I need to select a row with Max Date and time. Date and time are placed in two columns.Here is what I have:select Max(date1+Time1), Id from table1 (this is returning more than one row.CREATE TABLE TABLE1( [ID] INT, [DATE1] [datetime] NOT NULL, [TIME1] [datetime] NULL, [WK] INT ) INSERT INTO Table1 (ID,DATE1,TIME1, WK) VALUES ('1111','2013-09-25', '2000-01-01 10:49:00.000', '1');INSERT INTO Table1 (ID,DATE1,TIME1, WK) VALUES ('1111','2013-09-25', '2000-01-01 10:15:00.000', '2');INSERT INTO Table1 (ID,DATE1,TIME1, WK) VALUES ('1112','2013-09-25', '2000-01-01 11:11:00.000', '1');INSERT INTO Table1 (ID,DATE1,TIME1, WK) VALUES ('1112','2013-09-25', '2000-01-01 10:49:00.000', '2');Desire outcomeID DATE1 TIME1 WK1111 2013-09-25 2000-01-01 10:49:00.000 11112 2013-09-25 2000-01-01 11:11:00.000 1