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Starting Member
24 Posts |
Posted - 2010-03-19 : 12:47:27
Here's my customized sql. I'm a relative newbie to some of this, but I had a former DBA here look my changes over and liked them. The one change he suggested that I haven't done is make #indexDefragList a global table ##indexDefragList so you can access it directly from another session. I also want to add more to the log table to include what type of reorg/rebuild was done and fragmentation post work. The last major thing I want to add is if offline isn't allowed, then go do a reorg instead, so at least something is done.Major changes:UpdateStats should not run if executeSQL = 0, added option to prevent offline rebuilds, Clustered index can now be rebuild online if no LOBs in table, NonClustered index can also be rebuild online if no lobs on index, fixed bug where index names in log were off[CODE]USE [DCArchive]GO/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[dba_indexDefrag_sp] Script Date: 03/19/2010 09:37:44 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[dba_indexDefrag_sp] /* Declare Parameters */ @minFragmentation FLOAT = 10.0 /* in percent, will not defrag if fragmentation less than specified */ , @rebuildThreshold FLOAT = 30.0 /* in percent, greater than @rebuildThreshold will result in rebuild instead of reorg */ , @executeSQL BIT = 1 /* 1 = execute; 0 = print command only */ , @DATABASE VARCHAR(128) = Null /* Option to specify a database name; null will return all */ , @tableName VARCHAR(4000) = Null -- databaseName.schema.tableName /* Option to specify a table name; null will return all */ , @scanMode VARCHAR(10) = N'LIMITED' /* Options are LIMITED, SAMPLED, and DETAILED */ , @onlineRebuild BIT = 1 /* 1 = online rebuild; 0 = offline rebuild; only in Enterprise */ , @allowOfflineRebuild BIT = 0 /* 1 = offline rebuilds allowed; 0 = offline rebuilds will not take place */ , @maxDopRestriction TINYINT = Null /* Option to restrict the number of processors for the operation; only in Enterprise */ , @printCommands BIT = 0 /* 1 = print commands; 0 = do not print commands */ , @printFragmentation BIT = 0 /* 1 = print fragmentation prior to defrag; 0 = do not print */ , @defragDelay CHAR(8) = '00:00:05' /* time to wait between defrag commands */ , @debugMode BIT = 0 /* display some useful comments to help determine if/where issues occur */ , @rebuildStats BIT = 1 /* option to rebuild stats after completed index defrags */ AS/********************************************************************************* Name: dba_indexDefrag_sp Author: Michelle Ufford, Purpose: Defrags all indexes for the current database Notes: CAUTION: TRANSACTION LOG SIZE SHOULD BE MONITORED CLOSELY WHEN DEFRAGMENTING. @minFragmentation defaulted to 10%, will not defrag if fragmentation is less than that @rebuildThreshold defaulted to 30% as recommended by Microsoft in BOL; greater than 30% will result in rebuild instead @executeSQL 1 = execute the SQL generated by this proc; 0 = print command only @database Optional, specify specific database name to defrag; If not specified, all non-system databases will be defragged. @tableName Specify if you only want to defrag indexes for a specific table, format = databaseName.schema.tableName; if not specified, all tables will be defragged. @scanMode Specifies which scan mode to use to determine fragmentation levels. Options are: LIMITED - scans the parent level; quickest mode, recommended for most cases. SAMPLED - samples 1% of all data pages; if less than 10k pages, performs a DETAILED scan. DETAILED - scans all data pages. Use great care with this mode, as it can cause performance issues. @onlineRebuild 1 = online rebuild; 0 = offline rebuild @allowOfflineRebuild 1 = offline rebuilds allowed; 0 = offline rebuilds will not take place @maxDopRestriction Option to specify a processor limit for index rebuilds @printCommands 1 = print commands to screen; 0 = do not print commands @printFragmentation 1 = print fragmentation to screen; 0 = do not print fragmentation @defragDelay Time to wait between defrag commands; gives the server a little time to catch up @debugMode 1 = display debug comments; helps with troubleshooting 0 = do not display debug comments @rebuildStats Affects only statistics that need to be rebuilt 1 = rebuild stats 0 = do not rebuild stats Called by: SQL Agent Job or DBA Date Initials Version Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007-12-18 