Hello,I am not very well versed at querying against Sql Server and I have been having a little trouble getting the data how I want it. Hopefully someone here is kind enough to assist. I thank you ahead of time :-)Let me start off with my table layouts.------------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Competition] ( [Id] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [Name] NVARCHAR (150) NOT NULL, [Remarks] NVARCHAR (350) NULL, [Start] DATETIME NOT NULL, [IsActive] BIT NULL, [End] DATETIME NOT NULL, [Container] NVARCHAR (65) NOT NULL, [RulesUrl] NVARCHAR(100) NULL, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC));CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Entries] ( [Id] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [UserId] INT NOT NULL, [SpeciesId] INT NOT NULL, [Length] FLOAT (53) NOT NULL, [Remarks] NVARCHAR (350) NULL, [Points] FLOAT (53) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL, [IsApproved] BIT NULL, [CompetitionId] INT NOT NULL, [CatchDate] DATETIME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC), CONSTRAINT [FK_Entries_UserId] FOREIGN KEY ([UserId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Users] ([Id]), CONSTRAINT [FK_Entries_Competition] FOREIGN KEY ([CompetitionId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Competition] ([Id]), CONSTRAINT [FK_Entries_SpeciesId] FOREIGN KEY ([SpeciesId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[FishSpecies] ([Id]));CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EntryImages] ( [Id] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [EntryId] INT NOT NULL, [ImageUrl] NVARCHAR (350) NOT NULL, [FileName] NVARCHAR (255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC), CONSTRAINT [FK_EntryImages_EntryId] FOREIGN KEY ([EntryId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Entries] ([Id]));
------------------------------------------------------Then here is my query with the problem below. The problem is that multiple EntryImages can relate to a single Entry. My goal is to only select one Row for each Entry (using @EntrySelection) but when I join to EntryImages I always get back multiple rows when an Entry has multiple EntryImages.------------------------------------------------------Declare @EntrySelection int= 10 select top (@EntrySelection) [dbo].Entries.Id, [dbo].Entries.CatchDate, [dbo].Entries.CompetitionId, [dbo].Competition.Name, [dbo].EntryImages.ImageUrl, [dbo].Entries.[Length] from [dbo].Entries inner join [dbo].Competition on [dbo].Entries.CompetitionId=[dbo].Competition.Id inner join [dbo].EntryImages on [dbo].Entries.Id=[dbo].EntryImages.EntryId order by [dbo].Entries.Id desc
------------------------------------------------------Please help and thank you very much.-Ray