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22 Posts |
Posted - 2007-05-30 : 20:53:45
For my company, we have made it a standard to create history tables and triggers for the majority of our production tables. I recently grew tired of consistently spending the time needed to create these tables and triggers so I invested some time in creating a script that would auto generate these.We recently launched a project which required nearly 100 history tables & triggers to be created. This would have normally taken a good day or two to complete. However, with this script it took a near 10 seconds. Here are some details about the script.The code below creates a stored procedure that receives two input parameters (@TableName & @CreateTrigger) and performs the following actions:1) Queries system tables to retrieve table schema for @TableName parameter2) Creates a History table ("History_" + @TableName) to mimic the original table, plus includes additional history columns.3) If @CreateTrigger = 'Y' then it creates an Update/Delete trigger on the @TableName table, which is used to populate the History table./************************************************************************************************************Created By: Bryan MasseyCreated On: 3/11/2007Comments: Stored proc performs the following actions: 1) Queries system tables to retrieve table schema for @TableName parameter 2) Creates a History table ("History_" + @TableName) to mimic the original table, plus include additional history columns. 3) If @CreateTrigger = 'Y' then it creates an Update/Delete trigger on the @TableName table, which is used to populate the History table.******************************************* MODIFICATIONS **************************************************MM/DD/YYYY - Modified By - Description of Changes************************************************************************************************************/CREATE PROCEDURE DBO.History_Bat_AutoGenerateHistoryTableAndTrigger @TableName VARCHAR(200), @CreateTrigger CHAR(1) = 'Y' -- optional parameter; defaults to "Y" ASDECLARE @SQLTable VARCHAR(8000), @SQLTrigger VARCHAR(8000), @FieldList VARCHAR(6000), @FirstField VARCHAR(200)DECLARE @TAB CHAR(1), @CRLF CHAR(1), @SQL VARCHAR(1000), @Date VARCHAR(12)SET @TAB = CHAR(9)SET @CRLF = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)SET @Date = CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), GETDATE(), 101)SET @FieldList = ''SET @SQLTable = ''DECLARE @TableDescr VARCHAR(500), @FieldName VARCHAR(100), @DataType VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @FieldLength VARCHAR(10), @Precision VARCHAR(10), @Scale VARCHAR(10), @FieldDescr VARCHAR(500), @AllowNulls VARCHAR(1)DECLARE CurHistoryTable CURSOR FOR -- query system tables to get table schemaSELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(500), SP2.value) AS TableDescription, CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), SC.Name) AS FieldName, CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), ST.Name) AS DataType, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),SC.length) AS FieldLength, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.XPrec) AS FieldPrecision, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.XScale) AS FieldScale, CASE SC.IsNullable WHEN 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS AllowNullsFROM SysObjects SOINNER JOIN SysColumns SC ON SO.ID = SC.IDINNER JOIN SysTypes ST ON SC.xtype = ST.xtypeLEFT OUTER JOIN SysProperties SP ON SC.ID = SP.ID AND SC.ColID = SP.SmallIDLEFT OUTER JOIN SysProperties SP2 ON SC.ID = SP2.ID AND SP2.SmallID = 0WHERE SO.xtype = 'u' AND SO.Name = @TableNameORDER BY SO.[name], SC.ColOrderOPEN CurHistoryTableFETCH NEXT FROM CurHistoryTable INTO @TableDescr, @FieldName, @DataType, @FieldLength, @Precision, @Scale, @AllowNullsWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGIN -- create list of table columns IF LEN(@FieldList) = 0 BEGIN SET @FieldList = @FieldName SET @FirstField = @FieldName END ELSE BEGIN SET @FieldList = @FieldList + ', ' + @FieldName END IF LEN(@SQLTable) = 0 BEGIN SET @SQLTable = 'CREATE TABLE [DBO].[History_' + @TableName + '] (' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[History' + @FieldName + '] [INT] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,' + @CRLF END SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[' + @FieldName + '] ' + '[' + @DataType + ']' IF UPPER(@DataType) IN ('CHAR', 'VARCHAR', 'NCHAR', 'NVARCHAR', 'BINARY') BEGIN SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + '(' + @FieldLength + ')' END ELSE IF UPPER(@DataType) IN ('DECIMAL', 'NUMERIC') BEGIN SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + '(' + @Precision + ', ' + @Scale + ')' END IF @AllowNulls = 'Y' BEGIN SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' NULL' END ELSE BEGIN SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' NOT NULL' END SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ',' + @CRLF FETCH NEXT FROM CurHistoryTable INTO @TableDescr, @FieldName, @DataType, @FieldLength, @Precision, @Scale, @AllowNullsENDCLOSE CurHistoryTableDEALLOCATE CurHistoryTable-- finish history table script with standard history columnsSET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[HistoryCreatedOn] [DATETIME] NULL,' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[HistoryCreatedByUserID] [SMALLINT] NULL,' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[HistoryCreatedByUserName] [VARCHAR](30) NULL,' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[HistoryAction] [CHAR](1) NOT NULL' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' )'PRINT @SQLTable-- execute sql script to create history tableEXEC(@SQLTable)IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN PRINT '******************** ERROR CREATING HISTORY TABLE FOR TABLE: ' + @TableName + ' **************************************' RETURN -1 ENDIF @CreateTrigger = 'Y'BEGIN -- create history trigger SET @SQLTrigger = '/************************************************************************************************************' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Created