To demonstrate what I mean, here's some SQL. The database engine in SQL Server can't produce utf-8 itself, so I've written a little function to take an nvarchar(max) string and return a varbinary(max) containing the octets (bytes) of the utf-8 encoding. It's not supposed to be production quality, but it's good enough for your strings.So we take your original strings, encode them as utf-8, misinterpret the utf-8 bytes as code page 437 and finally downconvert into code page 1252. So the first column in the output is what you had on the left hand side, and the last column is what you had on the right hand side.The round_tripped_through_utf8 column in the output was just to give me some assurance that the conversion function worked well enough!CREATE FUNCTION dbo.nvarchar_to_utf8_varbinary(@s nvarchar(max))RETURNS varbinary(max)BEGIN DECLARE @i int, @l int, @c int, @res varbinary(max) SET @res = 0x SET @i = 0 SET @l = DATALENGTH(@s) / 2 WHILE @i < @l BEGIN SET @i = @i + 1 SET @c = UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@s, @i, 1)) -- just explode if we find anything that looks like a UTF-16 surrogate: IF @c BETWEEN 0xD800 AND 0xDFFF SET @res = @res + (SELECT 1/0) SET @res = @res + CASE WHEN @c < 0x0080 THEN CAST(@c AS varbinary(1)) WHEN @c < 0x0800 THEN CAST(0xC080 | ((@c & 0xFC0) * 0x0004) | (@c & 0x003F) AS varbinary(2)) ELSE CAST(0xE08080 | ((@c & 0xF000) * 0x0010) | ((@c & 0x0FC0) * 0x0004) | (@c & 0x003F) AS varbinary(3)) END END RETURN @resENDGOSELECT *, ISNULL((SELECT CAST(NULL AS varchar(max)) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN), utf8_octets_interpreted_as_cp437) AS cp437_downcast_to_cp1252FROM ( SELECT *, CAST(CAST(utf8_encoded_in_varbinary AS xml) AS nvarchar(max)) AS round_tripped_through_utf8, ISNULL((SELECT CAST(NULL AS varchar(max)) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Cp437_BIN), utf8_encoded_in_varbinary) AS utf8_octets_interpreted_as_cp437 FROM ( SELECT original_string, dbo.nvarchar_to_utf8_varbinary(original_string) AS utf8_encoded_in_varbinary FROM ( SELECT N'Intel Core™' AS original_string UNION ALL SELECT N'FP202W 20”' UNION ALL SELECT N'kijken van familiefoto’s' UNION ALL SELECT N'benötigen' UNION ALL SELECT N'Ladegerät' ) AS A ) AS A ) AS AGO