The script, most is just formatting and display code..alter procedure dbo.gaussianElimination( @matrix nvarchar(max) ,@verbose bit = 1)as/*Example usage:To solve Ax=B |25 5 1| |106.8 |A = |64 8 1| , B = |177.21| |144 12 1| |279.21|exec dbo.gaussianElimination N'<matrix> <row values="25,5,1,106.8"/> <row values="64,8,1,177.21"/> <row values="144,12,1,279.21"/> </matrix>', @verbose = 1*/set nocount onset xact_abort on--=================== SETUP ===============================================================================-- parse the input into a tabledeclare @handle intdeclare @vals table( m smallint identity(0,1) primary key ,vals varchar(max))exec sp_xml_preparedocument @handle output, @matrixinsert @vals( vals)select valsfrom openxml (@handle, '/matrix/row',2) with (vals varchar(max) '@values')exec sp_xml_removedocument @handle-- validate input (basic)if exists(select * from @vals where left(vals,1) not like '[-+0-9 ]' or right(vals,1) not like '[0-9 ]' or patindex('%[^-+.,0-9 ]%',vals) > 0)begin raiserror('Malformed input in matrix values this row:',16,1) select m as row, vals from @vals where left(vals,1) not like '[-+0-9 ]' or right(vals,1) not like '[0-9 ]' or patindex('%[^-+.,0-9 ]%',vals) > 0 returnendif (select count(distinct len(vals)-len(replace(vals,',',''))) from @vals) <> 1begin raiserror('The matrix is not symmetrical, different rows have different number of values',16,1) select len(vals)-len(replace(vals,',','')) as [#values], vals as inputMatrix from @vals order by m returnendif @verbose = 1 select vals as inputMatrix from @vals order by m-- create our matrix table, and insert the provided matrixcreate table #matrix( m smallint -- the row # 0 based ix ,n smallint -- the col # 0 based ix ,value float ,primary key(m,n))declare @m smallint ,@n smallint ,@valuelist varchar(max) ,@ix int ,@value float ,@i smallint ,@j smallint ,@maxi smallint ,@k smallint ,@u smallintselect @m = 0 ,@n = 0-- parse the values into our matrix tablewhile 1=1begin set @ix = 0 set @n = 0 set @valuelist = (select vals from @vals where m = @m) if @valuelist is null break while 1=1 begin select @ix = charindex(',',@valuelist) ,@value = case when @ix = 0 then @valuelist else left(@valuelist,@ix-1) end ,@valuelist = substring(@valuelist,@ix+1,len(@valuelist)) insert #matrix(m,n,value) values (@m,@n,@value) if @ix = 0 break set @n = @n + 1 end set @m = @m+1endselect @m = (select 1+max(m) from #matrix) ,@n = (select 1+max(n) from #matrix)--=================== END SETUP ===============================================================================--=================== GAUSSIAN ELIMINATION ===============================================================================-- Adapted from @i = 0 ,@j = 0while 1=1begin -- find pivot in column @j starting in row @i set @maxi = (select top 1 m from #matrix where m >= @i and n = @j order by abs(value) desc) if (select value from #matrix where n = @j and m = @maxi) <> 0 begin -- swap rows i and maxi, but do not change the value of i -- Now A[i,j] will contain the old value of A[maxi,j] update #matrix set m = case when m = @i then @maxi else @i end where m in(@i,@maxi) and @i <> @maxi -- divide each entry in row i by A[i,j] -- Now A[i,j] will have the value 1. important step, this property is used in the back-elimination update #matrix set value = value / (select value from #matrix where m = @i and n = @j) where m = @i -- subtract A[u,j] * row i from all rows below @i (pivot row) update mv1 set value = mv1.value - ((select value from #matrix where m = mv1.m and n = @j) * mv2.value) from #matrix mv1 join #matrix mv2 on mv1.n = mv2.n where mv1.m > @i and mv2.m = @i end select @i = @i+1 ,@j = @j+1 if @i = @m or @j = @n-1 