By: ' + SUSER_SNAME() + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Created On: ' + @Date + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Comments: Auto generated trigger' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + '***********************************************************************************************/' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'CREATE TRIGGER [Trigger_' + @TableName + '_UpdateDelete] ON DBO.' + @TableName + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'FOR UPDATE, DELETE' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'AS' + @CRLF + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'DECLARE @Action CHAR(1)' + @CRLF + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'IF EXISTS (SELECT ' + @FirstField + ' FROM Inserted)' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'BEGIN' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SET @Action = ''U''' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'END' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'ELSE' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'BEGIN' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SET @Action = ''D''' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'END' + @CRLF + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'INSERT INTO History_' + @TableName + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '(' + @FieldList + ', HistoryCreatedOn, HistoryCreatedByUserName, HistoryAction)' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'SELECT ' + @FieldList + ', GETDATE(), SUSER_SNAME(), @Action' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'FROM DELETED' --PRINT @SQLTrigger -- execute sql script to create update/delete trigger EXEC(@SQLTrigger) IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN PRINT '******************** ERROR CREATING HISTORY TRIGGER FOR TABLE: ' + @TableName + ' **************************************' RETURN -1 ENDEND |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2007-05-31 : 03:52:12
Nice piece of work @SQLTrigger and @SQLTable are likely to exceed 8,000 characters, and I expect that the string concatenation is rather slow in SQL server.We get around this by inserting each additional "line" of the script to a Temp Table, and then SELECTing from that to get the overall script.FWIW we put the HistoryCreatedOn, HistoryCreatedByUserName, HistoryAction columns FIRST in the Audit table, then as we add more columns to the Main table they are in identical order in the Audit table.We actually use INSERT INTO AuditTable SELECT * FROM MainTablein the trigger so that it breaks if we add an extra column to the Main Table and forget to add it to the Audit table too!We also prefix our AuditTable column names with "A_" so that in any sort of Join there is less ambiguity between Main table and Audit table columns.We also tend to set pretty much all columns in the AuditTable to NULL, rather than NOT NULL, so that over time changes to those columns can be reflected in the Audit Table - e.g. a column that was NULL and is now NOT NULL needs to still be NULL in the Audit Table to accommodate the legacy date that was NULL at the time!Kristen |
Starting Member
22 Posts |
Posted - 2007-05-31 : 07:19:48
Thanks for the feedback Kristen.Good point about the variables potentially exceeding 8000 characters. I first had this set at 6000 but it blew up on a table that had nearly 200 columns in it. Extending it to 8000 resolved that issue but would still pose problems with tables that contain a very large number of columns, especially if the column names are lengthy. |
Starting Member
5 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-28 : 13:02:56
I think it is a great piece of work. It sure helps the first time when the history tables are created. What do you do on an ongoing basis when columns are added or removed from the original tables? Or new tables are added? Do you have a script that run alter scripts? Thanks! |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2010-10-28 : 13:46:01
We script EVERYTHING that we change to the database DML. If we ALTER a Column then we add a corresponding ALTER that will adjust the Audit table where necessary. If a column is made narrower we leave the Audit column wider (in case there is any "wide" historical data). If we add a column then we add that also to the Audit table. |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2011-08-26 : 19:46:58
Bryan, your script is great, I tweaked it some using Kristen's suggestions. I've also updated it to be compatible with SQL 2008 with system view/tables. I hope that it helps someone else like yours did for me. I commented out the executes, as we are working in VS2010 and have the DB in a DB project, so I need to create the files for the different schema parts, and I apply the schema parts as I create the files. One could also un-comment the executes and then schema compare to update the schema in the DB Project (something i'm still learning about).I really liked Kristen's 'select from' to insert to the audit table as I have missed adding a new column to the audittable after adding it to the audited table...Also please note: we run our audit tables keeping all of the versions of changed rows including inserts. This makes history queries easier, as such the trigger is slightly different./************************************************************************************************************Created By: Bryan MasseyCreated On: 3/11/2007Comments: Stored proc performs the following actions: 1) Queries system tables to retrieve table schema for @TableName parameter 2) Creates a History table ("Audit" + @TableName) to mimic the original table, plus include additional history columns. 3) If @CreateTrigger = 'Y' then it creates an Update/Delete trigger on the @TableName table, which is used to populate the History table. 4) Writes simple script to pre-populate the Audit table with the current values of the Audited table.