MFU 1.0 Initial Release 2008-10-17 MFU 1.1 Added @defragDelay, CIX_temp_indexDefragList 2008-11-17 MFU 1.2 Added page_count to log table , added @printFragmentation option 2009-03-17 MFU 2.0 Provided support for centralized execution , consolidated Enterprise & Standard versions , added @debugMode, @maxDopRestriction , modified LOB and partition logic 2009-06-18 MFU 3.0 Fixed bug in LOB logic, added @scanMode option , added support for stat rebuilds (@rebuildStats) , support model and msdb defrag , added columns to the dba_indexDefragLog table , modified logging to show "in progress" defrags , added defrag exclusion list (scheduling) 2010-03-15 CMB 3.1 UpdateStats should not run if executeSQL = 0 , added option to prevent offline rebuilds , Clustered index can now be rebuild online if no LOBs in table , NonClustered index can also be rebuild online if no lobs on index , fixed bug where index names in log were off********************************************************************************* Exec dbo.dba_indexDefrag_sp @executeSQL = 0 , @allowOfflineRebuild = 0 , @database = 'CiqCentral' , @minFragmentation = 1.0 , @rebuildThreshold = 1.0 , @onlineRebuild = 1 , @printCommands = 1 , @debugMode = 1 , @printFragmentation = 1;*********************************************************************************/ SET NOCOUNT ON;SET XACT_Abort ON;SET Ansi_Padding ON;SET Ansi_Warnings ON;SET ArithAbort ON;SET Concat_Null_Yields_Null ON;SET Numeric_RoundAbort OFF;SET Quoted_Identifier ON; BEGIN IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR('Undusting the cogs and starting up...', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; /* Declare our variables */ DECLARE @objectID INT , @databaseID INT , @databaseName NVARCHAR(128) , @indexID INT , @partitionCount BIGINT , @schemaName NVARCHAR(128) , @objectName NVARCHAR(128) , @indexName NVARCHAR(128) , @partitionNumber SMALLINT , @indexType NVARCHAR(60) , @fragmentation FLOAT , @pageCount INT , @sqlCommand NVARCHAR(4000) , @rebuildCommand NVARCHAR(200) , @dateTimeStart DATETIME , @dateTimeEnd DATETIME , @tableContainsLOB BIT , @indexContainsLOB BIT , @editionCheck BIT , @debugMessage VARCHAR(128) , @updateSQL NVARCHAR(4000) , @partitionSQL NVARCHAR(4000) , @partitionSQL_Param NVARCHAR(1000) , @LOB_SQL NVARCHAR(4000) , @LOB_SQL_Param NVARCHAR(1000) , @rebuildStatsID INT , @rebuildStatsSQL NVARCHAR(1000) , @indexDefrag_id INT; /* Create our temporary tables */ CREATE TABLE #indexDefragList ( databaseID INT , databaseName NVARCHAR(128) , objectID INT , indexID INT , partitionNumber SMALLINT , indexType NVARCHAR(60) , fragmentation FLOAT , page_count INT , defragStatus BIT , schemaName NVARCHAR(128) Null , objectName NVARCHAR(128) Null , indexName NVARCHAR(128) Null ); CREATE TABLE #databaseList ( databaseID INT , databaseName VARCHAR(128) , scanStatus BIT , statsStatus BIT ); CREATE TABLE #processor ( [INDEX] INT , Name VARCHAR(128) , Internal_Value INT , Character_Value INT ); IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR('Beginning validation...', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; /* Just a little validation... */ IF @minFragmentation Not Between 0.00 And 100.0 SET @minFragmentation = 10.0; IF @rebuildThreshold Not Between 0.00 And 100.0 SET @rebuildThreshold = 30.0; IF @defragDelay Not Like '00:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]' SET @defragDelay = '00:00:05'; IF @scanMode Not In ('LIMITED', 'SAMPLED', 'DETAILED') SET @scanMode = 'LIMITED'; /* Make sure we're not exceeding the number of processors we have available */ INSERT INTO #processor EXECUTE XP_MSVER 'ProcessorCount'; IF @maxDopRestriction IS Not Null And @maxDopRestriction > (SELECT Internal_Value FROM #processor) SELECT @maxDopRestriction = Internal_Value FROM #processor; /* Check our server version; 1804890536 = Enterprise, 610778273 = Enterprise Evaluation, -2117995310 = Developer */ IF (SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('EditionID')) In (1804890536, 610778273, -2117995310) SET @editionCheck = 1 -- supports online rebuilds ELSE SET @editionCheck = 0; -- does not support online rebuilds IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR('Grabbing a list of our databases...', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; /* Retrieve the list of databases to investigate */ INSERT INTO #databaseList SELECT database_id , name , 0 -- not scanned yet for fragmentation , 0 -- statistics not yet updated FROM