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Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-16 : 17:04:24
For an april quiz, I come across this situation.In this scenario you must imagine you are a "pet shrink", like Cesar Millan.You have a table where you keep track of pet owners and their pets for group consultations.A single group consultation is named "Set".Every group consultation can have a maximum of three pet owners and a maximum of three pets.A pet owner can have more than one pet and more than one people can be the owner of a pet.This is the sample data-- Prepare sample dataDECLARE @Sample TABLE ([Set] VARCHAR(50), [Name] VARCHAR(50), [Owner] BIT)INSERT @SampleSELECT 1, 'kim', 1 UNION ALL SELECT 1, 'fluffy', 0 UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'mark', 1 UNION ALLSELECT 2, 'fido', 0 UNION ALLSELECT 3, 'tina', 1 UNION ALLSELECT 3, 'tracey', 1 UNION ALLSELECT 3, 'bob', 0 UNION ALLSELECT 5, 'kate', 1 UNION ALLSELECT 5, 'trixi', 0 UNION ALLSELECT 5, 'speed', 0 There can never be more than one pet owner with same name within same set,and there can never be more than one pet with same name within same set.This is the same as having a primary key over [Set], [Name], [Owner].The quiz is to write a query that produces a resultset like the following.Order of pet owners and pets must be ascending.In SQL Server 2005 this is easily done by running this query-- SQL Server 2005 solutionSELECT p.[Set], MAX(CASE WHEN p.ColID = 1 AND p.[Owner] = 1 THEN p.[Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Owner1, MAX(CASE WHEN p.ColID = 2 AND p.[Owner] = 1 THEN p.[Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Owner2, MAX(CASE WHEN p.ColID = 3 AND p.[Owner] = 1 THEN p.[Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Owner3, MAX(CASE WHEN p.ColID = 1 AND p.[Owner] = 0 THEN p.[Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Pet1, MAX(CASE WHEN p.ColID = 2 AND p.[Owner] = 0 THEN p.[Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Pet2, MAX(CASE WHEN p.ColID = 3 AND p.[Owner] = 0 THEN p.[Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Pet3 FROM ( SELECT [Set], [Name], [Owner], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [Set], [Owner] ORDER BY [Name]) AS ColID FROM @Sample ) AS p GROUP BY p.[Set] The quiz is, "How would a single query solution for SQL Server 2000 look like?".-- SQL Server 2000 solution? Please don't search the Internet.I already have posted a solution for the original poster. E 12°55'05.25"N 56°04'39.16" |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-17 : 16:25:29
No one want to participate?Well then, here is my suggestionSELECT y.[Set], y.Owner1, CASE WHEN y.Owner1 = y.Owner2 THEN s.[Name] ELSE y.Owner2 END AS Owner2, CASE WHEN y.Owner1 = y.Owner2 THEN NULL ELSE s.[Name] END AS Owner3, y.Pet1, CASE WHEN y.Pet1 = y.Pet2 THEN s.[Name] ELSE y.Pet2 END AS Pet2, CASE WHEN y.Pet1 = y.Pet2 THEN NULL ELSE s.[Name] END AS Pet3 FROM ( SELECT [Set], MIN(CASE WHEN [Owner] = 1 THEN [Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Owner1, MAX(CASE WHEN [Owner] = 1 THEN [Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Owner2, MIN(CASE WHEN [Owner] = 0 THEN [Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Pet1, MAX(CASE WHEN [Owner] = 0 THEN [Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Pet2 FROM @Sample GROUP BY [Set] ) AS y LEFT JOIN @Sample AS s ON s.[Set] = y.[Set] AND ( s.[Name] NOT IN (y.Owner1, y.Owner2) AND s.[Owner] = 1 OR s.[Name] NOT IN (y.Pet1, y.Pet2) AND s.[Owner] = 0 ) E 12°55'05.25"N 56°04'39.16" |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1074 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-24 : 08:14:06
Hi PesoI've just seen this, and here's my effort (before I looked at your suggestion).select a.[Set], max(a.[Owner1]) as Owner1, max(case when NumberOfOwners = 2 then FinalOwner when NumberOfOwners = 3 then nullif(nullif(Name, Owner1), FinalOwner) end) as Owner2, max(case when NumberOfOwners = 3 then FinalOwner end) as Owner3, max(a.[Pet1]) as Pet1, max(case when NumberOfPets = 2 then FinalPet when NumberOfPets = 3 then nullif(nullif(Name, Pet1), FinalPet) end) as Pet2, max(case when NumberOfPets = 3 then FinalPet end) as Pet3from ( select [Set], min(case when Owner = 1 then Name end) as Owner1, max(case when Owner = 1 then Name end) as FinalOwner, sum(case when Owner = 1 then 1 end) as NumberOfOwners, min(case when Owner = 0 then Name end) as Pet1, max(case when Owner = 0 then Name end) as FinalPet, sum(case when Owner = 0 then 1 end) as NumberOfPets from @Sample a group by [Set]) a inner join @Sample b on a.[Set] = b.[Set]group by a.[Set] Ryan Randall Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1074 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-24 : 08:22:56
Another possibility is to do the ROW_NUMBER() bit of the 2005 version in the usual 2000 way. This will be less efficient though, I'm sure.SELECT p.[Set], MAX(CASE WHEN p.ColID = 1 AND p.[Owner] = 1 THEN p.[Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Owner1, MAX(CASE WHEN p.ColID = 2 AND p.[Owner] = 1 THEN p.[Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Owner2, MAX(CASE WHEN p.ColID = 3 AND p.[Owner] = 1 THEN p.[Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Owner3, MAX(CASE WHEN p.ColID = 1 AND p.[Owner] = 0 THEN p.[Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Pet1, MAX(CASE WHEN p.ColID = 2 AND p.[Owner] = 0 THEN p.[Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Pet2, MAX(CASE WHEN p.ColID = 3 AND p.[Owner] = 0 THEN p.[Name] ELSE NULL END) AS Pet3 FROM ( SELECT [Set], [Name], [Owner], (select count(*) from @Sample where [Set] = a.[Set] and [Owner] = a.[Owner] and Name <= a.Name) as ColID FROM @Sample a ) AS p GROUP BY p.[Set] Ryan Randall Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part. |