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 Trying to prevent SQL injection

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Starting Member

4 Posts

Posted - 2009-09-17 : 17:21:13
Hello, I've been trying to fix all of our injectable asp by using parameterized query What I'm noticing is a lot of problems using the returned recordset. For example, I cannot move back and forth through it by .movefirst.

Basically I've change something like this

Set rsCat = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
iItemID = Request.QueryString("item")

SQLCat = "SELECT * FROM Catalog" SQLCat, Conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

To something like this:

set objDBCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objDBCommand.ActiveConnection = Conn
objDBCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Catalog WHERE CurrentAvail=1 AND ProductNum=?"
objDBCommand.CommandType = 1
set objDBParam = objDBCommand.CreateParameter("@ProductNum",200,1,50)
objDBCommand.Parameters.Append objDBParam
objDBCommand.Parameters("@ProductNum") = iItemID
set objDBParam = Nothing
'set rsCat = objDBCommand.Execute

Unfortunately much of the code to follow that does various things with the recordset does not work when using the parameterized query. Thoughts?


Most Valuable Yak

15732 Posts

Posted - 2009-09-17 : 17:28:46
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