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 anyone attend?

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Starting Member

35 Posts

Posted - 2006-11-07 : 01:09:26
Im in vegas right now at the devconnections conference, anyone else there?

If so did you see how Scott G. microsoft product manager couldnt find how to unmute the sound on his pc. Everyone in that conference room (about 4k) people kept yelling BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER, and he still couldnt find it!!!

He eventually opened control panel, and everyone screamed SOUND ... couldnt find he hovers over the start menu and everyone is yelling TO THE RIGHT TO THE RIGHT TO THE RIGHT..

Took him a while to finally find it in the control panel...heh kind of funny. :)

In (Som, Ni, Yak)

17689 Posts

Posted - 2006-11-07 : 09:43:08
Anybody got this video down and share ?


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