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 Any Gun Owners Here?

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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

474 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 11:51:36
I have several revolvers and pistols at this time. Along with some hunting rifles and a shotgun.

Who else is packing?

Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 11:53:32
do cookies count?

Causing trouble since 1980
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

6065 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 13:37:40
I've got a blowgun, a plastic samurai sword, and several sturdy rubberbands.

Be One with the Optimizer
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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 14:04:37
Just the two .303 caliber Browning machine guns mounted behind the front parking lights of my Aston Martin DB5.

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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 14:08:34
DB5? you are so old school!

Causing trouble since 1980
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2365 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 14:09:27
No, I am pretty secure with my masculinity already.

e4 d5 xd5 Nf6
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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 14:50:24
Originally posted by spirit1

DB5? you are so old school!

Causing trouble since 1980
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I only use them for deer hunting.

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2886 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 15:41:38
Originally posted by TG

I've got a blowgun

when I was a kid we used to make blowguns out of drinking straws. for the dart, do this:

1. cut off the end of a shoelace, just keeping the little cylinder part, leaving a little lace on the end.
2. shove a sewing needle through the cut off part.
3. fray the lace sticking out of the cyclindrical part so it's bigger than the opening in the straw.

then, sit on opposite sides of the room and take turns shooting each other. When it's your turn to get hit, close your eyes, because they are not very accurate!
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

6065 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 16:01:58
needles huh? All you needed was to grind up some beetles and dip the needle into the beetle goo, then shoot the baby sitter to render her imobile :)

In sixth grade on a school train trip to New York, I shot this kid in the ear with a spit-ball through a staw. It was a direct shot so deep into his ear that he had to go to the hospital to get it removed. That resulted in one of my many meetings with our principal.

Be One with the Optimizer
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2886 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 16:39:37
now that's just mean.

oh, to be 12 years old again and play bike tag.
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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 17:06:09
It’s amazing the stupid things people will do with guns, almost like they pick use a gun and their common sense switches off.

I had some friends who had a BB gun fight in their garage. As might have been predicted, one of them got his eye shot out. I guess it was a good thing they didn’t have real guns.

Another friend was shot and killed when his father decided to use a rifle to make a hole in the roof of their house for an antenna wire.

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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

474 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 17:20:29
Originally posted by Michael Valentine Jones

It’s amazing the stupid things people will do with guns, almost like they pick use a gun and their common sense switches off.

I had some friends who had a BB gun fight in their garage. As might have been predicted, one of them got his eye shot out. I guess it was a good thing they didn’t have real guns.

Another friend was shot and killed when his father decided to use a rifle to make a hole in the roof of their house for an antenna wire.

Umm.. you need smarter friends.
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2886 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 17:37:29
that won't help.

stupid people with guns will still kill themselves and others whether or not they are MVJ's friends.
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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-10 : 18:07:38
Originally posted by DavidChel

Originally posted by Michael Valentine Jones

It’s amazing the stupid things people will do with guns, almost like they pick use a gun and their common sense switches off.

I had some friends who had a BB gun fight in their garage. As might have been predicted, one of them got his eye shot out. I guess it was a good thing they didn’t have real guns.

Another friend was shot and killed when his father decided to use a rifle to make a hole in the roof of their house for an antenna wire.

Umm.. you need smarter friends.

That's slowly happening by default as the dumb ones kill themselves off.

Or course, the one friend was killed by a stupid act of his father, not by his own fault. Using a rifle to make a hole in the roof sounds like something Homer Simpson would do, not a real person.

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2365 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-11 : 13:35:44
So, what, your friend was on the roof at the time?

e4 d5 xd5 Nf6
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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-11 : 13:44:03
Originally posted by blindman

So, what, your friend was on the roof at the time?

e4 d5 xd5 Nf6

Yes. His father was working on the roof to put up an antenna, and climbed down to go inside to shoot a hole on the roof from the inside. His son was unaware of what he was doing, saw the ladder, climbed up on the roof to see what was going on, and was hit in the head by the bullet.

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2365 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-11 : 16:41:44
That is one of the most horrible stories I have ever heard.

e4 d5 xd5 Nf6
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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-11 : 16:47:14
what happened to the father?

Causing trouble since 1980
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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-11 : 17:02:35
Originally posted by spirit1

what happened to the father?

Causing trouble since 1980
Speed up SSMS development: <- version 1.0 out!

I don't know if there was any legal prosecution. He was still around later, so I don't think anything happened to him.

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Posting Yak Master

193 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-12 : 08:18:26
MVJ, wow...I don't even know what to say about that x.x

As far as dumb people with guns...ugh. I've been raised with guns, CONSTANTLY told about the dangers, and also told how to safely operate many different kinds of guns. There are gun safety classes offered all the time around here, and people as young as ten years old are welcome to join. The idea is that, being a hunting state (Minnesota), most people in my area are going to be exposed to guns. If one is taught at a young age the dangers and the safe ways of handling a gun, it will carry over through adulthood. I, personally, agree. And what is the number one thing I've been taught about gun safety? <b>If you're unsure of your target, don't even aim the gun.</b>

I've got 2 handguns (.44 Desert Eagle and a .22) and 2 rifles (.30-06 for deer-hunting and a .22). I'm an avid hunter, enjoy target practicing (debating doing competition shooting), and am a great marksman (in my...not so humble...opinion).

I've got a neat range setup at my dad's. Lots of fun!!

SQL Newbie
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2365 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-12 : 12:03:20
My favorite stupid gun story does not even involve guns.

My mother worked as a nurse at the Student Health Center of our local University. One day, a wounded student came in and sheepishly explained the circumstances of his injury...

He and his buddies had been sitting around in their frat house, drinking of course, and one of them happened to have a bullet. So they decided to find out whether it was possible to set the bullet off by holding a match under it. Yup, they'd been drinking. So they put the bullet on an ash tray and held a lit match under it, but, not being complete idiots, of course, they made sure they did not stand in front of the bullet during the experiment.
Instead, they stood directly behind the bullet.
Well, the bullet did go off, but physics stepped in and did a quick calculation regarding the relative masses of the bullet and its casing, the result being that the bullet travelled about four or five feet and fell harmlessly on the floor, while the casing shot back into the arm the inebriated sophomore holding the match.

e4 d5 xd5 Nf6
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