******************************************* MODIFICATIONS **************************************************MM/DD/YYYY - Modified By - Description of Changes************************************************************************************************************/ALTER PROCEDURE AutoGenerateAuditTableAndTrigger @TableName VARCHAR(200), @CreateTrigger CHAR(1) = 'Y' -- optional parameter; defaults to "Y" ASDECLARE @SQLTable VARCHAR(MAX), @SQLTrigger VARCHAR(MAX), @FieldList VARCHAR(6000), @FirstField VARCHAR(200)DECLARE @TAB CHAR(1), @CRLF CHAR(1), @SQL VARCHAR(1000), @Date VARCHAR(12)SET @TAB = CHAR(9)SET @CRLF = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)SET @Date = CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), GETDATE(), 101)SET @FieldList = ''SET @SQLTable = ''DECLARE @FieldName VARCHAR(100), @DataType VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @FieldLength VARCHAR(10), @Precision VARCHAR(10), @Scale VARCHAR(10), @FieldDescr VARCHAR(500), @AllowNulls VARCHAR(1)DECLARE CurHistoryTable CURSOR FOR -- query system tables to get table schemaSELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), SC.Name) AS FieldName, CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), ST.Name) AS DataType, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),SC.max_length) AS FieldLength, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.precision) AS FieldPrecision, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.Scale) AS FieldScale, CASE SC.Is_Nullable WHEN 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS AllowNullsFROM Sys.Objects SOINNER JOIN Sys.Columns SC ON SO.object_ID = SC.object_IDINNER JOIN Sys.Types ST ON SC.system_type_id = ST.system_type_idWHERE SO.type = 'u' AND SO.Name = @TableNameORDER BY SO.[name], SC.Column_Id ASCOPEN CurHistoryTableFETCH NEXT FROM CurHistoryTable INTO @FieldName, @DataType, @FieldLength, @Precision, @Scale, @AllowNullsWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGIN -- create list of table columns IF LEN(@FieldList) = 0 BEGIN SET @FieldList = @FieldName SET @FirstField = @FieldName END ELSE BEGIN SET @FieldList = @FieldList + ', ' + @FieldName END-- if we are at the start add the std audit columns in front IF LEN(@SQLTable) = 0 BEGIN SET @SQLTable = 'CREATE TABLE [DBO].[Audit' + @TableName + '] (' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[Audit' + @TableName + 'ID] [INT] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[Operation]' + @TAB + 'CHAR (1) NOT NULL,' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[DateOfAction]' + @TAB + 'DATETIME NOT NULL,' + @CRLF END SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[' + @FieldName + '] ' + '[' + @DataType + ']' IF UPPER(@DataType) IN ('CHAR', 'VARCHAR', 'NCHAR', 'NVARCHAR', 'BINARY') BEGIN SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + '(' + @FieldLength + ')' END ELSE IF UPPER(@DataType) IN ('DECIMAL', 'NUMERIC') BEGIN SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + '(' + @Precision + ', ' + @Scale + ')' END SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' NULL' SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ',' + @CRLF FETCH NEXT FROM CurHistoryTable INTO @FieldName, @DataType, @FieldLength, @Precision, @Scale, @AllowNullsENDCLOSE CurHistoryTableDEALLOCATE CurHistoryTable-- finish history table script and code for Primary keySET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' )' + @CRLF + @CRLFSET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + 'ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Audit' + @TableName + ']' + @CRLFSET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + 'ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Audit' + @TableName + 'ID] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([Audit' + @TableName + 'ID] ASC)' + @CRLFSET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + 'WITH (ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF) ON [PRIMARY];' + @CRLF + @CRLFPRINT @SQLTable-- execute sql script to create history table--EXEC(@SQLTable)SET @SQLTrigger = ''IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN PRINT '******************** ERROR CREATING HISTORY TABLE FOR TABLE: ' + @TableName + ' **************************************' RETURN -1 ENDIF @CreateTrigger = 'Y'BEGIN -- create history trigger SET @SQLTrigger = '/************************************************************************************************************' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Created By: ' + SUSER_SNAME() + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Created On: ' + @Date + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Comments: Auto generated trigger' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + '***********************************************************************************************/' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'CREATE TRIGGER [' + @TableName + 'AuditUD] ON DBO.' + @TableName + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'AFTER INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'AS' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'BEGIN' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'DECLARE @dtNow datetime,' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' @DCount int,' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' @ICount int' + @CRLF + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from interfering with SELECT statements.' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SET NOCOUNT ON;' + @CRLF + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SELECT @dtNow = GETDATE()' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SELECT @DCount = Count(*) FROM deleted' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SELECT @ICount = Count(*) FROM inserted' + @CRLF + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'INSERT [dbo].[Audit' + @TableName + ']'+ @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SELECT [Operation] = CASE WHEN @DCount > 0 and @ICount > 0 THEN ''M''' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' WHEN @ICount > 0 THEN ''A''' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' ELSE ''D''' + ' END,' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' [DateOfAction] = @dtNow, I.*' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'FROM inserted AS I' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN deleted AS D' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' ON I.' + @TableName + 'ID = D.' + @TableName + 'ID' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'END' + @CRLF + @CRLF + @CRLF -- and to populate the initial audit entries try this query: SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'INSERT [dbo].[Audit' + @TableName + ']'+ @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + ' SELECT [Operation] = ''A''' + ',' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + ' [DateOfAction] = GETDATE(), T.*' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + ' FROM dbo.' + @TableName + ' AS T' + @CRLF PRINT @SQLTrigger -- execute sql script to create update/delete trigger --EXEC(@SQLTrigger) IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN PRINT '******************** ERROR CREATING HISTORY TRIGGER FOR TABLE: ' + @TableName + ' **************************************' RETURN -1 ENDEND |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2011-08-27 : 05:39:09
"we run our audit tables keeping all of the versions of changed rows including inserts. This makes history queries easier, as such the trigger is slightly different."We don't do that, as we don't want the extra storage cost of storing current-record, but I agree the history queries would be a bit easier. As we store the previous-version only our history query looks like this (in case helpful to anyone):SELECT * -- We actually use a full-column list here, instead of SELECT *FROM( SELECT [Act] = '*', -- Indicate Current version (Audit records will show Update or Delete action) [Date] = xxx_Updated, -- Show "audit date" as the latest UpdateDate -- Above two columns are present in the Audit Table, included here for UNION * FROM dbo.XXX_MyTable WHERE xxx_PrimaryKey1 = @xxx_PrimaryKey1 AND xxx_PrimaryKey2 = @xxx_PrimaryKey2 AND xxx_PrimaryKey3 = @xxx_PrimaryKey3 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TOP 100 * WITH TIES FROM dbo.XXXa_MyTable WHERE A_xxx_PrimaryKey1 = @xxx_PrimaryKey1 AND A_xxx_PrimaryKey2 = @xxx_PrimaryKey2 AND A_xxx_PrimaryKey3 = @xxx_PrimaryKey3 ORDER BY A_xxx_AuditDt DESC ) AS X) AS XORDER BY CASE WHEN [Act] = '*' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END, X.[Date] DESC, xxx_EditNo DESC -- EditNo is a version-number column "ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Audit' + @TableName + 'ID] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([Audit' + @TableName + 'ID] ASC)'"Some reason why this is NON clustered?We don't create a PK on our audit tables, but we do create a clustered index - using the normal table's PK columns, Audit Date and the EditNo (column containing the version number of the record). This should be unique, but we don't want two updates in the same millisecond to create a PK violation, so we have it as a (non-unique) clustered index instead so it cannot fail.We JOIN to the Audit table on PK columns, so PK fields are more useful to us in an index than an ID would be.I wonder if"SELECT @DCount = Count(*) FROM deletedSELECT @ICount = Count(*) FROM inserted"is rather "expensive"? You are selecting from INSERTED, so @ICount will always be > 0 (and you won't detect a deletion for auditing?)This perhaps?-- Added or Modified rows:INSERT [dbo].[AuditMyTable]SELECT [Operation] = CASE WHEN D.MyPK IS NULL THEN 'A' ELSE 'M' END, [DateOfAction] = @dtNow, I.*FROM inserted AS I LEFT OUTER JOIN deleted AS D ON D.MyPK = I.MyPK-- Deleted rows:INSERT [dbo].[AuditMyTable]SELECT [Operation] = 'D' [DateOfAction] = @dtNow, I.*FROM deleted AS D LEFT OUTER JOIN inserted AS I ON I.MyPK = D.MyPKWHERE I.MyPK IS NULL Our trigger, given that we are just storing previous-value (not current value), is :INSERT dbo.AuditMyTableSELECT CASE WHEN I.MyPK IS NULL THEN 'D' ELSE 'U' END, GetDate(), D.*FROM deleted AS D LEFT OUTER JOIN inserted AS I ON I.MyPK = D.MyPK which takes care of both Deleted and Updated states (Insert we ignore, as we have real-table for that value) |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-07 : 19:03:29
Kristen, excellent suggestions all. I'll be changing our audit trigger to your suggestion as it's more efficient and simple.On the PK: "ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Audit' + @TableName + 'ID] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([Audit' + @TableName + 'ID] ASC)'" "Some reason why this is NON clustered?"I built the script as a generic tool, not to enforce any standard. The NonClustered was to allow for easily adding a clustered key (without having to drop one first) to support what ever queries are built to leverage the Audit table later in the development process. (mumble mumble dance) "SELECT @DCount = Count(*) FROM deleted SELECT @ICount = Count(*) FROM inserted" "is rather "expensive"? You are selecting from INSERTED, so @ICount will always be > 0 (and you won't detect a deletion for auditing?)"You Bet! This code was a carry over from the original audit triggers designed by a consultant several years ago...I like this better than my solution:-- Added or Modified rows:INSERT [dbo].[AuditMyTable]SELECT [Operation] = CASE WHEN D.MyPK IS NULL THEN 'A' ELSE 'M' END, [DateOfAction] = @dtNow, I.*FROM inserted AS I LEFT OUTER JOIN deleted AS D ON D.MyPK = I.MyPK-- Deleted rows:INSERT [dbo].[AuditMyTable]SELECT [Operation] = 'D', [DateOfAction] = @dtNow, D.*FROM deleted AS D LEFT OUTER JOIN inserted AS I ON I.MyPK = D.MyPKWHERE I.MyPK IS NULL Thanks for the excellent feedback! Still learning. |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2011-09-08 : 02:16:27
