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 Results doubling up in two columns, can't work out

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Starting Member

27 Posts

Posted - 2014-08-12 : 21:36:50
Hi Everyone,

I have written some SQL that relates to the (partial) result set below -

I am having an incredibly difficult time trying to work out why I am seeing double ups in the 'Bin Label' and 'Bin Qty' columns.

My query looks like the following -


declare @whCode varchar(5), @binLoc varchar(2)
set @whCode = '04'
if @whCode = ''
set @whCode = '%'

if @whCode = '02'
set @binLoc = 'S%'
if @whCode = '03'
set @binLoc = 'M%'
if @whCode = '04'
set @binLoc = 'B%'
if @whCode = '%'
set @binLoc = '%'

with CTEResultSet
select ROW_NUMBER()
partition by td.itemCode
order by td.itemCode
) as Seq,
td.ItemCode as ItemCode
, td.Dscription as ItemDescription
, cast(td.Quantity as decimal(10,0)) as OrderQty
--, cast(twhs.OnHand as decimal(10,0)) as OnHand
, th.CardCode as BPCode
, th.CardName as BPName
, cast(th.DocDate as nvarchar(20)) as DocumentDate
, cast(th.DocDueDate as nvarchar(20)) as DocDueDate
, cast(th.DocNum as decimal (10,0)) as SONumber
, tsp.SlpName as SPerson
--, twhs.WhsCode as WhsCode
, isnull(tbloc.BINLABEL, '') as BLabel
, cast(tbloc.QUANTITY as decimal(10,0)) as BQty

from AU.dbo.RDR1 td
inner join AU.dbo.ORDR th on th.DocEntry = td.DocEntry
left outer join AU.dbo.OSLP tsp on tsp.SlpCode = td.SlpCode
left outer join A1Warehouse.dbo.BINLOCAT tbloc on tbloc.PRODUCT = td.ItemCode collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS --AND tbloc.WAREHOUSE = td.WhsCode collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS

td.LineStatus = 'O' -- Order is Open
and td.WhsCode like @whCode -- Order lines are from Whs Code
and tbloc.QUANTITY > 0 -- Location has Qty > 0
and tbloc.BINLABEL like @binLoc -- BinLabel corresponds with Warehouse

case when Seq = 1 then ItemCode else '' end as 'Item Code'
, case when Seq = 1 then ItemDescription else '' end as 'Item Description'
, case when Seq = 1 then cast(OrderQty as nvarchar(20)) else '' end as 'Order Qty'
, case when Seq = 1 then BPCode else '' end as 'BP Code'
, case when Seq = 1 then BPName else '' end as 'BP Name'
, case when Seq = 1 then cast(SONumber as nvarchar(20)) else '' end as 'Sales Order No.'
, case when Seq = 1 then SPerson else '' end as 'Sales Person'
--, case when Seq = 1 then WhsCode else '' end as 'Whs Code'
, BLabel as 'Bin Label'
, isnull(cast(BQty as nvarchar(20)), '') as 'Bin Qty'

from CTEResultSet

order by ItemCode, Seq, BLabel

If anybody can shed some light on why my results are doubling up in the two indicated columns it will be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,


Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2780 Posts

Posted - 2014-08-12 : 21:58:31
Pretty hard to see the problem without the data. See if you can run it section by section and observe the intermediate results.
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