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Posting Yak Master
228 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-09 : 18:03:59
Hello,I have a database field that is just an appointment time but it is stored as a char and it appears to be in military time as well.For reporting purposes I am creating a query that will use the appointment time and I need it to display in standard time format. I am doing this report in crystal and I tried to use crystal tools but it crystal recognizes it as a string so it won't let me set the time format. Is their a cast or convert or some type of sql function I can use to select the appointment time in standard time format? I have been searching online and just haven't found anything yet.Thanks in advance!Sherri |
Cybernetic Yak Master
11752 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-09 : 18:08:55
and the military time format would be?you can always do:select convert(datetime, yourDateColumn)from yourTableand then format that datetime in whatever way you want in the report_______________________________________________Causing trouble since 1980blog: Add-in that does a few things: |
Posting Yak Master
228 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-09 : 18:25:41
Thank you for the reply. Everytime I try to use any type of datetime convert it tells me that the conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out of range datetime value. There is no date in the field it is just a time so for example it reads 1410 and I want it to say 2:10 P.M. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!Sherri |
Starting Member
30 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-09 : 18:58:29
If you just want to return a string you could do something like this. You should add another condition if you willhave any midnight times.DECLARE @Military TABLE(MT CHAR(4))SELECT CASE WHEN Hour24 > 12 THEN CONVERT(varchar, Hour24 % 12) + ':' + Minute + ' P.M.' WHEN Hour24 = 12 THEN CONVERT(varchar, Hour24) + ':' + Minute + ' P.M.' ELSE CONVERT(varchar, Hour24) + ':' + Minute + ' A.M.' ENDFROM( SELECT CAST(LEFT(MT, 2) AS INT) AS Hour24, RIGHT(MT, 2) AS Minute FROM @Military) a |
Posting Yak Master
228 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-10 : 10:17:31
I want to try that out but I put it into my code and it told me I had to declare @Military. I am not using a stored procedure for this as I don't have access to SQL. I am just writing the query through the sql command builder in crystal. Here is my code:SELECT a.first_name, a.last_name,cast(a.date_of_birth as datetime) as DOB, cast( b.appt_date as datetime) as ApptDate,b.begintime, c.location_name, d.description, e.eventFROM person aJOIN appointments b ON a.person_id = b.person_idJOIN provider_mstr d ON b.rendering_provider_id = d.provider_idJOIN location_mstr c ON b.location_id = c.location_idJOIN events e ON b.event_id = e.event_idIn the beginning the c.begintime is the time field that I need to convert. I tried declaring the variable at the beginning of the query and then adding the conversion to the end but it said to declare @military so I must be using it wrong. Could someone tell me where to insert this code to make this conversion? Thanks so much in advance!! :) |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-10 : 11:22:22
If your time is stored as a 4 character string in format HHMM, this shows how to convert it to a datetime. You can then use front-end formatting in Crystal to display it the way you MyTime, MyDatetime = convert(datetime,stuff(a.MyTime,3,0,':'))from ( -- Test Data select MyTime = '0000' union all select MyTime = '0245' union all select MyTime = '1410' union all select MyTime = '2359' ) aResults:MyTime MyDatetime------ ------------------------0000 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0000245 1900-01-01 02:45:00.0001410 1900-01-01 14:10:00.0002359 1900-01-01 23:59:00.000(4 row(s) affected) CODO ERGO SUM |
Posting Yak Master
228 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-10 : 14:52:54
Thanks for the reply. I inputted it like this:SELECT a.first_name, a.last_name,cast(a.date_of_birth as datetime) as DOB, cast( b.appt_date as datetime) as ApptDate,b.begintime, c.location_name, d.description, e.eventFROM person aJOIN appointments b ON a.person_id = b.person_idJOIN provider_mstr d ON b.rendering_provider_id = d.provider_idJOIN location_mstr c ON b.location_id = c.location_idJOIN events e ON b.event_id = e.event_idselect b.begintime, b.begintime = convert(datetime,stuff(b.begintime,3,0,':'))from ( -- Test Data select b.begintime = '0000' union all ) bIt tells me their is an error near "=". Can you see what I am doing wrong. I am not sure if I am using your code correctly?? |
Starting Member
30 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-10 : 15:22:19
1) To see my example work with you data, I think you could run this query, but it just shows you how it would work. It would still need to be integrated into your query.SELECT CASEWHEN Hour24 > 12 THEN CONVERT(varchar, Hour24 % 12) + ':' + Minute + ' P.M.'WHEN Hour24 = 12 THEN CONVERT(varchar, Hour24) + ':' + Minute + ' P.M.'ELSE CONVERT(varchar, Hour24) + ':' + Minute + ' A.M.'ENDFROM(SELECT CAST(LEFT(begintime, 2) AS INT) AS Hour24, RIGHT(begintime, 2) AS MinuteFROM appointments) a2) I think this will show you how the last suggestion would work with your data. SELECT a.first_name, a.last_name,cast(a.date_of_birth as datetime) as DOB, cast( b.appt_date as datetime) as ApptDate,convert(datetime,stuff(b.begintime,3,0,':')) as begintime, c.location_name, d.description, e.eventFROM person aJOIN appointments b ON a.person_id = b.person_idJOIN provider_mstr d ON b.rendering_provider_id = d.provider_idJOIN location_mstr c ON b.location_id = c.location_idJOIN events e ON b.event_id = e.event_id3) The problem near the "=" error is probably due to the "union all" that is no longer needed. |
Posting Yak Master
228 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-10 : 17:04:40
Yay!!! Its working. Thanks so much for showing it to me inside my code example. I am still kind of new to sql programming. I will definitely be saving this example for future projects!! Again thank you so much to everyone that helped me through this I really appreciate it alot!!! :) |
Yak Posting Veteran
80 Posts |
Posted - 2011-06-28 : 16:29:35
I have the same situation but my field stores 6 character hhmmss. |