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Constraint Violating Yak Guru
428 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-25 : 00:28:12
I am moving my db's and logs to separate drives that are RAID 10 devices, I would like feedback on this process or suggestions/areas of improvement for my script.I have tested this on my dev/qa servers and seems to work fine.Is their a better way to move dbs and logs to separate drives, what have I missed here before I do this against my production boxes./* Location of User Databases For best performance, user database files (MDBs) should be located on their own array (RAID 1, 5, or 10), separate from all other data files, including log files. If you have multiple large databases on the same SQL Server, consider locating each separate database file(s) on its own array for less I/O contention.Location of Log Files Ideally, each log file should reside on its own separate array (RAID 1 or 10, RAID 5 will slow down transaction log writes more than you would like). The reason for this is because most of the time, transaction logs experience sequential writes, and if the array can write the data sequentially (not having to interrupt itself to perform other reads and writes), then sequential writes are very fast. But if the array can't write sequentially because it has to random perform other reads and writes, sequential writes can't be performed, and performance suffers.*/USE MASTERSet NoCount ONDeclare @Execute as bit, @DbName as sysname, @xcopy as varchar(1000), @sql as Nvarchar(2000), @cmd as NVarchar(500),@FilePrimary as varchar(255), @FileLog as varchar(255),@FileFrom as varchar(255), @DbMdfFile as varchar(255), @LogLdfFile as varchar(255), @TargetLogLocation as Varchar(255), @TargetDbLocation as Varchar(255),@sValidSource as Varchar(255), @sValidTarget as Varchar(255),@FileCount as int, @StringLength as int, @MyChar as Char(1), @FileName as Varchar(50), @iX as int, @iL as int, @iFile as int,@RelocateDATAFiles as bit, @RelocateLOGFiles as bit--******************************************************************************************--******************************************************************************************Set @Execute = 0 -- 0 = DO NOT Execute 1 = EXECUTESet @RelocateDATAFiles = 0 -- 0 = DO NOT copy 1 = COPYSet @RelocateLOGFiles = 1 -- 0 = DO NOT copy 1 = COPY--******************************************************************************************--******************************************************************************************-- 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data\'-- 'C:\MSSQL\Data\'-- SERVERS s/b -- F = DATA-- G = LOGS-- H = BACKUPSSet @TargetDbLocation = 'F:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\DATA\'Set @TargetLogLocation = 'G:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\LOG\'-- DB NAMES WITH NO OPEN CONNECTIONSSELECT DISTINCT AS DbName, d.dbid AS DbID INTO #MyDbs FROM sysdatabases d LEFT OUTER JOIN sysprocesses p ON d.dbid = p.dbidWHERE ( NOT IN ('master', 'msdb', 'tempdb', 'model', 'distribution')) and d.Name Not in(SELECT DISTINCT RTRIM(d.[name]) AS dbname --NO OPEN CONNECTIONS FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases d INNER JOIN master.dbo.sysprocesses p ON d.dbid = p.dbid)While Exists(Select * from #MyDbs)BEGIN Select Top 1 @DbName = DbName from #MyDbs Delete from #MyDbs Where DbName = @DbName-- FILE NAMES Set @iFile = 0 Set @cmd = 'Select Rtrim(Name) as FileName, Rtrim(filename) as SourceFile, ''usage'' = (case status & 0x40 when 0x40 then ''log only'' else ''data only'' end) INTO MyFiles from ' + @DbName +'..sysfiles' --PRINT '-- GENERATE FILE INFORMATION ' --PRINT @cmd exec sp_executesql @cmd Select @FileCount = Count(*) from MyFiles --Print @FileCount If @FileCount = 2 Begin--FILE NAMES AND PATH Select Top 1 @DbMdfFile = SourceFile From MyFiles Where usage = 'data only' Select Top 1 @LogLdfFile = SourceFile From MyFiles Where usage <> 'data only' --Print '-- @DbMdfFile = ' + @DbMdfFile --Print '-- @LogLdfFile = ' + @LogLdfFile--PARCE FILE FROM FULL PATH While @iFile < 2 BEGIN IF @iFile = 0 Begin Set @FileFrom = @DbMdfFile -- DATA FILE .MDF --Print 'DATA FILE .MDF ' + @FileFrom End ELSE Begin Set @FileFrom = @LogLdfFile -- LOG FILE .LDF --Print 'LOG FILE .LDF ' + @FileFrom End Set @StringLength = Len(@FileFrom) Set @iX = 1 --Print '@FileFrom = ' + @FileFrom + ' @StringLength = ' + Cast(@StringLength as VarChar(10)) + ' @iX = ' +Cast(@iX as VarChar(10)) While @iX < @StringLength Begin SELECT @MyChar = SUBSTRING(@FileFrom, @iX, 1) If @MyChar = '\' Begin Set @iL = @iX + 1 --Print @iL End Set @iX = @iX + 1 --Print ' @iX = ' +Cast(@iX as VarChar(10)) End -- @StringLength Set @StringLength = 0 IF @iFile = 0 Begin Set @FilePrimary = @TargetDbLocation + SUBSTRING(@FileFrom, @iL, Len(@FileFrom)) -- DATA FILE .MDF --Print '@FilePrimary ' + @FilePrimary End ELSE Begin Set @FileLog = @TargetLogLocation + SUBSTRING(@FileFrom, @iL, Len(@FileFrom)) -- LOG FILE .MDF --Print '@FileLog ' + @FileLog End Set @iFile = @iFile + 1 END --While @iFile Set @sValidSource = Upper(Rtrim(@DbMdfFile)) Set @sValidTarget = Upper(Rtrim(@TargetDbLocation + @DbName + '.mdf')) --Print '--@sValidSource ' + @sValidSource --Print '--@sValidTarget ' + @sValidTarget --if @sValidSource <> @sValidTarget --COPY --Begin Print '-- *********************************************************************************** ' --PRINT Upper(Rtrim(@DbMdfFile)) + ' ' + Upper(Rtrim(@TargetDbLocation + @DbName + '.mdf'))--DETACH DATABASE Print '' Print '-- DETACH DATABASE' Set @cmd = 'EXEC sp_detach_db ''' + @DbName + ''', ''true''' Print @cmd If @Execute = 1 Begin Exec(@cmd) End--COPY DATA FILE If @RelocateDATAFiles = 1 Begin Print '' Print '-- COPY DATA FILES ' Set @xcopy = 'EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''xcopy /Y /D "' + @DbMdfFile + '" "' + @TargetDbLocation + '"''' Print @xcopy If @Execute = 1 Begin Exec(@cmd) End End--COPY LOG FILE If @RelocateLOGFiles = 1 Begin Print '' Print '-- COPY LOG FILES ' Set @xcopy = 'EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''xcopy /Y /D "' + @LogLdfFile + '" "' + @TargetLogLocation + '"''' Print @xcopy If @Execute = 1 Begin Exec(@cmd) End End --Copy-- ATTACH DATABASE Print ' ' Print '-- ATTACH DATABASE' Set @cmd = 'EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname = N''' + @DbName + ''', @filename1 = N''' + @FilePrimary + ''', @filename2 = N''' + @FileLog + '''' Print @cmd If @Execute = 1 Begin Exec(@cmd) End --Print '--CONFIRM NEW FILE LOCATION ' --EXEC('Select Rtrim(Name) as FileName, Rtrim(filename) as SourceFile, ''usage'' = (case status & 0x40 when 0x40 then ''log only'' else ''data only'' end) from ' + @DbName +'..sysfiles') Print ' ' Print ' ' Print ' ' --End -- MOVE DB --Set @xcopy = ' ''xcopy ''' + @FileFrom + '' '' + @FilePrimary --Print @iFile End -- @iFile Drop Table MyFilesEND --While DBSDrop Table #MyDbs/*--VALIDATE MOVEDeclare @db as sysname, @UnionCmd as NVarChar(4000)Set NoCount OnSet @UnionCmd = ''Select [Name] as Nm INTO #MyDatabases from sysdatabases Where [Name] Not in ('master', 'msdb', 'tempdb', 'model', 'distribution') --= 'MBA' While Exists(Select * from #MyDatabases)BEGIN Select Top 1 @db = Nm from #MyDatabases Delete from #MyDatabases Where Nm = @db If Len(@UnionCmd) > 1 Begin Set @UnionCmd = @UnionCmd +' UNION ' End Set @UnionCmd = @UnionCmd + 'Select filename from ' + @db +'..sysfiles 'EndDrop Table #MyDatabases Print @UnionCmd exec sp_executesql @UnionCmd*/ |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-29 : 13:24:14
|;en-us;224071&Product=sql2kTara |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
428 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-29 : 16:34:10
Documentation... I'll note it in my procedure thanks |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1168 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-30 : 08:03:52
