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Yak Posting Veteran
72 Posts |
Posted - 2008-10-26 : 10:09:50
I'd be interested to read your lifts, workout schedule, measurements etc, as well as the amusing anecdotes of how a new protein recipe you tried had a lovely fragrance in your kitchen the night before, but stank out the department when you lifted the lid the next day...:) |
Aged Yak Warrior
938 Posts |
Posted - 2008-10-31 : 01:48:42
Im not implying anything, im just curious how many responses you would get by posting "Any DBAs here?" on a bodybuilding forum. :) |
Posting Yak Master
221 Posts |
Posted - 2008-10-31 : 11:06:56
Not a bodybuilder per-sey, but I've been weightlifting 3-4 times a week the last eight months or so. I'm trying to improve my physical strength & stamina in order to help with my racetrack riding skills (motorcycle).The only protien recipies I'm doing are the generic protein shakes and a creatine/glucose/phosphate product.I'm preparing to go amatuer roadracing in 2010 (after I turn 40 at the end of 2009) in the WERA West F-40 (40+ years old) group. I've put on a solid ten pounds of weight and converted probably another ten pounds of fat to muscle. I'm weighing in at ~155 pounds and am able to keep my bodyfat at around 12% fairly consistently now. Trying to get to 160 pounds before I start racing, which seems attainable. The hard part for me is keeping the weight on...metabolisim is super fast.Your friendly High-Tech Janitor: |
Yak Posting Veteran
72 Posts |
Posted - 2008-10-31 : 15:53:28
quote: Originally posted by Haywood Not a bodybuilder per-sey, but I've been weightlifting 3-4 times a week the last eight months or so. I'm trying to improve my physical strength & stamina in order to help with my racetrack riding skills (motorcycle).The only protien recipies I'm doing are the generic protein shakes and a creatine/glucose/phosphate product.I'm preparing to go amatuer roadracing in 2010 (after I turn 40 at the end of 2009) in the WERA West F-40 (40+ years old) group. I've put on a solid ten pounds of weight and converted probably another ten pounds of fat to muscle. I'm weighing in at ~155 pounds and am able to keep my bodyfat at around 12% fairly consistently now. Trying to get to 160 pounds before I start racing, which seems attainable. The hard part for me is keeping the weight on...metabolisim is super fast.
Ahhhh, the hard-gainer. I'm not sure what roadracing consists of - apart from what I do at after waking up late and taking the back roads into work - but from what you describe, you just need to keep your cals high and make every protein load about 50g's. I create tuna drinks - yes, DRINKS - and I chug a couple down at my desk mid morning and just before I leave for the day.I would cut the 4th session out and go for a 3-day split, your metabolism is high enough by nature without you revving it up further still, which would hamper your efforts to slam on lean muscle tissue.What does your workout schedule look like? Are you doing any compounds (Squats, Deadlifts etc)? |
Posting Yak Master
221 Posts |
Posted - 2008-10-31 : 16:43:35
Basically racing sportbikes on closed circuits - just like you might see on tv, except I'm a lot slower than the pros. ;) It takes quite a bit to physcially muscle a 400+ pound machine at speeds over 150mph around a racetrack. Highest cornerspeeds we see on a few racetracks is in the 135-140mph range (depends on how fast you really are)....I dunno if I could do much more than the protien shakes and CGP products. A tuna drink sounds pretty hardcore! o_0Workout schedule is three reps of ten and a fourth rep of fifteen (if I can make it). Takes me about an hour to run through.Raised bench pressSitups - x2 per rep (goin for the abs, b'rby!) cuz I canLeg curl (forward)Standing curl Upright rowWeighted squats Leg curl (rear)Overhead extensionBenchfly pullsRinse repeat. :)It's working pretty good, and I am pretty much on the every-other-day with the occasional two to three day off as the body/joints require it. But yeah, my metabolisim has picked up (along with my consumption) as part of it. Feel great though, best I've probably felt in the last fifteen years or so. And it's not that hard to do...Your friendly High-Tech Janitor: |
Yak Posting Veteran
72 Posts |
Posted - 2008-10-31 : 18:25:50
