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Professor Frink

1421 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-16 : 08:20:35
First, thanks Graz for letting me do this.

Second, I wanted to ask a favor of all of you. At the end of July in Charlotte, NC we have an event called 24 Hours of Booty. Despite it's questionable name it's actually a great event. It's a 24 hour cycling event to raise money for cancer research. The national recipient of funds is the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Almost everyone who reads this will know directly or know of someone who has cancer, we are all touched by this disease.

This year I will be riding in honor of 2 people, my brother in law, Russ who has been battling melanoma for 5 years and someone I've never met before, Cindy Hogman. I received an email several weeks ago asking for prayers for Cindy, she is 32, has cervical cancer and her husband is serving in Iraq. I'm 37 and a father of 2, both of these stories hit a little too close for me.

So in attempt to not take the rest of your day reading this I'll get to the point. If you'd like to help and you'd like to honor someone you know or have lost to cancer, please help sponser me in this ride.

The link for donating is at the bottom of this post. If you prefer not to do it online you can download a donation form from that link and mail it in. If you can't give, that's fine too. Maybe you could just take a minute and say a prayer for the individuals and their families who are fighting cancer. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

"oh, that monkey is going to pay"

Posting Yak Master

159 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-19 : 04:41:01
It saddens me that my first thought was to do a quick google on this ...

It saddens me even more the results I found.

If this is inappropriate/inaccurate I am more than willing to have this modded/deleted
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Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

30421 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-19 : 05:23:55
I don't think so. SQLTeam already has donated $50.
But... Even the particular Cindy Hogman is a hoax, the Lance Armstrong "Livestrong" foundation is very real.

E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"
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Aged Yak Warrior

547 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-19 : 12:13:35
Personally, I find asking people to pray to be offensive. Nothing fails like prayer. What's next, asking us to sacrifice animals?

However, making donations to organizations who do scientific research does help. I'm all in favor of that and in fact the American Cancer Society is one of my biggest charities.

An infinite universe is the ultimate cartesian product.
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2365 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-19 : 13:06:29
Originally posted by cat_jesus

What's next, asking us to sacrifice animals?

Ironically, that occurs frequently in cancer research, and may actually help...

e4 d5 xd5 Nf6
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SQL Slinging Yak Ranger

1537 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 09:19:36
Personally, I find asking people to pray to be offensive.

It's called freedom man(or whatever).

A closed mind is a dead mind.

Users <> Logic
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1064 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 11:20:47
Are you saying then you are in support of his freedom to be offended?
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2365 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 11:56:38
Yeah. Its like crying "Movie!" in a crowded fire station. Or something like that I think....

e4 d5 xd5 Nf6
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SQL Slinging Yak Ranger

1537 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 12:05:01
Yes he/she/it is free to be offended.

Of course that also means I am free to think its stupid to be offended.

Yea I am one of those nuts that wants to keep in god we trust on our money.


Users <> Logic
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2365 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 13:10:07
Originally posted by JimL
Yea I am one of those nuts that wants to keep in god we trust on our money.
Huh. I thought McCarthyism went out of style long ago, but maybe you just like retro?

e4 d5 xd5 Nf6
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

3575 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 13:14:55
the dude abides

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SQL Slinging Yak Ranger

1537 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 14:14:30
Originally posted by blindman
Huh. I thought McCarthyism went out of style long ago, but maybe you just like retro?

e4 d5 xd5 Nf6

No I guess I am just an OLD fart.

You kids must not know what a Ranger is.

I spent years in stinking malaria infested jungles. Eating crap that would make a goat puke. So that people that were not of my race or religion or beliefs could have freedom. I fought and bled and almost lost my life many times. I held my best friend as he gave the ultimate sacrifice and died for his country. So I will defend a man’s\woman’s right to pray or ask for prayer no matter where he comes from or who he calls god.
If you want to go toe to toe with me first walk the trail I have walked.

Users <> Logic
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Aged Yak Warrior

547 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 14:15:18
Originally posted by JimL

Yes he/she/it is free to be offended.

Of course that also means I am free to think its stupid to be offended.

To be clear, I find it offensive to assume other people believe in your personal deity and to further ask others to beg to your deity so he might grant wishes(if enough people beg). If only there were a special place and day for people to do this sort of thing, like on a Sunday perhaps. I think there might be such a place...

You may think it's fine for people to assume you have a bronze age mentality but I find it more than a bit insulting when such assumptions point in my direction.

IGWT on the money? Really? I don't care it if has Daffy Duck on it as long as it spends.

Rev. Cat
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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 14:32:48
and what about us atheists?

Causing trouble since 1980
Speed up SSMS development: <- version 1.0 out!
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SQL Slinging Yak Ranger

1537 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 14:52:06
That's the point Mladen.

Don't ding a person for what they belive in.

Users <> Logic
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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 15:10:59
i know. i'm kidding.

Causing trouble since 1980
Speed up SSMS development: <- version 1.0 out!
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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 15:11:16
This thread is headed in the wrong direction. Let's stop talking about religion, praying, etc... and focus on the original post. If you'd like to support this cause, then follow the link. If not, then let's not cloud this thread with our personal beliefs.

Tara Kizer
Microsoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server

Database maintenance routines:
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Aged Yak Warrior

547 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 15:50:46
Originally posted by tkizer

This thread is headed in the wrong direction. Let's stop talking about religion, praying, etc... and focus on the original post. If you'd like to support this cause, then follow the link. If not, then let's not cloud this thread with our personal beliefs.

Indeed. There are plenty of other websites people can go push their beliefs on. Let's not sully this website with such nonsense.

An infinite universe is the ultimate cartesian product.
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2365 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 15:54:24
Originally posted by JimLSo I will defend a man’s\woman’s right to pray or ask for prayer no matter where he comes from or who he calls god.
A Straw-man argument. Nobody on here so far has advocated against people's right to worship according to their own faith, or absence thereof.

e4 d5 xd5 Nf6
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2365 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 15:55:48
...and I have a close friend who flew combat helicopters in Vietnam, and witnessed the deaths of many of his friends. He is an atheist. I assume he was fighting for the same things as you.

e4 d5 xd5 Nf6
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Aged Yak Warrior

547 Posts

Posted - 2008-05-21 : 16:01:46
Originally posted by JimL

That's the point Mladen.

Don't ding a person for what they belive in.

What if someone believes that cursors are better than set processing? Or that all tables should have an index for every column?

When someone believes a stupid thing is it right to let them continue? What if the belief is not just stupid but also dangerous?

An infinite universe is the ultimate cartesian product.
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