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Posted - 2000-12-18 : 08:51:12
Del writes "I'm currently running the following dynamic SQL to delete a large number of records from a table that is updated on a daily basis, thus the number of rows to be deleted also varies:
select 'DELETE FROM schema.tbale_A WHERE x = '||x||';' FROM schema.table_a WHERE x IN (SELECT DISTINCT(x) FROM schema.table_b WHERE TRUNC(DT_ENTRY) = trunc(sysdate)-1);
How can I ammend this/create one so that chunks of rows are being deleted in one go e.g. 100 at a time. I tried the following PL/SQL but this is in effect the same as the above: ================================================================ declare
cursor c1 is select x from schema.table_a WHERE x IN (SELECT DISTINCT(x) FROM schema.table_b WHERE TRUNC(DT_ENTRY) = trunc(sysdate)-1);
tot_rows number; icount number := 0; begin open c1; loop fetch c1 into tot_rows; exit when c1%notfound; if icount > 99 then commit; icount := 0; end if; dbms_output.put_line('DELETE FROM schema.table_a WHERE x = '||tot_rows||';'); icount := icount + 1; END LOOP; close c1; end; =============================================================== (Using ORACLE 8i)
Thanks in advance, Del." |