It's not working. not showing any error mistakes nothing! I tried using a label to see if it is even runing and it's not.If anyone could help that would be AMAZING!thanks Transaction t1 = new Transaction(); //t.AccountId = 12 t1.AccountId = int.Parse(accountBoxWithdraw.Text); t1.Amount = int.Parse(AmountBoxTakeOut.Text); t1.Payee = PayeeBox2.Text; t1.DatePosted = DateTime.Now; string d = "Withdraw"; t1.CheckNum = 0; //int accountid = 12; int accountid = int.Parse(accountBoxWithdraw.Text); SQLHelper sqlh3 = new SQLHelper(); string sql2 = "Insert INTO TransactionTB(DatePosted,Amount,Payee,CheckNumber,AccountId,Type)values('" + DateTime.Now + "'," + t1.Amount + ",'" + t1.Payee + "'," + t1.CheckNum + "," + t1.AccountId + ",'" + d + "')"; sqlh3.ExecuteNonQuery(sql2);
edit: moved to proper forum