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Yak Posting Veteran

87 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-24 : 22:02:12
How are you? What new in our beloved MS SQL Server?

E:\MUSIC\Moby\CD2\SINGLES\Moby-Sunday__UK_Promo_CDM-2003-SND\05-moby-sunday (the boris dlugosch and mitchi lange headbanger remix).mp3

What she sings in this? Darkest nights and what?

Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

6065 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-24 : 23:41:46
STOAD!! or is that Stoad_ with an <underscore>?

I see you have been re-born as a starting member - no longer our yak linguist? Starting your sql life anew. How refreshing! Glad you're still with us (on earth, that is)

Be One with the Optimizer
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Yak Posting Veteran

87 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-25 : 01:29:58
My warmest greetings to you!
No, Teeg, i'm turned out to be incurable.
That's it. So I decided to become an alcoholic.
2 packs of cigs per day.

Btw, how's Jeff? Really admire this man. And his town (Boston) is nice.

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Yak Posting Veteran

87 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-25 : 01:50:49
the wish not to leave things undone on earth

chomp !
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Yak Posting Veteran

87 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-25 : 05:50:47
Btw, Teeg, that July was for me the best time of my life;
you, jeany, mladen.......... and the hoster;
I 'm really sorry that I .......... you know what I mean.
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Yak Posting Veteran

87 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-25 : 06:16:11
If Jeff dro here
I want him to know
I admire him; and wish him ......
I'm proud that I live at the same time
Not to mention.. rocko........
Why not? I want you people knowing your heroes.
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

6065 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-25 : 10:06:10
In case you're still open to inspiration...In the early 1800s in US there was a coal miner who had lung disease and was given 3 months to live. He decided that for his last days on earth to go west into the rocky mountains. He ended up living another 60 years and was one of this countries foremost "mountain men". There are many beatifull places named for him now.

"go west, young man, go west"

Be One with the Optimizer
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Yak Posting Veteran

87 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-25 : 14:37:16
Oh! A successful story ! :)
Frankly speaking I don't want to live.
I have nothing in common with people and their aspirations,
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Yak Posting Veteran

87 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-25 : 15:57:01
Sorry for my fit of mysanthropy. Now it's:
E:\MUSIC\RHCP\MUSIC\2006 Stadium Arcadium\102 Snow (Hey Oh).mp3
What can be better than Snow? And Boston. Under this dirty snow, melting away!
I just want to say you: I love all of you. You gave me very much.
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

4110 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-27 : 05:24:59
Hey Stoad! enjoy every single moment... no regrets...
hope but do not expect too much... live life as it's your last day but look forward to tomorrow...
that is all we can do.. that is all we need to do

keeping it simple...
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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-27 : 05:26:17
oh look who's back! haven't even seen this thread until now.

Causing trouble since 1980
Speed up SSMS development: <- version 1.0 out!
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Yak Posting Veteran

87 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-15 : 03:34:51
I mentioned a chomp. This is it:
jeany, mladen :) You are my best ppl in this life.

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Posting Yak Master

206 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-16 : 05:45:56
Stoad.. you're the best Mr Glock!
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