Clark,1) Naturally, you are going to backup the databases before doing this .2) You might want to error check before moving onto next steps - an example (bold code is new):declare @error intdeclare @ErrorPos varchar(50)Delete from #MyDbs Where DbName = @DbNameselect @error = @@errorif @Error <>0 begin set @errorpos = 'delete DB from list' goto ErrorExitPointend....your other codeErrorExitPoint:Print 'Error occurred at step: '+@ErrorPos+'! Review and ensure resolution'. What if a DB has more than 2 file's?Select @FileCount = Count(*) from MyFiles--Print @FileCountIf @FileCount = 2 3) Comment: It may be more readable if you continued consistently with the practice you use in some places of commenting the "begin" and "end" ... was trying to find the "end" for the "begin" from the "if @FileCount = 2" ... wasn't too easy (especially since you couldn't indent the code 4) Comment: you might want to add /V (verify) for the XCopy command to the production version... I am always rather safe than sorry in production. I might even go so far as to do something like a xp_cmdshell dir of the specific files to ensure that they are in the location, before the attaches.5) I would think of having some kind of success indicator's, and only on confirmed success, progress to the next step. Having said that, I haven't (yet) found a method to get a successful execution return code from an XP_Cmdshell, hence my "checking" of file copy comment above, before attempting to progress.Good Luck in production!*##* *##* *##* *##* Chaos, Disorder and Panic ... my work is done here! |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
428 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-30 : 23:05:21
Thank you for the input... I wanted to handle multiple files but I only have one db that has 4 files... this db is rather large and I found that my partitions for the new schema would not handle the size of the files all on one drive. It may have been split for performance reasons... |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1168 Posts |
Posted - 2004-12-01 : 05:02:30
Clive,Do you know if the files are split for things like indexes. At my previous site we planned and looked into have indexes in their own file group, on their own drive, to enhance performance. Unfortunately, I left before it went to production (it was quite a big exercise, since it entails moving 1000+ indexes on 700+ tables to a new filegroup). My opinion is that this is a good thing, if you have the hardware to support it. The same could hold true for "hot spot" table, imho.Handling multiple files might not otherwise be a requirement right now, but it is always nice, when possible, to design for that capability, especially if, in an emeregency, you have to add another log file to a production database, on another drive, because the drive that the DB and log was on ran out of space (a text file grew from 1MB to 5GB in one night - damned report writer's).Anyway, let me know if you find anyway to get a decent return code from the XP_CMDSHELL*##* *##* *##* *##* Chaos, Disorder and Panic ... my work is done here! |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-03-17 : 12:58:49
"I haven't (yet) found a method to get a successful execution return code from an XP_Cmdshell"IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO ***FAILED***might be something you could "catch" from XP_CmdshellKristen |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1168 Posts |
Posted - 2006-03-17 : 15:00:38
wow - blast from the past! Almost a year and a half ago!I'll see if that works - always useful to have these little tchniques tucked away. What made you respond to this one, Kristen?*##* *##* *##* *##* Chaos, Disorder and Panic ... my work is done here! |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2006-03-17 : 17:12:32
EXEC @result = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell '...'Tara Kizeraka tduggan |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-03-19 : 02:15:45
"What made you respond to this one, Kristen?"Elwoos suggested I add it to the FAQ ... I read it, responded, and have NOW seen the date!Kristen |