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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1464 Posts |
Posted - 2007-11-13 : 16:03:00
Hello,This procedure when accepting a table name as parameter will produce a Create Table statement, INsert INto statement, and produce the top 10 records from a table in a suitable format for posting.SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOCREATE Procedure [dbo].[pGenerateDDL](@Tablename varchar(128))ASDeclare @Structure varchar(8000), @colstr varchar(8000) Set NOCOUNT onSelect @colstr = ''If exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'cols')Drop Table colsCreate Table cols (ColInfo varchar(500) null)Insert Into Cols (ColInfo)Select '[' + RTRIM( + '] ' + Case When isComputed = 0 then LEFT(CASE WHEN ( IN ('char', 'varchar', 'nchar','nvarchar')) THEN + '(' + LTRIM(RTRIM(STR(C.length))) + ')' When in ('numeric','decimal') then + '(' + Cast(c.prec as varchar) + ','+ cast(c.scale as varchar) + ')' else END,30) else 'AS ' end + Case when isnullable = 1 and iscomputed = 0 then ' NULL' When isnullable = 0 and iscomputed = 0 then ' NOT NULL' end--Cast((SELECT TOP 1 value -- FROM ::fn_listextendedproperty(null, 'user', @user, @type, @tablename, 'column', default)-- WHERE objname = as varchar) + Case When c.colid = (Select max(c.colid) maxid FROM sysobjects o left JOIN syscolumns c ON ( = left JOIN systypes t ON (c.xusertype = t.xusertype) WHERE = @tablename ) then ')' else ',' end FROM sysobjects o inner JOIN syscolumns c ON ( = inner JOIN systypes t ON (c.xusertype = t.xusertype) WHERE = @tablename ---Declare colcur Cursor READ_ONLYFORSelect Cast(Colinfo as varchar(500))FROM colsOPEN ColCurFETCH colcur into @structure IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> 0) BEGIN -- No matching objects CLOSE TableCursor DEALLOCATE TableCursor END WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN Select @colstr = @colstr + ' ' + cast(@structure as varchar(500)) FETCH colcur INTO @structureENDCLOSE colcurDEALLOCATE colcurIf exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'cols')Drop Table colsPRINT: '--TABLE STRUCTURE BELOW'Print: 'Create Table ' + @TableName + '(' + @colstrDECLARE @SQLstring varchar(8000)DECLARE @SELString varchar(8000)DECLARE @firstTime bitSELECT @SQLstring = ''SELECT @firstTime = 1Select @SELstring = ''DECLARE getColumnsCursor CURSORREAD_ONLYFORSELECT c.COLUMN_NAMEFROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS cWHERE c.TABLE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND c.TABLE_NAME = @Tablename DECLARE @columnName nvarchar(128)OPEN getColumnsCursorFETCH NEXT FROM getColumnsCursor INTO @columnNameWHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)BEGIN IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2) BEGIN IF (@firstTime = 0) SELECT @SQLstring = @SQLstring + ', ' -- append our column to the UPDATE statement SELECT @SQLstring = @SQLstring + '[' + @columnName + ']' Select @SELString = @SELString + 'Cast('+ '[' + @columnName + '] as varchar) +'',''+' SELECT @firstTime = 0 END FETCH NEXT FROM getColumnsCursor INTO @columnNameENDCLOSE getColumnsCursorDEALLOCATE getColumnsCursorPrint: '--BELOW IS INSERT STATEMENT.'Select @SQLString = 'Insert Into '+ @Tablename + ' ('+ @SQLString + ')' Select @SELString = 'Select TOP 10 ''Select '' +' + Left(@SELstring,len(@SELstring)-4) + ' +'' UNION ALL'' FROM ' + @Tablename Print (@SQLstring)Print ''Exec (@SELstring)GOSET ANSI_NULLS OFFGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGO In my case, I tested on a small table and it produced this in the messages window:--TABLE STRUCTURE BELOWCreate Table ALI_ExpectedLR( [ALI_Score] int NULL, [ALIExpectedLR] numeric(10,5) NULL, [ALIExpectedLR_Unit] numeric(10,5) NULL)--BELOW IS INSERT STATEMENT.Insert Into ALI_ExpectedLR ([ALI_Score], [ALIExpectedLR], [ALIExpectedLR_Unit]) and this to the results pane:Select 141,0.04086,0.07329 UNION ALLSelect 142,0.04013,0.07217 UNION ALLSelect 143,0.03940,0.07106 UNION ALLSelect 144,0.03868,0.06996 UNION ALLSelect 145,0.03797,0.06888 UNION ALLSelect 146,0.03727,0.06782 UNION ALLSelect 147,0.03658,0.06676 UNION ALLSelect 148,0.03589,0.06572 UNION ALLSelect 149,0.03522,0.06470 UNION ALLSelect 150,0.03455,0.06368 UNION ALL[/code]I am not sure if it is "handy" or not, but was an interesting thing to work on. It is an extension of script added to madhivans post on Generating script (as an alternative). Without writing another whole cursor, I didn't see an easy way to eliminate the last "UNION ALL"If I am missing some fundamental logic or best practice that can be improved on, please make whatever changes are best.If it is useful, let me know that as well.Note: removed a bit that identified calculated columns for this purpose, as for the intended use, it isn't necessary. Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part. |