On the non-clustered key:If you have another better clustered key that is made during DEV that is fine of course. Might there be a risk that none is made? If so I think that might impact on the ability to reorganise the table during housekeeping.Perhaps a "checking script" looking for Audit Tables that have no clustered index that you can run periodically to catch any that have fallen through the net.This could do with revamping for newer style system tables, but its a start -- Tables with no PKSELECT [Table] = T.nameFROM sysobjects AS T -- Table LEFT OUTER JOIN sysobjects AS PK -- PK Name ON PK.parent_obj = AND PK.xtype = 'PK' WHERE T.xtype = 'U' AND NOT IN ('dtproperties') AND IS NULL ORDER BY |
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 2012-05-23 : 06:26:48
Hi, I know this is an old thread but I am interested in using this script. But I have a problem. I do not use an "ID" column in my tables. the key name varies from table to table and sometimes is a composite keyIs it possible to replace: SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' ON I.' + @TableName + 'ID = D.' + @TableName + 'ID' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'END' + @CRLF + @CRLF + @CRLFwith something more generic?Can we replace ID with ROW_NUMBER() ? |
Starting Member
1 Post |
Posted - 2012-10-18 : 05:09:30
For those who are interested in final code of mentioned solutions/************************************************************************************************************Created By: Bryan MasseyCreated On: 3/11/2007Comments: Stored proc performs the following actions: 1) Queries system tables to retrieve table schema for @TableName parameter 2) Creates a History table ("History" + @TableName) to mimic the original table, plus include additional history columns. 3) If @CreateTrigger = 'Y' then it creates an Update/Delete trigger on the @TableName table, which is used to populate the History table. 4) Writes simple script to pre-populate the History table with the current values of the Historyed table.******************************************* MODIFICATIONS **************************************************MM/DD/YYYY - Modified By - Description of Changes18/10/2012 - Artem Tomashevsky - Support of 'max' field length, nvarchar/varchar column types, IDENTITY BACKUP workaround and optimized trigger code************************************************************************************************************/ALTER PROCEDURE ForDevelopers_AutoGenerateHistoryTableAndTrigger @TableName VARCHAR(200), @CreateTrigger CHAR(1) = 'Y' -- optional parameter; defaults to "Y" AS DECLARE @SQLTable VARCHAR(MAX) , @SQLTrigger VARCHAR(MAX) , @FieldList VARCHAR(6000) , @FirstField VARCHAR(200) DECLARE @TAB CHAR(1) , @CRLF CHAR(1) , @SQL VARCHAR(1000) , @Date VARCHAR(12) SET @TAB = CHAR(9) SET @CRLF = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) SET @Date = CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), GETDATE(), 101) SET @FieldList = '' SET @SQLTable = '' DECLARE @PKFieldName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @FieldName VARCHAR(100) , @DataType VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @FieldLength VARCHAR(10) , @Precision VARCHAR(10) , @Scale VARCHAR(10) , @FieldDescr VARCHAR(500) , @AllowNulls VARCHAR(1) , @FieldIsIdentity BIT , @FieldLengthInt INT DECLARE CurHistoryTable CURSOR FOR -- query system tables to get table schemaSELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), SC.Name) AS FieldName , CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), ST.Name) AS DataType , CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.max_length) AS FieldLength , CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.precision) AS FieldPrecision , CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.Scale) AS FieldScale , CASE SC.Is_Nullable WHEN 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS AllowNulls , sc.Is_Identity AS FieldIsIdentity , sc.max_length AS FieldLengthInt FROM Sys.Objects SO INNER JOIN Sys.Columns SC ON SO.object_ID = SC.object_ID-- duplicate column names for Nvarchar fields-- INNER JOIN Sys.Types ST ON SC.system_type_id = ST.system_type_id INNER JOIN Sys.Types ST ON SC.user_type_id = ST.user_type_id WHERE SO.type = 'u' AND SO.Name = @TableName ORDER BY SO.[name] , SC.Column_Id ASC OPEN CurHistoryTable FETCH NEXT FROM CurHistoryTable INTO @FieldName, @DataType, @FieldLength, @Precision, @Scale, @AllowNulls, @FieldIsIdentity, @FieldLengthInt WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- create list of table columns IF LEN(@FieldList) = 0 BEGIN SET @FieldList = @FieldName SET @FirstField = @FieldName END ELSE BEGIN SET @FieldList = @FieldList + ', ' + @FieldName END-- if we are at the start add the std History columns in front IF LEN(@SQLTable) = 0 BEGIN SET @SQLTable = 'CREATE TABLE [DBO].[' + @TableName + '_History] (' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[' + @TableName + '_HistoryID] [INT] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[DateOfAction]' + @TAB + 'DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT (getdate()),' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[SysUser]' + @TAB + '[nvarchar](30) NOT NULL DEFAULT (suser_sname()),' + @CRLF-- Application context data. Uncomment and replace with your own function call-- SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[RlpInitiatorPersonId]' + @TAB + '[int] NULL DEFAULT ([dbo].[fnCurrentPersonID]()),' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[Operation]' + @TAB + 'CHAR (1) NOT NULL,' + @CRLF END SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[' + @FieldName + '] ' + '[' + @DataType + ']' IF UPPER(@DataType) IN ( 'CHAR', 'VARCHAR', 'NCHAR', 'NVARCHAR', 'BINARY' ) BEGIN IF @FieldLengthInt = -1 SET @FieldLength = 'MAX' SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + '(' + @FieldLength + ')' END ELSE IF UPPER(@DataType) IN ( 'DECIMAL', 'NUMERIC' ) BEGIN SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + '(' + @Precision + ', ' + @Scale + ')' END SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' NULL' SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ',' + @CRLF IF @FieldIsIdentity = 1 SET @PKFieldName = @FieldName FETCH NEXT FROM CurHistoryTable INTO @FieldName, @DataType, @FieldLength, @Precision, @Scale, @AllowNulls, @FieldIsIdentity, @FieldLengthInt END CLOSE CurHistoryTable DEALLOCATE CurHistoryTable-- finish history table script and code for Primary key SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' )' + @CRLF + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + 'ALTER TABLE [dbo].