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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2006-08-25 : 10:43:57
These are the posted questions I have the most trouble with. I just can't tell what they are trying to say.

Carlo really confused me with this one.
"I have tried but making therefore forehead of every line me of it, it inserts 30 equal ones why?"

"thank's a lot a solv after send a new topic!!!!"

Kristine speaks English as a native language (I think), but seems to do no better. I got out of breath just trying to read this one.
"ok..let's see..the new sp that i created returns more or less a hundred columns..this is prior to the fact that i made a pivot column out of the dates that i used..well, its group by values includes the names, id's, etc for the students..which is in all 9 columns to the left of the table and the rest are the dates already..hmm, please take a look at the codes i posted previously..the first nine columns are the info for the students, the last two are for the pivoted column and for the population of the data cells under the pivoted column..that's what i expect as return values for the temp table too..?"


Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2006-08-25 : 11:45:22
what can i say... italians.
Italy is Slovenia's neibhour and i can tell you that 80% of italians
can't speak proper english or even "unproper" english

Interestingly enough Peso still has energy to deal with them... ahh when we were so young... (post wise).. those were the days...

Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow
blog thingie:
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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2006-08-25 : 12:06:57
I don't mean to criticize him because of his English; it isn't his native language. However, I can't understand him.

I see plenty of Americans posting here who can't communicate in English.

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2052 Posts

Posted - 2006-08-25 : 13:28:09
Written communication is difficult at the best of times as it is such a small part of communnication as a whole. I sometimes wonder if an online translator would help,

Just for interest I put the phrase
My Hovercraft is full of eels
into [url][/url] and translated it to russian, then japanese then back to english and it came up with
My hovercraft the eel is complete
You can sort of see where it is coming from but it doesn't really make any sense.

Just observations really. What do others think? There are certainly a number of people on this site who's first language is (probably) not English but you couldn't tell from their posts, yet as Michael says there are others where English is (probably) their first language and you can't tell that either!!




Don't worry head. The computer will do all the thinking from now on.
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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2006-08-25 : 14:49:26
I used that site to translate to Spanish and back to English. The translation back to English from Spanish doesn't seem any harder to understand than the original.

ok..let's see..the new sp that i created returns more or less a hundred columns..this is prior to the fact that i made a pivot column out of the dates that i used..well, its group by values includes the names, id's, etc for the students..which is in all 9 columns to the left of the table and the rest are the dates already..hmm, please take a look at the codes i posted previously.

To Spanish and back to Engish:
authorization.let us see.the new SP that I created the returns hundreds more or less columns.this one is before the fact that I made a column of the pivot outside the dates that I used.well, its group by values includes the names, identification, etc for the students.which is in the 9 columns to the left of the table and of the rest they are the dates already.hmm, heche a glance please the codes that I fixed previously.

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2365 Posts

Posted - 2006-08-25 : 16:50:36
I don't mind the ones that can't write English well.

I don't like the ones who can't write SQL well!
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

1907 Posts

Posted - 2006-08-26 : 03:20:36
I feel that somtimes, that problem you have are difficult to express on writing. Thats where many
people mess up with the things.

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In (Som, Ni, Yak)

17689 Posts

Posted - 2006-08-26 : 04:52:11
I don't mind the ones that can't write English well. Not everybody first language is English anyway.

I mind the ones that can't explain what they want. You can't help if you don't understand the problem.

I don't mind the ones who can't write SQL well. It gives me a chance to increase my post count.


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22859 Posts

Posted - 2006-09-01 : 19:05:24
"My Hovercraft is full of eels"

Somtimes I worry about you Elwoos!

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Arnold Fribble
Yak-finder General

1961 Posts

Posted - 2006-09-02 : 04:48:58
The first link for this from Google is quite fun:
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2052 Posts

Posted - 2006-09-04 : 03:18:56
I've been found out!! Am impressed they even have it in Welsh though there's is different to the translation I had



Don't worry head. The computer will do all the thinking from now on.
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