I found some examples of what I thought I wanted to do but I must of screwed it up.What do I need to change the code below to get devices NOT used?What I have is 2 tables. PunchOrigin has time and device used today. DCMDevice has all of the devices in the network.select left(right(INDEVICENAME,7),6) as Device, count (INDEVICENAME) as DeviceCountfrom dbo.VP_PUNCHORIGIN where year (eventdate) = year(getdate())and month (eventdate) = month(getdate())and day (eventdate) = day(getdate()) and not INDEVICENAME is NULLand not left(right(INDEVICENAME,7),6) in (Select DEVICEID from dbo.DCMDEVICE)group by INDEVICENAMEorder by Device
What I am getting is a list of Devices not in the DEVICEID table with counts. I want, what is in the DEVICEDID table where counts are equal zero.Here is the output I'm getting but I do not want.Device DeviceCount004402 36004502 11004703 13006402 54006602 12006802 35090503 17Hoping to get something like:Device DeviceCount127002 0900001 0900002 0909001 0999001 0999993 0_______________________________________________________________________________How do you measure success? Money? Career? Health? Stuff? Relationships? Success and Purpose in Life go hand in hand. If you want to fulfill YOUR purpose in life you need to find out what it is. I do this by accomplishing GOD’S purpose for my life.