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 dynamic total from dynamic query..?

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Posting Yak Master

120 Posts

Posted - 2013-10-28 : 05:12:55
Good day!

I have a running query that takes the total of an account base on given dates( from and to ). However Ive noticed that that total of the next succeeding month is only for that month which is not correct. It should also include the date from(fromdate value) the user has passed.

My Query below:

use Financials
declare @MonthColumns as nvarchar(max)
declare @SQLtext as nvarchar(4000)
declare @IterationDate as date
declare @FromDate as date
declare @ToDate as date
declare @MonthDates as Table(MonthsFilter date NOT NULL)
declare @Debit as nvarchar(50)
declare @Credit as nvarchar(50)

set @FromDate='2013-10-26'
set @ToDate='2013-12-25'

set @Debit='Debit'
set @Credit='Credit'

while @FromDate < @ToDate
insert into @MonthDates
select dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, @FromDate) + 1, -1)

Set @FromDate = (select min(MonthsFilter)
from @MonthDates
where MonthsFilter > @FromDate)

set @FromDate = DATEADD(dd, 1, @FromDate)

update @MonthDates set MonthsFilter = @ToDate
where MonthsFilter = (select MAX(MonthsFilter) from @MonthDates)

set @IterationDate = (select Min(MonthsFilter)
from @MonthDates)
set @MonthColumns = N''

while (@IterationDate IS NOT NULL)
set @MonthColumns = @MonthColumns + N', ' +
QUOTENAME(Cast(@IterationDate AS nvarchar(20)))

set @IterationDate = (select Min(MonthsFilter)
from @MonthDates
where MonthsFilter > @IterationDate)
set @MonthColumns = Substring(@MonthColumns,2,Len(@MonthColumns))

print @MonthColumns

--resetting @FromDate to its original passed value
set @FromDate='2013-10-26'

set @SQLtext=N';With CTE
SELECT al.[Account Number],
al.[Account Name],
coalesce(sum(Debit),0)-coalesce(SUM(Credit),0) as currentbalance
FROM Account al
INNER JOIN (SELECT [Debit Or Credit] as Debit_Credit,[Account Number] AS AccountID,CASE WHEN DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,[Date])+1,0)-1 < ''' + convert(nvarchar(11),@ToDate) + ''' THEN DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,[Date])+1,0)-1 ELSE ''' + convert(nvarchar(11),@ToDate) + ''' END AS MonthDate,
SUM(Amount) as Debit,CAST(0 AS decimal(15,2)) AS Credit
FROM [Journal Entry]
WHERE ([Date] > = ''' + convert(nvarchar(11),@FromDate) + '''
AND [Date] < DATEADD(dd,1,''' + convert(nvarchar(11),@ToDate) + '''))
AND [Debit Or Credit]='''+@Debit+'''
GROUP BY [Debit Or Credit],[Account Number],DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,[Date])+1,0)-1


SELECT [Debit Or Credit],[Account Number],CASE WHEN DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,[Date])+1,0)-1 < ''' + convert(nvarchar(11),@ToDate) + ''' THEN DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,[Date])+1,0)-1 ELSE ''' + convert(nvarchar(11),@ToDate) + ''' END AS MonthDate,
SUM(Amount) AS Credit,CAST(0 AS decimal(15,2)) AS Debit
FROM [Journal Entry]
WHERE ([Date] > = ''' + convert(nvarchar(11),@FromDate) + '''
AND [Date] < DATEADD(dd,1,''' + convert(nvarchar(11),@ToDate) + '''))
AND [Debit Or Credit]='''+@Credit+'''
GROUP BY [Debit Or Credit],[Account Number],DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,[Date])+1,0)-1
ON acc.AccountID = al.[Account Number]
GROUP BY al.[Account Number], al.[Account Name],Debit_Credit,MonthDate

PIVOT (SUM(currentbalance) FOR Monthdate IN (' + @MonthColumns + N'))p'

print @SQLtext
EXEC Sp_executesql @SQLtext


And here is the result with its table structure:

If you will look at the table structure the succeeding month total and so on(ex. 2013-11-30) for
Cash in Bank is supposed to be 200,000
Insurance is supposed to be 50,0000
Common Shares is supposed to be 50,000
Preferred Shares is supposed to be 100,000

It is the sum total of Amount of a given Account ID from start month to current rotation month base on the query.

The final result should be:

Thank you for helping!

Learning MS SQL Server 2008

Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder

52326 Posts

Posted - 2013-10-28 : 06:57:16
I think what you need is a correlated subquery as in link below

SQL Server MVP
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Posting Yak Master

120 Posts

Posted - 2013-10-28 : 19:07:49
thank you visah16!

The link is very informative and useful. But if I Will use cross apply, that means I need to rewrite the query again back to top?

thank you!

Learning MS SQL Server 2008
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Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder

52326 Posts

Posted - 2013-10-28 : 23:53:04
Originally posted by adbasanta

thank you visah16!

The link is very informative and useful. But if I Will use cross apply, that means I need to rewrite the query again back to top?

thank you!

Learning MS SQL Server 2008

you may need to so that it works the way you want

SQL Server MVP
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