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Aged Yak Warrior

841 Posts

Posted - 2007-08-02 : 06:50:44
I'm a "Wait for Ken Henderson" man myself but has anyone read this?

The comments seem positive. Worth a look do you think?


1064 Posts

Posted - 2007-08-02 : 07:59:47
No. I've read the engine one. One of the guys at DBF has read the two T-SQL Inside SQl Server... and rates them highly. I've read a few things by Itzik Ben Gan and he is very good. He blogs on so you can check him out (you need to be a subscriber to see everything though).
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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2007-08-02 : 08:01:42
i've read all three. they're all great!

Causing trouble since 1980
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Chief SQLTeam Crack Dealer

4149 Posts

Posted - 2007-08-02 : 08:42:41
Ken's book out SQL Server 2005 is already out. Instead of writing it himself he got one author to write each chapter in areas where they are experts. It's a great book for internals. It's called Practical Troubleshooting.

I have that book but haven't made it all the way through yet. There aren't many people (if any) better than Itzik at T-SQL.

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Aged Yak Warrior

841 Posts

Posted - 2007-08-03 : 05:49:29
Thanks guys.
I think I've got some good reading to catch up with this year then! Here's my "must read" list for the next 6 months of books I have meant to get around to reading or have just found out about:

Here's what I have already read:
The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML (Ken Henderson)
The Microsoft Data Warehouse Toolkit (Kimball, Mundy)
SQL Server 2000 DTS (Timothy Peterson)
Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (Delaney, Soukup)

I presume some of you have a much much much longer list of books.
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1064 Posts

Posted - 2007-08-03 : 06:09:40
Not me. I struggle to maintain my interest through weighty tombs. I make sure I read loads of blogs and articles though. The thing is I'm not the sharpest tool in the box so I need a bit of "mulling it over" time before things really sink in. I find that reading a book I don't get this. I spot something interesting but then I turn the page and something else gets my attention.

My just-past-mid-year resoultion though is to actually make it to the end of more technical books.
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2507 Posts

Posted - 2007-08-03 : 11:29:10
Originally posted by pootle_flump

Not me. I struggle to maintain my interest through weighty tombs. I make sure I read loads of blogs and articles though. The thing is I'm not the sharpest tool in the box so I need a bit of "mulling it over" time before things really sink in. I find that reading a book I don't get this. I spot something interesting but then I turn the page and something else gets my attention.

My just-past-mid-year resoultion though is to actually make it to the end of more technical books.

I am exactly the same. I just cant get myself to sit down with a book. I can read blogs, articles for hours. I keep trying.. though...

Dinakar Nethi
Life is short. Enjoy it.
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