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 Finding Partially Duplicate Data in Single Column

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Starting Member

1 Post

Posted - 2015-03-16 : 12:12:45

I am trying to find partially duplicated data in my customer column.

For example, I might have:

ABC School XXX
ABC School
XXX ABC School

These were put in incorrectly. There should only be one - ABC School. I have a query that strips out the XXX behind or XXX in front. But, I don't know how to get a list of what is in this query and then take that piece and look for it in the column (so, not having a literal value, but having it look for that columns value within the column).

Thanks for any help!!

Yak Posting Veteran

92 Posts

Posted - 2015-04-06 : 14:38:24
How do you know that ABC School is the correct value? Do you have a list of correct values anywhere?

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge.
-Daniel Boorstin
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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

252 Posts

Posted - 2015-04-06 : 15:04:44
If it is always just and XXX in the column along with the data you want.


other than that you would need to specifically address what value to look for an what to change to as stonebreaker is saying
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