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Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 2012-06-23 : 16:35:21
I have a problem for creating a computed (computation of two columns from different tables), for instance: Create table employees(EmpID ... BillableHours (computed column))I don't know how to implement that since everything I tried failed.Also, when it comes to inserting data into tables, I get this error msg:' msg 8152,string or binary data would be truncated' I don't understand what is wrong! |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2012-06-23 : 18:55:44
what's calculation you want to apply for the column?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 2012-06-24 : 03:29:48
the product of two or more columns: humanresources.billimgrate * projectdetails.hoursworked to be saved in projectdetails.billablehours. |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2012-06-24 : 13:10:44
ok..that cant be done by means of simple expressions as component columns are in different table. How are tables related?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQL Server MVP |
Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 2012-06-25 : 13:27:49
create table HumanResources.Employees (EmployeeID smallint identity(00001,1) constraint pkem_ei primary key(employeeid) ,FirstName varchar(30) not null ,LastName varchar(30) ,Title varchar(30) not null constraint cti_di check(title in ('Trainee','Team Member','Team Leader','Project Manager','Senior Project Manager')) ,Phone char(15) not null constraint phc_di check(phone like ('[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]')) ,[b]BillingRate[\b] money constraint cbi_di check(billingrate > 0))I.1 the phc_ci Phone check constraint doesn't work, the numbers don't fit in the patterncreate table ProjectDetails.TimeCards (TimeCardID smallint identity(00001,1) constraint pk_tcid_ei primary key(TimeCardID) ,EmployeeID smallint constraint fk_empidtc_ei foreign key references Humanresources.employees(EmployeeID) ,DateIssued datetime ,DaysWorked datetime constraint ck_dyswrkd_di check(DaysWorked > 0) ,ProjectID smallint constraint fkpj_ei foreign key references projectdetails.projects(projectid) ,[b]BillableHours[\b] smallint constraint ck_billhrs_di check(BillableHours > 0) ,[b]TotalCost[\b] int ,WorkCodeID smallint constraint fk_wrkcde_ri foreign key references projectdetails.workcodes(WorkCodeID) )GOI.2 TotalCost should be automatically calculated by using the following formula: TotalCost = BillableHours * BillingRateII.1 If a credit card is not used for payments, CreditCardNumber, CardHoldersName and CreditCardExpDate should be NULL.II.2 If a credit card is used, the CreditCardExpDate value should be greater than the paymentDate.create type descrypefrom varchar(100) not nullcreate table Payment.PaymentMethod (PaymentMethodID smallint identity(00001,1) constraint pkpmi_ei primary key(paymentmethodid) ,Description descrype)create table Payment.Payments (PaymentID smallint identity(00001,1) constraint pkpi_ei primary key(paymentid) ,ProjectID smallint constraint fkpj_ei foreign key references projectdetails.projects(projectid) ,PaymentMethodID smallint constraint fk_paymethd_ri foreign key references payment.paymentmethod(paymentmethodid) ,PaymentAmount money constraint cpa_di check(paymentamount > 0) ,PaymentDue money null ,PaymentDate datetime ,CreditCardNumber char(20) ,CardHoldersName varchar(30) ,CreditCardExpDate datetime))goI have fired this trigger for these business rules:alter trigger aftrig_ppcc on payment.paymentsafter updateasdeclare @paymethd smallintselect @paymethd = paymentmethodid from payment.payments if @paymethd = 2 begin update payment.payments set creditcardnumber = null, cardholdersname = null, creditcardexpdate = null where paymentmethodid = 2endelse if @paymethd = 1begin declare @cced datetime, @paydate datetime select @cced = creditcardexpdate from payment.payments select @paydate = paymentdate from payment.payments if @cced < @paydate begin print 'The Credit Card expiry date should be greater than the payment date' rollback transaction endendgoIt works for II.2 but not for II.1 . Thank you for your help! |