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2007-11-14 : 02:12:33
Good attempt dataguruCouple of suggestions1 If one of the column value is NULL then entire select statement becomes NULL. 2 you used cast(col as varchar). Note that if you dont specify the column length by default only 30 would be taken. So it is better to specify the exact lenghtYour original code with modifications highlightedSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOalter Procedure [dbo].[pGenerateDDL](@Tablename varchar(128))ASDeclare @Structure varchar(8000), @colstr varchar(8000) Set NOCOUNT onSelect @colstr = ''If exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'cols')Drop Table colsCreate Table cols (ColInfo varchar(500) null)Insert Into Cols (ColInfo)Select '[' + RTRIM( + '] ' + Case When isComputed = 0 then LEFT(CASE WHEN ( IN ('char', 'varchar', 'nchar','nvarchar')) THEN + '(' + LTRIM(RTRIM(STR(C.length))) + ')' When in ('numeric','decimal') then + '(' + Cast(c.prec as varchar(1000)) + ','+ cast(c.scale as varchar(1000)) + ')' else END,30) else 'AS ' end + Case when isnullable = 1 and iscomputed = 0 then ' NULL' When isnullable = 0 and iscomputed = 0 then ' NOT NULL' end--Cast((SELECT TOP 1 value -- FROM ::fn_listextendedproperty(null, 'user', @user, @type, @tablename, 'column', default)-- WHERE objname = as varchar) + Case When c.colid = (Select max(c.colid) maxid FROM sysobjects o left JOIN syscolumns c ON ( = left JOIN systypes t ON (c.xusertype = t.xusertype) WHERE = @tablename ) then ')' else ',' end FROM sysobjects o inner JOIN syscolumns c ON ( = inner JOIN systypes t ON (c.xusertype = t.xusertype) WHERE = @tablename ---Declare colcur Cursor READ_ONLYFORSelect Cast(Colinfo as varchar(500))FROM colsOPEN ColCurFETCH colcur into @structure IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> 0) BEGIN -- No matching objects CLOSE TableCursor DEALLOCATE TableCursor END WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN Select @colstr = @colstr + ' ' + cast(@structure as varchar(500)) FETCH colcur INTO @structureENDCLOSE colcurDEALLOCATE colcurIf exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'cols')Drop Table colsPRINT: '--TABLE STRUCTURE BELOW'Print: 'Create Table ' + @TableName + '(' + @colstrDECLARE @SQLstring varchar(8000)DECLARE @SELString varchar(8000)DECLARE @firstTime bitSELECT @SQLstring = ''SELECT @firstTime = 1Select @SELstring = ''DECLARE getColumnsCursor CURSORREAD_ONLYFORSELECT c.COLUMN_NAMEFROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS cWHERE c.TABLE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND c.TABLE_NAME = @Tablename DECLARE @columnName nvarchar(128)OPEN getColumnsCursorFETCH NEXT FROM getColumnsCursor INTO @columnNameWHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)BEGIN IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2) BEGIN IF (@firstTime = 0) SELECT @SQLstring = @SQLstring + ', ' -- append our column to the UPDATE statement SELECT @SQLstring = @SQLstring + '[' + @columnName + ']' Select @SELString = @SELString + 'Cast(coalesce('+ '[' + @columnName + '],'''') as varchar(1000)) +'',''+' SELECT @firstTime = 0 END FETCH NEXT FROM getColumnsCursor INTO @columnNameENDCLOSE getColumnsCursorDEALLOCATE getColumnsCursorPrint: '--BELOW IS INSERT STATEMENT.'Select @SQLString = 'Insert Into '+ @Tablename + ' ('+ @SQLString + ')' Select @SELString = 'Select TOP 10 ''Select '' +' + Left(@SELstring,len(@SELstring)-4) + ' +'' UNION ALL'' FROM ' + @Tablename Print (@SQLstring)Print ''Exec (@SELstring)GOSET ANSI_NULLS OFFGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGO MadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1464 Posts |
Posted - 2007-11-14 : 07:32:51
quote: Originally posted by madhivanan Good attempt dataguruCouple of suggestions1 If one of the column value is NULL then entire select statement becomes NULL. 2 you used cast(col as varchar). Note that if you dont specify the column length by default only 30 would be taken. So it is better to specify the exact lenghtYour original code with modifications highlightedMadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail
Changes make perfect sense, wouldn't have caught those until I ran into an issue. I did test with a 145 column table and create statement worked, but I didn't use the same table to test the final Select statement.Thanks! Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part. |