[' + @TableName + '_History]' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + 'ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_' + @TableName + '_HistoryID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([' + @TableName + '_HistoryID] ASC)' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + 'WITH (ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF) ON [PRIMARY];' + @CRLF + @CRLF PRINT @SQLTable-- execute sql script to create history table EXEC(@SQLTable) SET @SQLTrigger = '' IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN PRINT '******************** ERROR CREATING HISTORY TABLE FOR TABLE: ' + @TableName + ' **************************************' RETURN -1 END IF @CreateTrigger = 'Y' BEGIN -- create history trigger SET @SQLTrigger = '/************************************************************************************************************' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Created By: ' + SUSER_SNAME() + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Created On: ' + @Date + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Comments: Auto generated trigger' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + '***********************************************************************************************/' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'CREATE TRIGGER [historyTrg_' + @TableName + '] ON DBO.' + @TableName + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'AFTER INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'AS' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'BEGIN' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from interfering with SELECT statements.' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SET NOCOUNT ON;' + @CRLF + @CRLF -- Here is an IDENTITY BACKUP workaround for @@IDENTITY context corruption problem -- Original behavior raise obstacles for after INSERT actions to retrieve new record's identity in a Microsoft way (ADO problem) -- SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'-- START OF IDENTITY BACKUP'+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'DECLARE @BackupIdentitySeederFunc VARCHAR(1000)'+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'SET @BackupIdentitySeederFunc = '''+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'DECLARE @BackupIdentity TABLE'+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'(IdentityID INT IDENTITY('' + CAST(@@IDENTITY AS VARCHAR) + '', 1))'+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'INSERT @BackupIdentity DEFAULT VALUES'''+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'-- END OF IDENTITY BACKUP'+ @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '-- Added or Modified rows:' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'INSERT [dbo].[' + @TableName + '_History]' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '(Operation, ' + @FieldList + ')' SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SELECT [Operation] = CASE WHEN D.' + @PKFieldName + ' IS NULL THEN ''A'' ELSE ''M'' END,' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' I.*' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'FROM inserted AS I' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN deleted AS D' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' ON I.' + @PKFieldName + '= D.' + @PKFieldName + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '-- Deleted rows:' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'INSERT [dbo].[' + @TableName + '_History]' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '(Operation, ' + @FieldList + ')' SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SELECT [Operation] = ''D'',' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' D.*' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'FROM deleted AS D' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN inserted AS I' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' ON I.' + @PKFieldName + ' = D.' + @PKFieldName + +@CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'-- RETRIEVE ORIGINAL IDENTITY'+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'EXEC (@BackupIdentitySeederFunc)'+ @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'END' + @CRLF + @CRLF + @CRLF -- and to populate the initial History entries try this query:/* SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'INSERT [dbo].['+ @TableName + '_History]'+ @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + ' SELECT [Operation] = ''A''' + ',' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + ' [DateOfAction] = GETDATE(), T.*' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + ' FROM dbo.' + @TableName + ' AS T' + @CRLF*/ PRINT @SQLTrigger -- execute sql script to create update/delete trigger EXEC(@SQLTrigger) IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN PRINT '******************** ERROR CREATING HISTORY TRIGGER FOR TABLE: ' + @TableName + ' **************************************' RETURN -1 END END |
Starting Member
1 Post |
Posted - 2013-09-20 : 13:24:05