sys.databases WHERE name = IsNull(@DATABASE, name) And [name] Not In ('master', 'tempdb')-- exclude system databases And [STATE] = 0; -- state must be ONLINE IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR('Looping through our list of databases and checking for fragmentation...', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; /* Loop through our list of databases */ WHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #databaseList WHERE scanStatus = 0) > 0 BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @databaseID = databaseID FROM #databaseList WHERE scanStatus = 0; SELECT @debugMessage = ' working on ' + DB_NAME(@databaseID) + '...'; IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR(@debugMessage, 0, 42) WITH NoWait; /* Determine which indexes to defrag using our user-defined parameters */ INSERT INTO #indexDefragList SELECT database_id AS databaseID , QUOTENAME(DB_NAME(database_id)) AS 'databaseName' , [OBJECT_ID] AS objectID , index_id AS indexID , partition_number AS partitionNumber , index_type_desc as indexType , avg_fragmentation_in_percent AS fragmentation , page_count , 0 AS 'defragStatus' /* 0 = unprocessed, 1 = processed */ , Null AS 'schemaName' , Null AS 'objectName' , Null AS 'indexName' FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (@databaseID, OBJECT_ID(@tableName), Null , Null, @scanMode) WHERE avg_fragmentation_in_percent >= @minFragmentation And index_id > 0 -- ignore heaps And page_count > 8 -- ignore objects with less than 1 extent And index_level = 0 -- leaf-level nodes only, supports @scanMode OPTION (MaxDop 2); /* Keep track of which databases have already been scanned */ UPDATE #databaseList SET scanStatus = 1 WHERE databaseID = @databaseID; END CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX CIX_temp_indexDefragList ON #indexDefragList(databaseID, objectID, indexID, partitionNumber); /* Delete any indexes from our to-do that are also in our exclusion list for today */ DELETE idl FROM #indexDefragList AS idl Join dbo.dba_indexDefragExclusion AS ide ON idl.databaseID = ide.databaseID And idl.objectID = ide.objectID And idl.indexID = ide.indexID WHERE exclusionMask & POWER(2, DATEPART(weekday, GETDATE())-1) > 0; SELECT @debugMessage = 'Looping through our list... there''s ' + CAST(COUNT(*) AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' indexes to defrag!' FROM #indexDefragList; IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR(@debugMessage, 0, 42) WITH NoWait; /* Begin our loop for defragging */ WHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #indexDefragList WHERE defragStatus = 0) > 0 BEGIN IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR(' Picking an index to beat into shape...', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; /* Grab the most fragmented index first to defrag */ SELECT TOP 1 @objectID = objectID , @indexID = indexID , @databaseID = databaseID , @databaseName = databaseName , @fragmentation = fragmentation , @partitionNumber = partitionNumber , @indexType = indexType , @pageCount = page_count FROM #indexDefragList WHERE defragStatus = 0 ORDER BY fragmentation DESC; IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR(' Looking up the specifics for our index...', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; /* Look up index information */ SELECT @updateSQL = N'Update idl Set schemaName = QuoteName( , objectName = QuoteName( , indexName = QuoteName( From #indexDefragList As idl Inner Join ' + @databaseName + '.sys.objects As o On idl.objectID = o.object_id Inner Join ' + @databaseName + '.sys.indexes As i On o.object_id = i.object_id Inner Join ' + @databaseName + '.sys.schemas As s On o.schema_id = s.schema_id Where o.object_id = ' + CAST(@objectID AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' And i.index_id = ' + CAST(@indexID AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' And i.type > 0 And idl.indexID = ' + CAST(@indexID AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' And idl.databaseID = ' + CAST(@databaseID AS VARCHAR(10)); EXECUTE SP_EXECUTESQL @updateSQL; /* Grab our object names */ SELECT @objectName = objectName , @schemaName = schemaName , @indexName = indexName FROM #indexDefragList WHERE objectID = @objectID And indexID = @indexID And databaseID = @databaseID; IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR(' Grabbing the partition count...', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; /* Determine if the index