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Posted - 2010-12-15 : 10:34:50
we have always had an issue with our customers to round to nearest 1.99 or 5.99 or 0.99 things like that... myself and Glenn a coworker wrote the following Scalar function to solve it, 1 = up, 2 = down, and 3 - nearest-- SQLACTION:RELEASE-- =============================================-- Author: Andy Stapleton-- Create date: 2010-12-15-- Description: RoundNumber to Nearest up or down.-- =============================================CREATE FUNCTION DBO.GET_RoundVal_FN(@Amt Decimal(19,6),@RoundTo Decimal(19,6),@RoundType int )RETURNS Decimal(19,6)ASBEGIN -- Declare the return variable here declare @rp int, @rb int, @RetVal Decimal(19,6), @Dir Varchar(5) set @rp = convert(int,@RoundTo-1) IF @rp < 0 set @rp = 0 --end IF @rp <> 0 set @rp = len(convert(varchar(25),@rp)) set @rb = POWER(10,@rp) -- Base as a power, results in a 1, 10, 100, 1000, etc. set @RetVal = (convert(int,(@Amt / @rb)) * @rb) + @RoundTo IF @RoundType = 1 and @RetVal < @Amt --up set @RetVal = @RetVal + @rb --END IF @RoundType = 2 and @RetVal > @Amt -- down set @RetVal = @RetVal - @rb --END IF @RoundType = 3 and abs(@RetVal - @Amt) > abs((@RetVal-@rb) - @Amt) set @RetVal = @RetVal - @rb --end IF @RetVal < 0 set @RetVal = @RetVal + @rb --END RETURN isNull(@RetVal,0)ENDGO--Select DBO.GET_NearestNo_FN(136.10,0.99,3)Andy <<cowboy>> Stapleton |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2011-02-10 : 15:24:04
This seems easier to meCREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetRoundVal( @Amt DECIMAL(19, 6), @RoundTo DECIMAL(19, 6), @RoundType TINYINT)RETURNS DECIMAL(19, 6)ASBEGIN RETURN ( SELECT CASE WHEN @RoundType = 1 THEN @Amt + Up WHEN @RoundType = 2 THEN @Amt - Down WHEN Down < Up THEN @Amt - Down ELSE @Amt + Up END FROM ( SELECT @Amt % CEILING(@RoundTo) - @RoundTo + CEILING(@RoundTo) AS Down, @RoundTo - @Amt % CEILING(@RoundTo) AS Up ) AS d )END N 56°04'39.26"E 12°55'05.63" |