the view (the sp is stored in a different database) - the view is created in the database that the sp is stored in!

I have noticed that 'nr' has put forward the view that views are redundant in SQL 2000 anyway and that the equivalent can be done with sp's. How can I do this so that I can reference the view/sp within a query?

My final alternative is to simply create the table instead of just using the view (essentially a virtual table?). The problem with this is that the view involves joining three tables each with the same number of records, keyed on an id (1-1 link) - each table has more than 3 million records and more than 100 fields!

Any thoughts?

PS. I did like the sp regarding beer - it made me chuckle on a grim rainy day in London!


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