56 Posts |
Posted - 2013-10-14 : 18:12:02
drop table #TypeCodecreate table #TypeCode(TypeCodeId int identity(1,1), TypeCode bigint, Name varchar(50))insert into #TypeCode values (3001, 'Loan Type'), (3004, 'Transaction Type'), (3009, 'Event Type'), (3015, 'Participant Type')-- select * from #TypeCodedrop table #LDcreate table #LD(TDID bigint identity(1,1), TranID bigint, LoanID bigint, [Description] varchar(500))insert into #LD values (1234, 5467, 'sdasdas asd asdas'), (1232, 2357, 'nbvnvb vbjjytuytu yt'), (1344, 7989, 'yuimhjkhj'), (1734, 2456, 'retret ghjghjghj'), (1854, 8883, 'ewrgghjg hhgj'), (1784, 2357, 'ytuyu ghjghjghj'), (1284, 9734, 'werewrew ewrwerw')-- select * from #LDdrop table #PDcreate table #PD(PDID bigint, TranID bigint, [Description] varchar(500))insert into #PD values (3456, 1234, 'fghfg fghf hfgh'), (2135, 1234, 'sdjhjk hjkhj khjk'), (7564, 1854, 'wewqg ghjghj hgj')-- select * from #PD drop table #EventLogcreate table #EventLog(EID int, SourceID bigint, SourceType bigint, Description varchar(500))insert into #EventLog values (1, 1234, 3004, 'sadasdadadasfsdfsd fsdfsdf'), -- 3004 means its TranID from #LD (2, 1234, 3004, 'erewrwerwerw '), (3, 1234, 3004, 'erewsfsdf sdfsf sdf '), (4, 5467, 3001, 'ertre rett sdfsf sdf '), -- 3001 means its LoanID from #LD (5, 5467, 3001, 'kljkljkl rett sdfsf sdf '), (6, 3456, 3015, 'utyutyu tyu yutyutuy '), -- 3015 means its PDID from #PD (7, 1784, 3004, 'sadsadasdasd asdasdsad ') Now basically in event log for same transaction id I have different source type id data. I have one store procedure which I pass only #LD TranID and I want it return all event log for all different source type data for that transaction.Like If I pass TranID 1234 sp should return EID 1 to 6 |