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Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-18 : 15:54:13
Consider this table- directorykey directoryname substructureof 1 \engineering\ <NULL> 2 group1\ 1 3 group2\ 1 4 group3\ 1 5 sub1\ 4 6 sub2\ 4 I'm using this Select statement- SELECT d3.directoryname + d2.directoryname + d1.directoryname AS full_path FROM directory d1, directory d2, directory d3 WHERE d1.directorykey = 3 AND d1.substructureof = d2.directorykey AND d2.substructureof = d3.directorykey; In the WHERE clause, if I set d1.directorykey >= 5 then I will get the path. If in the WHERE clause, I set d1.directorykey < 5 I get nothing....and in my code I get all kinds of BOF or EOF are TRUE error messages. This tells me that I might need to do some conditional stuff in the WHERE clause so that if someone chooses a group instead of a sub, I can still get the path info. Can I do conditional stuff within a Select statement or do I need to figure out a way to do what I want in my code? I'm also thinking that I need a Stored Proc that dynamically creates a query based on the directory key passed in, and how many iterations it takes to get to the top-level directory record. Has anyone done this kinda stuff before? Any ideas to get me going? Thanks! |
Pointy Haired Yak DBA
4184 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-18 : 16:02:14
There are a lot of ways to deal with this. You could just test for the existence of a return set on your directory number first though. If there is a not exists, return a '' at the end of the procedure using a goto on the test. Be sure to have your code handle the blanks. Otherwise you will get errors, because it can't handle the return set.One quick, dirty way to do it.Derrick |
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-18 : 16:10:20
I think this does what I will need it to do...although I hadn't exactly anticipated I'd have to get into it this deep. reasons I should pursue this solution?TIA |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
312 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-18 : 16:58:48
1. You will never need to rewrite queries based on how deep you need to go.2. Without using join after join your query will notice an increase in speed.Your other option is to write a recurrsive stored procedure to return the results for you, but the single query using depth will be much faster. If you ever needed to insert into the tree set you could easily reorder the depth with a little logic.I have come across a similar situation using depth and parents to display a message board without having to use multiple joins or recurssive procedures, using the depth functionality and it worked out pretty nicely.Got SQL? |
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-19 : 16:26:02
Ok...I've got my table updated to show the depth and lineage, but i'm still not sure how to use it.I'm joining my directory table to an uploaded files table. The ufiles table contains stuff like file name, file extension, size, create date, modify date, etc...Here's my new directory table-directorykey directoryname substructureof depth lineage 100 /root/ <NULL> 0 / 101 group1/ 100 1 /100/ 102 group2/ 100 1 /100/ 103 group3/ 100 1 /100/ 104 sub1/ 103 2 /100/103/ 105 sub2/ 103 2 /100/103/I would like to be able to return full paths (and portions thereof)...and previous to adding depth and lineage I was trying to use this syntax-SELECT d3.directoryname + d2.directoryname + d1.directoryname + U.fname AS full_pathFROM ufiles U, directory d1, directory d2, directory d3WHERE d1.directorykey = 105 AND d1.substructureof = d2.directorykey AND d2.substructureof = d3.directorykey;The problem with this Select statement is that if I enter 101,102, or 103 in the WHERE d1.directorykey = clause I get no results.Can someone help me with a sample Select statement to get me going?That would be a huge help.Thanks!BTW- Windows 2000 SQL Server 7 |
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-26 : 13:20:20
Still desperate for some help on this ^^^^Can anyone help me get going with some syntax?Thanks in advance. |
Most Valuable Yak
15732 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-26 : 13:46:55
Sorry, what do you want the output to look like? Can you provide an example? |
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-26 : 15:11:44
I would like the out put to contain full path information and the file name.file name would come from my ufiles table, and the path information would come from my directory table shown above.The final result would look something like-/root/group1/sub1/filename.txtThanks!!! |
