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 SSMSToolsPack is a f#@king

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Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

30421 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-13 : 12:15:47

I have used SSMSToolsPack for a long time now, and today something happened that was not good.
I forgot to save a query window for a stored procedure I have been working with the last 8+ hours.

Don't ask me why I forgot to save the query window, it just happened.
When I drove home I was not thrilled to spend the weekend trying to once again figure out which tweaks and tricks I used to write the queries in the procedure.

When I got home, I remembered I had SSMSToolsPack installed! I also remembered the query windows title so I started up the query log.

And there all query batches were stored! I will have about one hour of work to restore the code, out of 8+ hours of original work. I don't know if I ever could have restored the procedure without SSMSToolsPack.

One of the best spent $25 this year.


E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"

Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

5581 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-13 : 12:20:23
As far as I remember, SSMS as well auto-saves unsaved query text, isn't it?

Harsh Athalye
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Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

30421 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-13 : 12:28:52
Doesn't seem so. Or maybe that has on option?
Query batches are saved, luckily...

I now have to go through 232k of query text to find the 2k query text that is relevant.

E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

5581 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-13 : 12:42:51
Sorry, I was wrong! I had SSMS Toolpack installed as well

Great feature indeed!

Harsh Athalye
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Slow But Sure Yak Herding Master

3608 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-16 : 02:28:32
Management Studio does automatically save queries as I found out last week when we had a power cut. The query i'd been working on all day and hadn't saved was about to break me anyway, but then all power went off in the building! I thought I was going to cry, but when I restarted my PC, there they were, sitting awaiting recovery, nothing at all lost. Was very happy with that and think this is a great feature.
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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-16 : 04:45:43
yes but this is only for windows that were open when ssms unexpectedly exited.
if you close it normaly and don't save it won't save any of the windows.

Causing trouble since 1980
Speed up SSMS development: <- version 1.0 out!
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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-16 : 04:46:54
oh yeah I'm really glad you find my little add-in useful.

Causing trouble since 1980
Speed up SSMS development: <- version 1.0 out!
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