Thanks for the script! It is very useful!I made some updates which I found useful and I thought I'd share them. The main change was a fix to get non-standard column names (i.e. keywords) working by using bracket syntax. Another was adding APP_NAME() in the columns tracked./****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[GenerateHistoryTableAndTrigger] Script Date: 09/20/2013 10:07:49 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO/************************************************************************************************************From: By: Bryan MasseyCreated On: 3/11/2007Comments: Stored proc performs the following actions: 1) Queries system tables to retrieve table schema for @TableName parameter 2) Creates a History table (@TableName + "_history") to mimic the original table, plus include additional history columns. 3) If @CreateTrigger = 'Y' then it creates an Update/Delete trigger on the @TableName table, which is used to populate the History table. 4) Writes simple script to pre-populate the History table with the current values of the Historyed table.******************************************* MODIFICATIONS **************************************************MM/DD/YYYY - Modified By - Description of Changes10/18/2012 - Artem Tomashevsky - Support of 'max' field length, nvarchar/varchar column types, IDENTITY BACKUP workaround and optimized trigger code09/19/2013 - Jason Simone - Added brackets [] to trigger field identifiers to support keyword field names. Added App_Name(). Ignore deletes during updates. Changed insert code to 'I' and update code to 'U'.************************************************************************************************************/ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GenerateHistoryTableAndTrigger] @TableName VARCHAR(200), @CreateTrigger CHAR(1) = 'Y' -- optional parameter; defaults to "Y" AS DECLARE @SQLTable VARCHAR(MAX) , @SQLTrigger VARCHAR(MAX) , @FieldList VARCHAR(6000) , @FirstField VARCHAR(200) DECLARE @TAB CHAR(1) , @CRLF CHAR(1) , @SQL VARCHAR(1000) , @Date VARCHAR(12) SET @TAB = CHAR(9) SET @CRLF = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) SET @Date = CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), GETDATE(), 101) SET @FieldList = '' SET @SQLTable = '' DECLARE @PKFieldName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @FieldName VARCHAR(100) , @DataType VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @FieldLength VARCHAR(10) , @Precision VARCHAR(10) , @Scale VARCHAR(10) , @FieldDescr VARCHAR(500) , @AllowNulls VARCHAR(1) , @FieldIsIdentity BIT , @FieldLengthInt INT DECLARE CurHistoryTable CURSOR FOR -- query system tables to get table schemaSELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), SC.Name) AS FieldName , CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), ST.Name) AS DataType , CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.max_length) AS FieldLength , CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.precision) AS FieldPrecision , CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), SC.Scale) AS FieldScale , CASE SC.Is_Nullable WHEN 1 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS AllowNulls , sc.Is_Identity AS FieldIsIdentity , sc.max_length AS FieldLengthInt FROM Sys.Objects SO INNER JOIN Sys.Columns SC ON SO.object_ID = SC.object_ID-- duplicate column names for Nvarchar fields-- INNER JOIN Sys.Types ST ON SC.system_type_id = ST.system_type_id INNER JOIN Sys.Types ST ON SC.user_type_id = ST.user_type_id WHERE SO.type = 'u' AND SO.Name = @TableName ORDER BY SO.[name] , SC.Column_Id ASC OPEN CurHistoryTable FETCH NEXT FROM CurHistoryTable INTO @FieldName, @DataType, @FieldLength, @Precision, @Scale, @AllowNulls, @FieldIsIdentity, @FieldLengthInt WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- create list of table columns IF LEN(@FieldList) = 0 BEGIN SET @FirstField = '[' + @FieldName + ']' SET @FieldList = @FirstField END ELSE BEGIN SET @FieldList = @FieldList + ', [' + @FieldName + ']' END-- if we are at the start add the std History columns in front IF LEN(@SQLTable) = 0 BEGIN SET @SQLTable = 'CREATE TABLE [DBO].[' + @TableName + '_history] (' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[' + @TableName + '_historyID] [INT] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[DateOfAction]' + @TAB + 'DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT (getdate()),' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[SysUser]' + @TAB + '[nvarchar](30) NOT NULL DEFAULT (suser_sname()),' + @CRLF-- Application context data. Uncomment and replace with your own function call-- SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[RlpInitiatorPersonId]' + @TAB + '[int] NULL DEFAULT ([dbo].[fnCurrentPersonID]()),' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[Application]' + @TAB + '[nvarchar](255) NULL DEFAULT (APP_NAME()),' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[Operation]' + @TAB + 'CHAR (1) NOT NULL,' + @CRLF END SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + '[' + @FieldName + '] ' + '[' + @DataType + ']' IF UPPER(@DataType) IN ( 'CHAR', 'VARCHAR', 'NCHAR', 'NVARCHAR', 'BINARY' ) BEGIN IF @FieldLengthInt = -1 SET @FieldLength = 'MAX' SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + '(' + @FieldLength + ')' END ELSE IF UPPER(@DataType) IN ( 'DECIMAL', 'NUMERIC' ) BEGIN SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + '(' + @Precision + ', ' + @Scale + ')' END SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' NULL' SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ',' + @CRLF IF @FieldIsIdentity = 1 SET @PKFieldName = @FieldName FETCH NEXT FROM CurHistoryTable INTO @FieldName, @DataType, @FieldLength, @Precision, @Scale, @AllowNulls, @FieldIsIdentity, @FieldLengthInt END CLOSE CurHistoryTable DEALLOCATE CurHistoryTable-- finish history table script and code for Primary key SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + ' )' + @CRLF + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + 'ALTER TABLE [dbo].