is partitioned */ SELECT @partitionSQL = 'Select @partitionCount_OUT = Count(*) From ' + @databaseName + '.sys.partitions Where object_id = ' + CAST(@objectID AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' And index_id = ' + CAST(@indexID AS VARCHAR(10)) + ';' , @partitionSQL_Param = '@partitionCount_OUT int OutPut'; EXECUTE SP_EXECUTESQL @partitionSQL, @partitionSQL_Param, @partitionCount_OUT = @partitionCount OUTPUT; IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR(' Seeing if there''s any LOBs to be handled...', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; /* Determine if the table contains LOBs */ SELECT @LOB_SQL = ' Select @tableContainsLOB_OUT = Count(*) From ' + @databaseName + '.sys.columns With (NoLock) Where [object_id] = ' + CAST(@objectID AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' And (system_type_id In (34, 35, 99) Or max_length = -1);' /* system_type_id --> 34 = image, 35 = text, 99 = ntext max_length = -1 --> varbinary(max), varchar(max), nvarchar(max), xml */ , @LOB_SQL_Param = '@tableContainsLOB_OUT int OutPut'; EXECUTE SP_EXECUTESQL @LOB_SQL, @LOB_SQL_Param, @tableContainsLOB_OUT = @tableContainsLOB OUTPUT; /* Determine if index has any LOB columns */ SELECT @LOB_SQL = ' Select @indexContainsLOB_OUT = Count(*) From ' + @databaseName + '.sys.indexes i Join ' + @databaseName + '.sys.index_columns ic ON ic.object_id = i.object_id Join ' + @databaseName + '.information_schema.columns c ON c.ordinal_position = ic.column_id Where c.table_schema = ''' + @schemaName + '''' + ' And c.table_name = ''' + @objectName + '''' + ' And = ''' + @indexName + '''' + ' And ic.is_included_column = 1 And (c.data_type In (''text'', ''ntext'', ''image'') Or c.character_maximum_length = -1);' , @LOB_SQL_Param = '@indexContainsLOB_OUT int OutPut'; EXECUTE SP_EXECUTESQL @LOB_SQL, @LOB_SQL_Param, @indexContainsLOB_OUT = @indexContainsLOB OUTPUT; IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR(' Building our SQL statements...', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; SET @sqlCommand = N'Alter Index ' + @indexName + N' On ' + @databaseName + N'.' + @schemaName + N'.' + @objectName; /* If not a lot of fragmention OR multiple partitions OR a clustered index on a table with LOBs THEN reorganize */ IF @fragmentation < @rebuildThreshold Or @partitionCount > 1 Or (@indexType = 'CLUSTERED INDEX' And ISNULL(@tableContainsLOB, 0) = 1) BEGIN SET @sqlCommand = @sqlCommand + N' ReOrganize'; IF @partitionCount > 1 SET @sqlCommand = @sqlCommand + N' Partition = ' + CAST(@partitionNumber AS NVARCHAR(10)); END; /* If the index is heavily fragments and has no partitions and is a non-clustered index + index has no LOB columns OR is a clustered index + no LOB columns in table THEN rebuild */ IF @fragmentation >= @rebuildThreshold And @partitionCount <= 1 And ( (@indexType = 'NONCLUSTERED INDEX' And ISNULL(@indexContainsLOB, 0) = 0) OR (@indexType = 'CLUSTERED INDEX' And ISNULL(@tableContainsLOB, 0) = 0) ) BEGIN /* If OFFLINE will be used, see if offline is allowed, skip if not allowed */ IF (@onlineRebuild != 1 OR @editionCheck != 1 )AND @allowOfflineRebuild = 0 BEGIN SET @debugMessage = 'Offline Not Allowed, will not rebuild: ' + @indexName + N' On ' + @databaseName + N'.' + @schemaName + N'.' + @objectName; SET @sqlCommand = ''; IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR(@debugMessage, 0, 42) WITH NoWait; END ELSE BEGIN /* Set online rebuild options; requires Enterprise Edition */ IF @onlineRebuild = 1 And @editionCheck = 1 SET @rebuildCommand = N' Rebuild With (Online = On'; ELSE SET @rebuildCommand = N' Rebuild With (Online = Off'; /* Set processor restriction options; requires Enterprise Edition */ IF @maxDopRestriction IS Not Null And @editionCheck = 1 SET @rebuildCommand = @rebuildCommand + N', MaxDop = ' + CAST(@maxDopRestriction AS VARCHAR(2)) + N')'; ELSE SET @rebuildCommand = @rebuildCommand + N')'; SET @sqlCommand = @sqlCommand + @rebuildCommand; END END; /* Are we executing the SQL? If so, do it */ IF @executeSQL = 1 BEGIN IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR(' Executing SQL statements...', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; /* Grab the time for logging purposes */ SET @dateTimeStart = GETDATE(); /* Log our actions */ INSERT INTO dbo.dba_indexDefragLog ( databaseID , databaseName , objectID , objectName , indexID , indexName , partitionNumber , fragmentation , page_count , dateTimeStart ) SELECT @databaseID , @databaseName , @objectID , @objectName , @indexID , @indexName , @partitionNumber , @fragmentation , @pageCount , @dateTimeStart; SET @indexDefrag_id = SCOPE_IDENTITY(); IF @printCommands = 1 PRINT ' Executing: ' + IsNull(@sqlCommand, 'error!'); /* Execute our defrag! */ EXECUTE SP_EXECUTESQL @sqlCommand; SET @dateTimeEnd = GETDATE(); /* Update our log with our completion time */ UPDATE dbo.dba_indexDefragLog SET dateTimeEnd = @dateTimeEnd , durationSeconds = DATEDIFF(SECOND, @dateTimeStart, @dateTimeEnd) WHERE indexDefrag_id = @indexDefrag_id; /* Just a little breather for the server */ WAITFOR Delay @defragDelay; END ELSE BEGIN IF @printCommands = 1 PRINT ' Printing: ' + IsNull(@sqlCommand, 'error!'); END IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR(' Updating our index defrag status...', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; /* Update our index defrag list so we know we've finished with that index */ UPDATE #indexDefragList SET defragStatus = 1 WHERE databaseID = @databaseID And objectID = @objectID And indexID = @indexID And partitionNumber = @partitionNumber; END /* Do we want to output our fragmentation results? */ IF @printFragmentation = 1 BEGIN IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR(' Displaying fragmentation results...', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; SELECT databaseID , databaseName , objectID , objectName , indexID , indexName , fragmentation , page_count FROM #indexDefragList; END; /* Do we want to rebuild stats? */ IF @rebuildStats = 1 BEGIN WHILE Exists(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #databaseList WHERE statsStatus = 0) BEGIN /* Build our SQL statement to update stats */ SELECT TOP 1 @rebuildStatsSQL = 'Use [' + databaseName + ']; ' + 'Execute sp_updatestats;' , @rebuildStatsID = databaseID FROM #databaseList WHERE statsStatus = 0; SET @debugMessage = 'Printing Stats Rebuild: ' + @rebuildStatsSQL; IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR(@debugMessage, 0, 42) WITH NoWait; IF @executeSQL = 1 BEGIN /* Execute our stats update! */ EXECUTE SP_EXECUTESQL @rebuildStatsSQL; IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR('Executing update stats...', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; END /* Keep track of which databases have been updated */ UPDATE #databaseList SET statsStatus = 1 WHERE databaseID = @rebuildStatsID; END; END; /* When everything is said and done, make sure to get rid of our temp table */ DROP TABLE #indexDefragList; DROP TABLE #databaseList; DROP TABLE #processor; IF @debugMode = 1 RAISERROR('DONE! Thank you for taking care of your indexes! :)', 0, 42) WITH NoWait; SET NOCOUNT OFF; RETURN 0END[/CODE] |
Starting Member
24 Posts |
Posted - 2010-03-19 : 12:52:13
Umm... don't use the example exec statement. I used that for testing only. Either comment out the @minFragmentation & @rebuildThreshold params or set reasonable ones such as 10 and 30, respectively.Exec dbo.dba_indexDefrag_sp@executeSQL = 0, @allowOfflineRebuild = 0, @database = 'CiqCentral', @minFragmentation = 10, @rebuildThreshold = 30, @onlineRebuild = 1, @printCommands = 1, @debugMode = 1, @printFragmentation = 1; |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2010-03-19 : 13:12:44
Thanks, upgraded my script from SQL 2000 is on my ToDo list - so this will be food for thought, along with Tara'sscript.For completeness here is a link to the original: would help if you re-edit your post and put [CODE] ... [/CODE] tags around your code so it formats nicely ) |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2010-03-19 : 15:55:28
quote: Originally posted by portrman Here's my customized sql. I'm a relative newbie to some of this, but I had a former DBA here look my changes over and liked them. The one change he suggested that I haven't done is make #indexDefragList a global table ##indexDefragList so you can access it directly from another session. I also want to add more to the log table to include what type of reorg/rebuild was done and fragmentation post work. The last major thing I want to add is if offline isn't allowed, then go do a reorg instead, so at least something is done.
When wouldn't OFFLINE be allowed?I don't understand the point of making the temp table global. Who elese would want to access it? I certainly wouldn't want any other process running DBA scripts like this is running.Tara KizerMicrosoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server to my blog |