Hello all. I have a syntax problem that I can't seem to figure out. I have a multi-statement valued table function that accepts 3 parameters. A guid for an image file, a maximum height parameter and a maximum width parameter. I need to join on the function to get the resized height and width for the image. I have not worked with a table function with more than one parameter before. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? Here is part of the body of the stored procedure:SELECT *FROM CHILD CINNER JOIN dbo.CHILD_CASE CC ON CC.CHILD_GUID = C.CHILD_GUID INNER JOIN dbo.CHILD_IMAGE CI ON CI.CHILD_CASE_GUID = CC.CHILD_CASE_GUIDINNER JOIN dbo.SITE_IMAGE SI ON SI.SITE_IMAGE_GUID = CI.SITE_IMAGE_GUID INNER JOIN dbo.fun_ResizeImage_asTable(SI.SITE_IMAGE_GUID, 300, 250) IR WHERE CHILD_PLACED = 0
Here is part of the code for the function:CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fun_ResizeImage_asTable] ( @ImageGuid varchar(36), @intImageMaxHeight int, @intImageMaxWidth int) RETURNS @Results TABLE ( ImageHeight int, ImageWidth int )AS BEGIN ... RETURN END
When I try to compile it I get an error "Incorrect syntax near '.'." My function works great, so I didn't include code for it. The stored proc above is what is giving me problems.Thanks!AjHey, it compiles.