[' + @TableName + '_history]' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + 'ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_' + @TableName + '_historyID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([' + @TableName + '_historyID] ASC)' + @CRLF SET @SQLTable = @SQLTable + @TAB + 'WITH (ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF) ON [PRIMARY];' + @CRLF + @CRLF PRINT @SQLTable-- execute sql script to create history table EXEC(@SQLTable) SET @SQLTrigger = '' IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN PRINT '******************** ERROR CREATING HISTORY TABLE FOR TABLE: ' + @TableName + ' **************************************' RETURN -1 END IF @CreateTrigger = 'Y' BEGIN -- create history trigger SET @SQLTrigger = '/************************************************************************************************************' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Created By: ' + SUSER_SNAME() + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Created On: ' + @Date + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'Comments: Auto generated trigger' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + '***********************************************************************************************/' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'CREATE TRIGGER [historyTrg_' + @TableName + '] ON DBO.' + @TableName + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'AFTER INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'AS' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'BEGIN' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from interfering with SELECT statements.' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SET NOCOUNT ON;' + @CRLF + @CRLF -- Here is an IDENTITY BACKUP workaround for @@IDENTITY context corruption problem -- Original behavior raise obstacles for after INSERT actions to retrieve new record's identity in a Microsoft way (ADO problem) -- SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'-- START OF IDENTITY BACKUP'+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'DECLARE @BackupIdentitySeederFunc VARCHAR(1000)'+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'SET @BackupIdentitySeederFunc = '''+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'DECLARE @BackupIdentity TABLE'+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'(IdentityID INT IDENTITY('' + CAST(@@IDENTITY AS VARCHAR) + '', 1))'+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'INSERT @BackupIdentity DEFAULT VALUES'''+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'-- END OF IDENTITY BACKUP'+ @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '-- Deleted rows:' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'INSERT [dbo].[' + @TableName + '_history]' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '(Operation, ' + @FieldList + ')' SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SELECT [Operation] = ''D'',' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' D.*' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'FROM deleted AS D' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'LEFT OUTER JOIN inserted AS I ON I.' + @PKFieldName + ' = D.' + @PKFieldName + +@CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'WHERE I.' + @PKFieldName + ' IS NULL' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '-- Added or Modified rows:' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'INSERT [dbo].[' + @TableName + '_history]' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + '(Operation, ' + @FieldList + ')' SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'SELECT [Operation] = CASE WHEN D.' + @PKFieldName + ' IS NULL THEN ''I'' ELSE ''U'' END,' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + ' I.*' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'FROM inserted AS I' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB + 'LEFT OUTER JOIN deleted AS D ON I.' + @PKFieldName + '= D.' + @PKFieldName + @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'-- RETRIEVE ORIGINAL IDENTITY'+ @CRLFSET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + @TAB +'EXEC (@BackupIdentitySeederFunc)'+ @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'END' + @CRLF + @CRLF + @CRLF -- and to populate the initial History entries try this query:/* SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + 'INSERT [dbo].['+ @TableName + '_history]'+ @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + ' SELECT [Operation] = ''A''' + ',' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + ' [DateOfAction] = GETDATE(), T.*' + @CRLF SET @SQLTrigger = @SQLTrigger + ' FROM dbo.' + @TableName + ' AS T' + @CRLF*/ PRINT @SQLTrigger -- execute sql script to create update/delete trigger EXEC(@SQLTrigger) IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN PRINT '******************** ERROR CREATING HISTORY TRIGGER FOR TABLE: ' + @TableName + ' **************************************' RETURN -1 END END |
Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 2013-10-17 : 05:55:54
unspammed |
Starting Member
1 Post |
Posted - 2013-11-18 : 09:39:45
Hello,I wanted to test this solution and I was able to, but for some tables I have a problem.In addition, if ktosc could give me some advices how to convert the script to take into account the pattern in which there is a table and made a copy of the table in the same schema. Is it enough to replace in a few places schema 'dbo' and substituted for variable there?below is the script to create the table at which I had a problemUSE [Analiza]GO/****** Object: Table [Prognozy].[DE] Script Date: 11/18/2013 15:03:16 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOCREATE TABLE [Prognozy].[DE]( [nr_katalogowy] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [01] [int] NULL, [02] [int] NULL, [03] [int] NULL, [04] [int] NULL, [05] [int] NULL, [06] [int] NULL, [07] [int] NULL, [08] [int] NULL, [09] [int] NULL, [10] [int] NULL, [11] [int] NULL, [12] [int] NULL, [Wprowadzajacy] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [data_wprowadzenia] [datetime] NULL, [modyfikujacy] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [data_modyfikacji] [datetime] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [Prognozy].[DE] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_DE_wprowadzajacy] DEFAULT (suser_sname()) FOR [Wprowadzajacy]GOALTER TABLE [Prognozy].[DE] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_DE_data_wprowadzenia] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [data_wprowadzenia]GOALTER TABLE [Prognozy].[DE] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_DE_modyfikujacy] DEFAULT (suser_sname()) FOR [modyfikujacy]GOALTER TABLE [Prognozy].[DE] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_DE_data_modyfikacji] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [data_modyfikacji]GO |