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Freaky Yak Linguist

1983 Posts

Posted - 2006-12-23 : 07:19:25
Serious TB in my lungs for at min. the last 4 years (about to hospitalize on Tuesday). But I'm completely broken.
10-20 USD would be quite enough, from ~5 Men.

WesternUnion (or Contact) She'd get it for me.

Her passport's ID is: HB 1843926

Let me hug & kiss you...

Freaky Yak Linguist

1983 Posts

Posted - 2006-12-23 : 10:32:57
Thank you, my dear Moose!

Country: Belarus

Town: Gomel

Let me hug & kiss you...

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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2006-12-23 : 11:03:19
Good Luck!
Hope everything works out...
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Freaky Yak Linguist

1983 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 13:22:37
conditions there are just terrible.
The only thing I want to say urbi e orbi:
rocko was the 1st man who helped me
I apprecite the fact INCREDIBLY

Let me hug & kiss you...

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

3575 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 13:47:37
Originally posted by Stoad

conditions there are just terrible.
The only thing I want to say urbi e orbi:
rocko was the 1st man who helped me
I apprecite the fact INCREDIBLY

I have missed something. What is going on?

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3564 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 15:34:13
Huh, I never understand Stoad...transferring money via a forum? Is that even legal ?

Keeping the web experience alive -- [url][/url]

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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 15:39:45
It sounds like a scam to me.

How can 50-100 bucks pay for hospitalization? I was recently hospitalized, so I know how much just one night in a hospital can cost. I didn't have to pay much for it since I'm insured.

Even if it costs less in another country, there's just no way that 100 bucks would cover much.

If I were to offer my hard-earned money, I would require to see what I am paying for. I don't care if it's just 5 bucks. I won't take someone's word for it unless I know them personally.

Tara Kizer
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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 17:44:15
ec - stoad was sick and I helped him out.

jon - bureaucracy is just a political mechanism to keep us in the system.

tkizer - scams on this forum are quickly removed or locked by the admins.
This has nothing to do with abusing the forum for personal gain.
Shame on you.

stoad - how are you? any better?

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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 17:47:07
But how do you know that this has nothing to do with personal gain?

Tara Kizer
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Freaky Yak Linguist

1983 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 18:09:38
Tara, you are wrong in my case.
How can you even think abt my "persoanal gain" when I helped so many people, here on the forum
Where my gain is?

Let me hug & kiss you...

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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 18:13:30
My point is that I would not help without proof. To me, you are just another person on the Internet.

Tara Kizer
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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 18:20:53
They let you out?
Are you cured ?
my dear just another person on the internet...

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Freaky Yak Linguist

1983 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 18:23:31
>stoad - how are you? any better?

I'm dying, Brother. Have no force, no will, nothing.

Let me hug & kiss you...

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Freaky Yak Linguist

1983 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 18:25:10
They let "us" out. No problem in this.

Let me hug & kiss you...

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Freaky Yak Linguist

1983 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 18:26:59
>Are you cured ?

Ohhhhhhh It's incurable

Let me hug & kiss you...

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Freaky Yak Linguist

1983 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 18:30:17
blow wind blow

Only now I start to understand these Shakespeare`s words

Let me hug & kiss you...

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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 18:42:10
Stoad, you need to write some SQL
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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 18:48:28
Or is the plan to joke around and then die?

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

3575 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 19:21:55
seriously, wtf is going on? How is $100 going to make any difference at all? I'm with tara on this, these cryptic requests for money are just strange.

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Freaky Yak Linguist

1983 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 19:40:57
the woman who sent to me $50 (the forum doesn't know her)
She lives in La Crescente, California She is in debt abt $700,000
She is a Russian.

Let me hug & kiss you...

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Freaky Yak Linguist

1983 Posts

Posted - 2007-01-10 : 19:43:04
Originally posted by eyechart

seriously, wtf is going on? How is $100 going to make any difference at all? I'm with tara on this, these cryptic requests for money are just strange.


you are just don't know what the Life IS

Let me hug & kiss you...

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