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Posting Yak Master

193 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-12 : 08:32:52
So, in attempting to get to know people on here, I'd like to start my own topic. The first thing to pop into my head? LASIK EYE SURGERY!

So, have you had it? If yes, was it good for you? ;) (Ok, really, are you happy with it?) Have you noticed any side-effects (other than perfect vision)?

I decided to get Lasik back in February. I was due for a new set of glasses and had a little extra cash floating around. So, instead of opting for the glasses, I decided to go for Lasik. I've had contacts in the past, so I knew how nice it was to be free of glasses. Definitely something I wanted again. (BTW, I'm nearsighted...this may be helpful later in the story?)

I won't go into the process of Lasik unless someone wants to ask (long story there...and I can yap pretty good). So, March 11th I had my eye surgery. March 11th, I had perfect vision (other than everything had a halo...THAT was awkward!) March 12th I drove home...the halos had diminished considerably, as well as the pain and light-sensitivity.

A week later, I went in for a checkup. 20/15 vision...w00t!

And now, several months later...I've noticed all of the pros/cons of having Lasik. First eyes are dryer than they used to be. Second, my near/close vision is...worse. I have to concentrate to see anything that is close. However, my far/distance vision is AMAZING. I can see individual branches on trees from miles away. Not exaggerating...I've got a lovely view from my home :) I've had SEVERE migraines ever since the surgery. Doctors don't know what's wrong; my honest guess is that I now see in SOOO much detail that my brain is having a hard time processing it (hence the headaches).

Overall, I'm very happy I did it. It's worth the migraines. I can't for sure say I'd like to go in for a correction if ever that became necessary (no one told me I was going to have a 100% vision blackout during the procedure...scared the &$@#* outta me!!), but I still recommend it to my friends.

So, I'm wondering if anyone is having the same experience as me? Or, if yours is different, if you'd be kind enough to share? :)

SQL Newbie

Constraint Violating Yak Guru

474 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-12 : 09:34:51
Luckily I have good vision. However, a co-worker of mine had Lasik a couple years ago and it did not go well. She never did recover her vision despite several treatments. Ultimately, she ended up with worse vision than she started with.
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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-12 : 13:32:15
A friend of mine has had it done twice and still needs to wear glasses. She's out 5k so far.

Tara Kizer
Microsoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server

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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-12 : 13:40:35
i have a really high dioptry but i never really considered it...

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Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder

52326 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-12 : 13:43:30
Luckily no problems yet with my eyesight. Even if i require this at a later stage, i'll think twice before going for it after reading this post.
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Posting Yak Master

193 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-12 : 15:17:45
I've got a lifetime warranty on my Lasik, so not too worried about having to go in for a touchup.

What I find interesting is that this is the first place I've heard negative comments about it. I'd talked to about 30 different people about it before I did it, plus posted on a few forums I know asking others how they felt about it. One woman replied stating that she had it done, the doctor messed it up, so she had it redone at a different clinic, and it turned out fine.

If I had had this much negative feedback before I had it done, I wouldn't have done it...eyesight's essential to anything I want to do in life...I don't know what I'd do if I were blind.

SQL Newbie
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Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

30421 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-18 : 10:31:59
Originally posted by LTack

I don't know what I'd do if I were blind.
You probably still would code better t-sql than some of the members here.

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Posting Yak Master

193 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-18 : 15:58:22
rofl. Just because I haven't asked a question yet doesn't mean I'm not t-sql stupid!

Seriously, I've only coded one tiny little project in it. I've got a background in php/MySQL, so not new to the idea of SQL. However, Transaction SQL?! That was new. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. Pardon the blatant plagarism, but "I'm lovin' it!"

SQL Newbie
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Posting Yak Master

193 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-18 : 16:01:34
Oooh, hey, I forgot to mention, I had 20/200 vision BEFORE Lasik. 20/15 after [which I did mention]. Major major major difference.

SQL Newbie
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