I found some sample code however it keeps throwing an unknown error :| private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DirectoryEntry parent = new DirectoryEntry("<LDAP://jakah-2k3-dc-1.jakah.com/DC=jakah,DC=com", null, null, AuthenticationTypes.Secure); DirectoryEntry user = parent.Children.Add("CN=test.user", "user"); using (user) { user.Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value = "test.user"; user.CommitChanges(); } } catch(Exception e1) { throw e1; } }
Not sure if I need a CN ? I read this http://www.jonathanmalek.com/blog/ADAMASPNETCAndUnknownError0x80005000KeepingAStiffUpperLip.aspxBut cant seem to figure out what I would need to change...
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