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Stoad strehngthend
Yak Posting Veteran
54 Posts |
Posted - 2008-08-16 : 17:16:44
what is TopN Sort in Est. Exec. Plan?cmp plans of (and ad libitum their exec. times):select top 100000 fie from t order by fieandselect top 10 percent fie from t order by fieassume in "t" 1 mln. records |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
7266 Posts |
Posted - 2008-08-16 : 17:46:37
Top N Sort is similar to the Sort iterator, except that only the first N rows are needed, and not the entire result set. For small values of N, the SQL Server 2005 query execution engine attempts to perform the entire sort operation in memory. |
Stoad strehngthend
Yak Posting Veteran
54 Posts |
Posted - 2008-08-16 : 17:58:33
and what's the diff. with the 2nd case? In essence the both queries are the same, but only the 1st uses TopN sortthe 2nd uses "plain" Sort (whatever it means)also I forgot to mention: NO any indexes on field "fie". It's an abs. req |
Stoad strehngthend
Yak Posting Veteran
54 Posts |
Posted - 2008-08-16 : 18:01:47
for those who unwilling to experiment on their own:the 1st select runs by ~4 times of the 2nd's exec. time |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2886 Posts |
Posted - 2008-08-16 : 18:56:10
| |
Stoad strehngthend
Yak Posting Veteran
54 Posts |
Posted - 2008-08-16 : 20:37:48
thanx; but why does it stubbornly choose the wrong (slow TopN Sort) plan? |
Stoad strehngthend
Yak Posting Veteran
54 Posts |
Posted - 2008-08-16 : 20:41:18
[code]/*set nocount oncreate table t (f varchar(50) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN NOT NULL)declare @i intset @i = 1begin tranwhile @i <= 500000begininsert into t select newid()set @i = @i + 1endcommit tran*/declare @dt datetimeset @dt = getdate()select f into t1 from (select top 80 percent f from t order by f) zselect datediff(ms, @dt, getdate()) , 'ms -- top 80%'set @dt = getdate()select f into t2 from (select top 400000 f from t order by f) zselect datediff(ms, @dt, getdate()) , 'ms -- top 400000 = top 80%'set @dt = getdate()select f into t3 from (select top 100 percent f from t order by f) zselect datediff(ms, @dt, getdate()) , 'ms -- top 100%'set @dt = getdate()select f into t4 from (select f from t) zselect datediff(ms, @dt, getdate()) , 'ms -- all rows, without ordering' ----------- ------------- 5203 ms -- top 80% ----------- -------------------------- 19610 ms -- top 400000 = top 80% <<<<<<<<<< ooch! <<<<<<<<<<< ----------- -------------- 6453 ms -- top 100% ----------- -------------------------------- 940 ms -- all rows, without ordering[/code]"select into" here just for to avoid outputting to the screen |
Stoad strehngthend
Yak Posting Veteran
54 Posts |
Posted - 2008-08-17 : 08:15:19
Means, SS uses for "top N" and "top N percent" different sorting algos.And its engine doesn't differentiate "top 5" from "top 499999" but should do it.Should be smth like this pseudo-code:if (N / Number_of_all_rows_in_the_table <= 10%) thenuse Sorting_Algo_#1elseuse Sorting_Algo_#2end ifIt does make sense. Consider a silly boundary case: "top 1" (= "min()")it requires only one iteration over all rows; no need to sort the table, at all |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
7266 Posts |
Posted - 2008-08-17 : 21:43:30
Is statistics on the table up to date? |
Stoad strehngthend
Yak Posting Veteran
54 Posts |
Posted - 2008-08-18 : 13:54:22
Nothing to update here : there is no indexes (on purpose) on the column |