Most Valuable Yak
15732 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-26 : 15:19:47
Why not just store the full path of the file name in your database, instead of structuring it using ID's and a hierarchy? You can modify the lineage column to accomplish this. You really can't use the ID's in the lineage column because you can't substitute the file name for its respective ID value. |
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-26 : 15:27:03
I guess it's my understanding that an adjaceny model would make my data more relational. No?I can store full path information for each file- but it would be nice if the file name, file size, file type, created date, etc...was independent of it's location.The same question applies to the organization chart- why can't I just store supervisor, boss, big boss data in each employee row?I could....but would I really want to???? |
Most Valuable Yak
15732 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-26 : 15:45:37
It's not the data or how you're storing it, it's how you want to display it. The other attributes are still independent of its path. You want to display the PATH, but you're storing the HIERARCHY/LINEAGE. They are not the exact same thing. If you were to display the data in a nested fashion:/root/ folder1/ file1.txt file2.txt folder2/ file2.txt file3.txt Then you could do that using the lineage and depth, because you're only displaying one file name. Since you want to display the whole path:/root//root/folder1//root/folder1/file1.txt/root/folder1/file2.txt/root/folder2//root/folder2/file2.txt/root/folder2/file3.txt The only way to do this without storing the names in the lineage column is to do a funky replace operation on it, and it will most likely require multiple passes through the data. |
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-26 : 16:04:49
quote: If you were to display the data in a nested fashion:/root/ folder1/ file1.txt file2.txt folder2/ file2.txt file3.txt Then you could do that using the lineage and depth, because you're only displaying one file name.
Can you show me the syntax for this SELECT?My ultimate goal is to use the data on some ASP pages where the user can upload a file, and specify the subfolder and group under root.I'm guessing I can always massage the data in VBScript...i'm just trying to sort out the best way to get the data in and out of SQL Server most efficiently and logically.I need full path as in /root/group/sub/filename so that I can ultimately provide a link that the user can click on to download the file.If it's better to store full path info with the file, I'll do that.Thanks for the continued help on this.... |
Most Valuable Yak
15732 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-26 : 16:32:37
SELECT Space(10*Depth) + DirectoryName AS DirectoryFROM DirectoryORDER BY Lineage + DirectoryNameIt might need some tweaking, but that's the general form. |
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-26 : 16:43:32
The ORDER BY clause puts the subs before the groups.It shows up correctly if the ORDER BY is removed.Soooo...I still need full path info in the lineage column?Damn...just seems like there must be some really cool elegant way to construct the path and filename with the current schema...Oh well...maybe not.Thanks for all the help. |
Posting Yak Master
218 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-27 : 10:58:57
THis requires a loop, but this will do it:Declare @DirectoryName Varchar(50), @directorykey INTSELECT @directorykey = 105SELECT @DirectoryName = ''WHILE 1=1BEGIN SELECT @DirectoryName = directoryname + @DirectoryName, @directorykey = substructureof FROM #TEMP WHERE directorykey = @directorykey-- SELECT "@DirectoryName" = @DirectoryName,-- "@directorykey" = @directorykey IF @directorykey IS NULL BREAKENDSELECT @DirectoryName |
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-27 : 12:05:42
This is interesting, but it doesn't seem to do anything.It returns with "1 row effected" but no results show up or anything...Can I get some additional clarification on what this is doing, or how I should be using it?Thanks a million! |
Posting Yak Master
218 Posts |
Posted - 2002-06-27 : 12:11:44
This returns the full path for a given Directory Key. Is that not what you need. Here is the test data I used:SELECT directorykey, directoryname, substructureofINTO #TEMPFROM (SELECT 100 as "directorykey", '/root/' as "directoryname", NULL as "substructureof" UNION SELECT 101, 'group1/', 100 UNION SELECT 102, 'group2/', 100 UNION SELECT 103, 'group3/', 100 UNION SELECT 104, 'sub1/', 103 UNION SELECT 105, 'sub2/', 103) AS A |