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 Tent cities

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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-16 : 09:51:42
i don't really know what to say to this:

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Posting Yak Master

193 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-16 : 11:26:01

SQL Newbie
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2875 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-16 : 14:03:44
There's this excerpt from the LA Times
Citing health and safety concerns, the city of Ontario next week will dramatically reduce the size of a homeless encampment known as Tent City by expelling those residents who cannot prove clear ties to the city.

Starting Monday, anyone who can’t provide documents showing they once lived in Ontario will be given a bus or taxi ride back to where they came from.

The homeless will be fitted with color-coded bands around their arms or wrists that will designate their status.

“In July we established the region’s first homeless service area and since then it has swelled tenfold, attracting over 400 people from as far away as Florida,” said Brent Schultz, director of housing and neighborhood revitalization for Ontario. “There are real health and safety concerns out there and we want to regulate this better.”

Tent City sprawls across a half dozen vacant lots in a residential neighborhood near Ontario International Airport. It was set up to lure the homeless away from bridges and overpasses and get them into a central location where they could live largely unmolested. Water, toilets and tents were provided and various charities serve food each day.

But what had been intended as a place for Ontario’s estimated 140 homeless quickly became a magnet for the entire region’s homeless.

and this from the movie "Barcelona"

Let me use an analogy.
The US is like an enormous ant farm.

God, not ants!

A see-through plastic case
enclosing an ant colony.

It's a toy sold to children so they can
watch ants build their own society.

The US is like an ant farm
for the rest of the world.

But, people living in other countries
can't observe the ants.

They must rely on journalists
and commentators for a description.

The problem is,
that these people seem to hate ants.

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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-16 : 14:13:26
ants are just misunderstood

Causing trouble since 1980
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2886 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-16 : 14:51:31
the Seattle area has had a couple of these for years. They aren't permanent though - they move around every couple months.
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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2008-06-16 : 17:02:27
Tent Cities sound a whole lot like the Depression era Hoovervilles:

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