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 use sql function from asp

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Posting Yak Master

159 Posts

Posted - 2003-11-03 : 07:08:35
I have a sql server function(!) and what I would like to do is call it directly from ASP, rather than write a wrapper Stored Proc,

so I have some asp code

set objCommand = server.createObject("adodb.command")
with objCommand
.commandType = adCmdUnknown
.commandText = "dbo.fn_CAMPAIGNS"
.parameters.append .createParameter("@startpoint", adInteger, adParamInput, , null)
.parameters.append .createParameter("@includechildren", adBoolean, adParamInput, , 1)
.activeConnection = objConnection
end with

set objRS = server.createObject("adodb.recordset")
with objRS
.lockType = adLockReadOnly
.cursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
.cursorLocation = adUseClient
.open( objCommand )
end with

which tries to call the function (top only)
@startpoint INTEGER = null,
@includechildren BIT = 1
lots of table stuff

(this works fine from QA)

but I always get an error (The request for procedure 'fn_CAMPAIGNS' failed because 'fn_CAMPAIGNS' is a function object. )and I can't seem to google down the correct format/commandtypes etc...

Any help appreciated

Posting Yak Master

159 Posts

Posted - 2003-11-03 : 07:22:49
PAH, who needs google...

Experimented with lots of options and found that this works (although you need to make sure the user connecting has select permissions on the function)

set objCommand = server.createObject("adodb.command")
with objCommand
.commandType = adCmdTable
.commandText = "dbo.fn_CAMPAIGNS(null,0)"
.activeConnection = objConnection
end with
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