That biking stuff sounds suitably dirty little pastime is Boxing, I appreciate a partner who goes at it hard, doesn't worry about protective wear, and doesn't hold back. Yes, I hear a few kids giggling in the background with the double entendre, I hope they're pleased to know they're right THERE too. But back to business.Tuna drinks don't have to taste foul, in fact if you use plenty of tomato and other sauce, it can taste quite pleasant indeed. My recipe is:1-2 tins Tuna;1-2 chopped onion;1 tin chopped tomatoes;2 tbspns Chilli sauce;2 tbspns Brown sauce.Multiply the amounts by two, dump the whole lot into a blender and let her whirr away. Yum...Ok, your schedule can be improved to almost magical extents here. You need to increase the weights to the point where you can only do 4-6 reps for 3 sets. This range is the optimum for gaining LMT, what you are doing is building your muscle mass a bit, and strenghtening your tendons nicely. While this is great for someone who is just beginning, and puts you in a good position to make FUTURE gains, you need to move to intermediate training to see some REALLY spectacular ones.Okay, I would split your training up as folllows:Monday - Legs. Squats OR Deadlifts. If you do nothing else in your entire workout for the whole week and rest of your life, PLEASE do these. Nothing builds mass, both upper body as well as lower, like these. They are simply the finest methods for packing on muscle known to man. Toss in some leg curls and calf raises here, by all means, but allocate priority to the squat and the D/L.Wednesday - Pull. All the exercise that involve you pulling a weight towards you, and here, I strongly recommend the Bent-over row. Vary your grip width, don't be afraid to experiment with width as you will target subtly different sections of your lats. Likewise with Overhead Pulldowns, and here, for inner lat work, you can turn your palms in towards you, which also balloooooooons your biceps.Friday - Push. Bench, overhead press (preferably standing). Throw in some flys for your pecs, some guys think that JUST the bench will bring out their chests - NOTHING works like flys, as they directly target the Pec Major and Minor too. You don't need to allocate a special day to hit arms if We and Fri are hard enough. You should be able to pack on another couple of inches to your Bi's in a few months just by the switchover.Joints - take some hi-strength Glucosamine Sulphate with Chondroitin, a couple of tbspns of Olive Oil on your salad for the Omega 6, as well as keeping your EPA/EFA (Omega3's) very high indeed, and I find tablets are the quickest, most convenient method here.Outside the gym - need I also mention, get plenty of sleep, and don't let anyone hassle you excessively about slow-running queries!!:) |
Posting Yak Master
221 Posts |
Posted - 2008-11-01 : 10:54:03
Thanks for the tips, Jaybee! Much apprecciate them. I'll have a shot at splitting up my routines as you said. Sounds like you know more about it than I do.Already a huge fan (and consumer) of glucosamine & chondrointin. Been taking it for years joints are fairly toast in some areas from motorcycles and whatnot.I also try to get out on my mountainbike for a couple of hours each week too, for the cardio workout... :)Thanks again for the info.Your friendly High-Tech Janitor: |
Yak Posting Veteran
72 Posts |
Posted - 2008-11-01 : 12:15:54
Anytime, mate. Couple of points before you go:-For you, another huge advantage in the new regime is that your tendons are going to get a let stronger now with the heavier, less frequent work. See, with hi-rep work, you can get to a point - if you have VERY weak joints - where high numbers of reps induce the joints to start cannibalising their own natural fluids. It's quite rare, but it happens, and I don't want it happening to you. For your joints you should be doing heavier, less frequent work, as opposed to lighter, more frequent.But PLEASE remember your warm-up sets; I'm sure you've already been told this, but they become even MORE important the heavier you go.That's it - happy lifting!!Anyone else? |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2886 Posts |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
8781 Posts |
Posted - 2008-11-04 : 13:20:09
Where do i get that kind of mint-cookies? No, you're never too old to Yak'n'Roll if you're too young to die. |