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Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 16:51:51
Almost Time Tara.Thanks for all the advice....Go Tara Go!Brett8-) |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 16:59:34
Annnnnddddd....1000!Woohoo!Tara |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1429 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 17:00:28
Come on Tara!Wonder how many people will reach 1,000 this week.Maybe it will be a week for the records. Damn I'm psychic For she's a jolly a good fellow, which nobody can deny Edited by - ValterBorges on 05/01/2003 17:01:46Edited by - ValterBorges on 05/01/2003 17:02:40 |
SQL Server MVP & SQLTeam MVY
846 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 17:01:23
Congratulations !!  Here's to the next 1000 |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 17:03:11
BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG SmileThats great!I guess your "officially" hooked (as I am unoffically)Great site, great people (well now anyway).Look forward to filling up the toolbox with more sql tips and tricks from you tara (Thanks for all the ones in the past).      Brett8-) |
Dr. Cross Join
7423 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 17:05:58
WOW! first Valter, now Tara -- within a few days of each other! This is like when Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa broke the single season HR mark in the same season!Congrats, Tara!- Jeff |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1429 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 17:08:35
Don't disapoint us now Jeff. Let's make it three in a week. |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 17:12:29
So is "Flowing Fount of Yak Knowledge" the new title for ones over 1000 now? I thought we get custom titles and not Page47's title .[EDIT]I had customer instead of custom, what a dork! I sometimes ask non-IT people for the documentation instead of saying paperwork. I hate it when that happens.[/EDIT]TaraEdited by - tduggan on 05/01/2003 17:20:58 |
SQL Slinging Yak Ranger
1537 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 17:13:39
Congrats Tara! A fair chunk of that 1000 was helping ME..... Thanks for all the help!!!!!! You are a Supreme SQL Master Dont drink too much       Jim |
SQL Slashing Gunting Master
3246 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 18:52:01
CONGRATULATIONSTara !!!quote: So is "Flowing Fount of Yak Knowledge" the new title for ones over 1000 now? I thought we get custom titles and not Page47's title .
There is a default title for posters when they hit 1000. For example, when I hit 1000, the default at the time was "Yak Post Master General". Then custom titles were awarded when an appropriate name came to the minds of the moderators, or if you have one in particular that you'd like, submit your request.With as fast as some people are hitting 1000 these days, I wouldn't be surprised to see SQL Tornado show up for someone. ------------------------------------------------------The more you know, the more you know you don't know.Edited by - AjarnMark on 05/01/2003 18:52:54 |
SQL Slashing Gunting Master
3246 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 18:58:01
quote: Don't disapoint us now Jeff. Let's make it three in a week.
And if that SQL Gigolo, Justin Bigelow, gets goin' it could be 4 in one week! Quick...somebody start making references to beer, or to the fact that Krystal is still waiting for that ring...------------------------------------------------------The more you know, the more you know you don't know. |
Funky Drop Bear Fearing SQL Dude!
4970 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 20:44:47
quote: So is "Flowing Fount of Yak Knowledge" the new title for ones over 1000 now? I thought we get custom titles and not Page47's title .
Geeez, ya clock over 1000 posts while I am asleep in another timezone and complain about a custom title not magically appearing!!!! Night Elf for you Seriously though, CONGRATS!!!! on 1000 posts, thanks for all the useful goodies you have posted here for people. Here's to ya As for a custom title, well... I'm open to suggestions..Damian |
SQL Gigolo
1157 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 21:21:03
Damn your cold black heart Tara  Justin"Contrary to its syntax GETDATE() still leaves you alone on Friday night." |
Chief SQLTeam Crack Dealer
4149 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 21:40:52
Wow! Congratulations! It looks like we've got a couple of custom titles to hand out. And we'll need something new for 1,000 posts title.===============================================Creating tomorrow's legacy systems today.One crisis at a time. |
Starting Member
392 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 21:51:44
Amid all this cheer,Please recharge your beer,Then raise your glass my friend...I propose a toast,To one little post,That knocked Bigelow out of "The Ten" |
Aged Yak Warrior
547 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 21:59:26
Congrats, Tara!!A custom title suggestion: How about Glass Ceiling Smasher? Or maybe SQL Princess Warrior?Tara, you're an inspiration to women in IT. Woohoo!My next goal (which probably will never happen, unless Tara decides she's had enough of SQL and she wants to sell ice cream instead) is to beat Tara as the woman with the highest post count... Unless one of you other guys on the first page is masquerading as a man... Have a great one!Sarah Berger MCSDEdited by - simondeutsch on 05/01/2003 22:01:01 |
Most Valuable Yak
15732 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 22:15:19
quote: Unless one of you other guys on the first page is masquerading as a man...
That would be mfemenel...YOU KICK ASS TARA!Let's see:Yak Mistress ExtraordinaireGo! Go! Go! YaketteDamn, it's even more difficult to incorporate the word "Yak" and come up with esteemed titles for women. Use Sarah's suggestions instead. |
Starting Member
392 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 22:18:59
generic title for the girls..."Likes to yak"(ducking & weaving) |
Aged Yak Warrior
547 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 23:40:35
Rob, do you have any icon like the beer-drinking-smilie to show a Pac-man eating Tim's head?Sarah Berger MCSD |
The Chadinator
1974 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-01 : 23:55:30
Congrats Tara,That was pretty darn fast. Keep up the good work.-Chad http://www.clrsoft.comSoftware built for the Common Language Runtime. |
Sheikh of Yak Knowledge
1456 Posts |
Posted - 2003-05-02 : 05:48:30
MABROOK YA TARA!!Which of course means, Congratulations Tara! I dont know how many people would be using servers as bar stools, if it wasnt for you. Go, girl!!My suggestion: Yak Admin Queen ...any takers?OS |
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