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Starting Member
1 Post |
Posted - 2004-11-02 : 09:06:20
hi,PLEASE HELP!we are trying to resolve this error with our database:we are trying simply to join these two tables: with this sql!select * from profile, userinfowhere profile.custid = userinfo.custid;the error message that we recieve =cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to operationwe have never come across collation conflicts before so please advise.PLEASE HELP! |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-02 : 09:09:09
You restored a database to a server that has a different collationYou need to make thew collation part of the join syntax....very painful...I rebuilt a server because of this....Brett8-) |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-02 : 09:09:25
Your PROFILE and USERINFO tables have been created with columns using different collations. Or perhaps some data has been imported which has a different collation (don't know if you can do that, but changing the collation leaves the existing data in its original collation)You can force the collation used in the comparison, but I expect it would be better to sort it out so that the columns (AND the existing data that is in them) have the same collation sequence.Kristen |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-02 : 09:12:36
X002548's "Restored Data" suggestion would account for "imported data" ... I didn't think of thatKristen |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-02 : 09:23:34
[code]select * from profile, userinfowhere profile.custid = userinfo.custid collate database_default[/code]pink for painfulrockmoose |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-03 : 01:03:12
Probably need to force collation on both sides, don't you?select * from profile, userinfowhere profile.custid collate database_default = userinfo.custid collate database_defaultKristen |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-03 : 03:47:11
quote: Originally posted by Kristen Probably need to force collation on both sides, don't you?select * from profile, userinfowhere profile.custid collate database_default = userinfo.custid collate database_defaultKristen
I had to double check, and this makes me a bit confused.( I have always prior to this just specified 1 collation clause )It seems that if you specify 1 collation clause then it applies to the whole comparison.What's your conclusion Kristen ?SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX(DB_NAME(), 'Collation')create table t1(c varchar(35) collate Albanian_CI_AI)create table t2(c varchar(35) collate database_default)insert t1 select 'text'insert t2 select 'text'select * from t1 join t2 on t1.c = t2.c collate Albanian_CI_AIselect * from t1 join t2 on t1.c = t2.c collate database_defaultselect * from t1 join t2 on t1.c collate Albanian_CI_AI = t2.cselect * from t1 join t2 on t1.c collate database_default = t2.cselect * from t1 join t2 on t1.c collate Albanian_CI_AI = t2.c collate database_defaultselect * from t1 join t2 on t1.c collate database_default = t2.c collate Albanian_CI_AIdrop table t1drop table t2-- select * from ::fn_helpcollations() rockmoose |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-03 : 03:48:38
quote: Originally posted by X002548 You need to make thew collation part of the join syntax....very painful...I rebuilt a server because of this....
Here too rockmoose |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
4110 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-03 : 03:51:53
hmm.. probably different case with ours, i just recreated the tables --------------------keeping it simple... |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-03 : 03:54:17
quote: Originally posted by jen hmm.. probably different case with ours, i just recreated the tables 
Yeah, IOC we want all the servers to run with the same server collation.rockmoose |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-03 : 13:27:52
"It seems that if you specify 1 collation clause then it applies to the whole comparison.What's your conclusion Kristen ?"Never knew that.I thought you were cheating by using a collation that was either one or other column, but select * from t1 join t2 on t1.c = t2.c collate Estonian_CS_ASworks just as well! and specifically both these fail:select * from t1 join t2 on t1.c= t2.c select * from t1 join t2 on t1.c collate Latin1_General_BIN = t2.c collate Estonian_CS_AS Kristen |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2004-11-03 : 13:46:42
Well, the collate statements I have done, just have worked.And i always thought it was a bit weird that it didn't matter if you did:col1 = col2 collate ...orcol2 = col1 collate ...One of those things that just work :)rockmoose |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
284 Posts |
Posted - 2006-02-04 : 17:49:24
Hi,I have read this thread but am still completely confusticated :(I used the generate create sql option in QA to create a script to create a table, a snippet below:CREATE TABLE [mytable] ( [timestamp] [binary] (8) NULL , [customer_code] [varchar] (8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [ship_to_code] [varchar] (8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [address_name] [varchar] (40) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [short_name] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,The collation entry still confuses me and I don't know where it is coming from?I am able to import data into the table using enterprise manager without any errors, but when I try to duplicate procedures from the other server on my local one I get the collation error.I don't understand how I can make the import data match the collation or whether I can modify the create script to omit the collation entries without stuffing everything up?Any advise would be very welcome.ThxPS just ready more posts I see the collation is set on install. I just ran the code to get the collation on the host and my local = SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASlocal_host = Latin1_General_CI_ASSO I am going to uninstall MSDE and reinstall and see if I see a setting to select the matching collation.... |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
284 Posts |
Posted - 2006-02-04 : 19:21:50
And the result is SUCCESS :)Thanks dudes, another successful fix :) |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-02-05 : 13:51:39
I recommend that you always explicitly put the COLLATE statement in any Create Table statement (including explicitly creating an #TempTable or @TableVar and using COLLATE). That way you won't get surprises on a server which has a different collation in TEMPDB, or the Server in general.Also include COLLATE directives on Assignments and WHERE clauses (string columns only) where the tables come from MULTIPLE databases.Kristen |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
284 Posts |
Posted - 2006-02-06 : 09:47:22
Hi, the create table state did have the collation clause as generated by the parent host but my local copy of MSDE had a different setting which I was unaware of until this post :) |