breakend-- back substitutionselect @i = @m-1, @j = @n-2while 1=1begin -- the back substitution presupposes a row-echelon matrix with 1 as the leading value in each row if (select count(*) from #matrix where m = @i and n < @n-1 and value <> 0) = 1 begin set @value = (select value from #matrix where m = @i and n = @n-1) update m set value = case when n = @j then 0 else value - @value * (select value from #matrix m2 where n = @j and m.m = m2.m) end from #matrix m where n in(@j,@n-1) and m < @i end else begin set @j=@j+1 -- stay on same column end select @i = @i-1, @j = @j-1 if @i < 0 or @j < 0 breakend --=================== END GAUSSIAN ELIMINATION ===============================================================================--=================== DISPLAY RESULTS ===============================================================================declare @res varchar(max) ,@plus varchar(1)declare @restab table(result varchar(max))set @i = 0while @i < @mbegin select @res = '' ,@j = 0 while @j < @n - 1 begin select @value = (select value from #matrix where m = @i and n = @j) ,@plus = '' if @value <> 0 begin if sign(@value) = 1 and @res <> '' set @plus = '+' if abs(@value) = 1 set @res = @res + @plus + 'x' + ltrim(@j) + ' ' else set @res = @res + @plus + case when @value-1.0*floor(@value) = 0.0 then ltrim(cast(@value as int)) else ltrim(str(@value,14,6)) end + '*x' + ltrim(@j) + ' ' end set @j = @j + 1 end if @res <> '' begin set @res = @res + ' = ' + (select case when value-1.0*floor(value) = 0.0 then ltrim(cast(value as int)) else ltrim(str(value,14,6)) end from #matrix where m = @i and n = @j) insert @restab values(@res) end else begin -- check unsolvable situation 0 = x if (select value from #matrix where m = @i and n = @j) <> 0 begin set @res = '0 = ' + (select case when value-1.0*floor(value) = 0.0 then ltrim(cast(value as int)) else ltrim(str(value,14,6)) end from #matrix where m = @i and n = @j) insert @restab values(@res+' -- unsolvable') end end set @i = @i + 1endselect result from @restab order by resultif @verbose = 1 and not exists(select * from @restab where result like '%unsolvable')begin -- this is to set up testing scenario set @n = 0 declare @declaration nvarchar(max); set @declaration = 'set nocount on' while @n < (select max(n) from #matrix) begin set @declaration = @declaration + char(10) + 'declare @x' + ltrim(@n) + ' float' if @n = (select max(n)-1 from #matrix) update @vals set vals = stuff(vals,charindex(',',vals),1,' * @x' + ltrim(@n) + ') --= ' ) else update @vals set vals = stuff(vals,charindex(',',vals),1,' * @x' + ltrim(@n) + ') + (' ) set @n = @n + 1 end -- display test scenario select @declaration as testingScenario union all select replace(result,'x','set @x') from @restab where len(result)-len(replace(result,'x','')) = 1 union all select 'select (' + vals from @valsendif @verbose = 1 --or @verbose = 0begin print 'Resultant row echelon matrix after solving the augmented input matrix' + char(10) + replicate('=',120) -- display the #matrix declare @pvt1 varchar(max) ,@pvt2 varchar(max) ,@sql nvarchar(max) select @n = 1 ,@pvt1 = '[0] as n0' ,@pvt2 = '[0]' while @n < (select max(n)+1 from #matrix) begin select @pvt1 = @pvt1 + ',[' + ltrim(@n) + '] as n' + ltrim(@n) ,@pvt2 = @pvt2 + ',[' + ltrim(@n) + ']' ,@n = @n + 1 end select @sql = replace(replace( 'select ''m'' + ltrim(m) as m,>pivotselect< from ( select n,m,value from #matrix ) matrix pivot ( max(value) for n in(>pivotlist<) ) as pvt order by m' ,'>pivotselect<',@pvt1),'>pivotlist<',@pvt2) exec sp_executesql @sqlend--=================== END DISPLAY RESULTS ===============================================================================-- FINISH-- cleanupdrop table #matrixreturn 0