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 if not exists (exec(@sql)

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Posting Yak Master

162 Posts

Posted - 2010-10-29 : 16:23:25
I have a dynamically built sql statement.

I need to know when executed if it returns any results. if not I need to execute another sql statement.



i get an error on the exec -- how do i get around this?

Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

3385 Posts

Posted - 2010-10-29 : 16:30:17
insert into a temp table and check if that is empty?
Put the logic inside the dynamic sql so you only execute one statment?

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Posting Yak Master

162 Posts

Posted - 2010-10-29 : 16:32:43
im trying to execute one query. if i get no results then I want to execute another -- how would i put that logic into a sql statement?
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

4507 Posts

Posted - 2010-10-29 : 16:33:50
EXEC (@SQLStatement)
If @@RowCount = 0

Depends what that dynamic SQL is doing whether that will work or not.

Gail Shaw
SQL Server MVP
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

3385 Posts

Posted - 2010-10-29 : 16:38:13
Add it to your dynamic sql
select @sql = '
if exists (select * from tbl)
select * from tbl
select * from tbl2'
exec (@sql)

An issue with Gail's suggestion might be that the first exec will return an empty resultset if no rows - that might not be a problem though.

Cursors are useful if you don't know sql.
DTS can be used in a similar way.
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Posting Yak Master

162 Posts

Posted - 2010-10-29 : 17:03:51
im trying to speed it up so i dont think putting it in the logic and running the query twice is a good option

as for the

EXEC (@SQLStatement)
If @@RowCount = 0

EXEC (@SQLStatement)
If @@RowCount = 0
Print 'here'
Print 'here1'

doest print
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Posting Yak Master

162 Posts

Posted - 2010-10-29 : 17:23:19
putting the logic in the dynamic sql gives me the desired result

but doesnt this run the query twice:

if exists (select * from tbl)
select * from tbl

is there a way around this?
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

3385 Posts

Posted - 2010-10-29 : 18:29:07
select @sql = 'select * into #a from @tbl
if exists (select * from #a)
select * from #a
select * from tbl2'
exec (@sql)

Cursors are useful if you don't know sql.
DTS can be used in a similar way.
Beer is not cold and it isn't fizzy.
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

3385 Posts

Posted - 2010-10-29 : 18:42:06
New topic for this bit of the question at

Cursors are useful if you don't know sql.
DTS can be used in a similar way.
Beer is not cold and it isn't fizzy.
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