Hi,The purpose of this stored procedure is to dynamically create insert statements for every record in a table. This is useful if you need to transfer data from one database to another and there is no direct communication between the two servers. The sproc takes 2 parameters: tableName and ExcludeIdentity. The output is a series of insert statements. One for each record in the table.Here is some history: along time ago I recieved some help from "Nr" to dynamically create an insert statement based on data in a table. Since the origin of the script came from sqlteam, I'd like to provide an enhancement.Here is the original post:http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=26891Here is the updated sproc (handles additional data types, identities etc)CREATE PROCEDURE sp_CreateDataLoadScript-- this sproc scripts out data from a supplied table into a sql insert script(@TblName varchar(128),@ExcludeIdentity bit = 0) ASDECLARE @id int ,@maxid int,@cmd1 varchar(7000) ,@cmd2 varchar(7000) ,@hasIdentity bit,@exIdentity bit,@identityOn varchar(200),@identityOff varchar(200)SET NOCOUNT ON-- if exclude identity is false (default), then make sure all columns are included-- if exclude identity is true (override), then make sure not to include the identity columnIF @ExcludeIdentity = 0 SET @exIdentity = nullELSE SET @exIdentity = 0-- create temp tableCREATE TABLE #a ( id INT identity (1,1) ,ColType int ,ColName varchar(128)) -- get schema info and insert into temp tableINSERT #a ( ColType ,ColName) SELECT dt.ColType ,dt.ColNameFROM( SELECT ORDINAL_POSITION ,CASE WHEN DATA_TYPE LIKE '%char%' THEN 1 WHEN DATA_TYPE LIKE '%date%' THEN 2 WHEN DATA_TYPE LIKE '%bit%' THEN 3 WHEN DATA_TYPE LIKE '%varbinary%' THEN 4 ELSE 0 END AS ColType ,COLUMN_NAME AS ColName ,(SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(TABLE_NAME), COLUMN_NAME, 'IsIdentity')) AS IsIdentity FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = @TblName )AS dtWHERE dt.IsIdentity = COALESCE(@exIdentity, dt.IsIdentity) -- if exclude is true return all except for identity column (else return all)ORDER BY dt.ORDINAL_POSITION -- check to see if table has identity columnSELECT @hasIdentity = CAST(SUM(dt.IsIdentity) AS Bit)FROM( SELECT (SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(TABLE_NAME), COLUMN_NAME, 'IsIdentity')) AS IsIdentity FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = @TblName) AS dt-- if excludeIdentity parameter is true, override identity settingsIF @ExcludeIdentity = 1 SET @hasIdentity = 0-- get ordinal positions of table columnsSELECT @id = 0 ,@maxid = MAX(id) FROM #a SELECT @cmd1 = 'select '' insert ' + @TblName + ' ( ' SELECT @cmd2 = ' + '' select '' + ' WHILE @id < @maxid BEGIN -- get next column id SELECT @id = MIN(id) FROM #a WHERE id > @id -- build column name list SELECT @cmd1 = @cmd1 + '[' + ColName + '],' FROM #a WHERE id = @id -- build column value list SELECT @cmd2 = @cmd2 + ' case when [' + ColName + '] is null ' + ' then ''null'' ' + ' else ' + CASE WHEN ColType = 1 THEN ''''''''' + replace([' + ColName + '],'''''''','''''''''''') + ''''''''' -- replace single apostrophes with double WHEN ColType = 2 THEN ''''''''' + convert(char(9),[' + ColName + '],112) + convert(char(12),[' + ColName+ '],114) + ''''''''' -- properly format dates WHEN ColType = 3 THEN ''''''''' + convert(char(1),[' + ColName + ']) + ''''''''' -- properly format bits/booleans WHEN ColType = 4 THEN '''convert(varbinary(100),'' + master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr([' + ColName + ']) + '')''' -- properly handle varbinary data (convert to hexstr and back) ELSE ''''''''' + convert(varchar(500),[' + ColName + ']) + ''''''''' --convert numeric into varchar so can append to @cmd2 END + ' end + '','' + ' FROM #a WHERE id = @id END -- clean upSELECT @cmd1 = LEFT(@cmd1,LEN(@cmd1)-1) + ' ) '' ' SELECT @cmd2 = LEFT(@cmd2,LEN(@cmd2)-8) + ' from ' + @tblName -- if contains identity column, need to turn identiyInsert onIF @hasIdentity = 1 BEGIN SET @identityOn = 'select ''SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' + @TblName + ' ON''' --PRINT(@identityOn) EXEC(@identityOn) END--PRINT(@cmd1 + @cmd2)EXEC(@cmd1 + @cmd2) IF @hasIdentity = 1 BEGIN SET @identityOff = 'select ''SET IDENTITY_INSERT ' + @TblName + ' OFF''' --PRINT(@identityOff) EXEC(@identityOff) ENDDROP TABLE #aSET NOCOUNT OFFGO