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22859 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-01 : 06:23:33
We took possession of our new home yesterday - how exciting!

Let me know when you are all coming round and I'll throw a housewarming party!


Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-01 : 08:49:00
congrats on new house!

Well... when will the pool be finished?

Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow
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In (Som, Ni, Yak)

17689 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-01 : 10:10:49

Pool with jacuzzi ?


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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-01 : 14:34:35
GL with the new house!
Where is it on the map?
Would love to come over ,
the £ is very expensive though, last time I was in the UK I got seriously ripped off.

Edit: You said home... it is a house or ?

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22859 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-02 : 08:12:54
"when will the pool be finished"

It will be done before you arrive ... even if you are coming this afternoon!!

"last time I was in the UK I got seriously ripped off"

Did you stay with me then?

"You said home... it is a house or ?"

Yup, a house where we are making our home.

I actually originally wrote "We took possession of our new house yesterday" and changed it because I thought folk might read that as a new-build. Instead you think we've got a Winnebago!

"Where is it on the map?"

We have a nice view of Coldham Hall - but you need high powered binoculars to see any detail

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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-02 : 11:28:26
"but you need high powered binoculars to see any detail"

I'll bring my telescope

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2052 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-03 : 03:20:26
I'll throw a housewarming party!

I just fancy a weekend away

I'll bring Tequila



Don't worry head. The computer will do all the thinking from now on.
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22859 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-03 : 09:05:58
Then take your fancy, and the two of you have a great weekend away!

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22859 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-03 : 09:07:42
"I'll bring my telescope"

No need, we're passed the Acceptance Tests stage on that project!

Well ... unless you've something with an objective larger than 12" ....

.... brings a whole new meaning to "Star gazing"

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2916 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-03 : 10:18:26
rockmoose...."the £ is very expensive though, last time I was in the UK I got seriously ripped off."....

given the price of beer in'd be hard to get ripped off more anywhere else!
...(not that we in Dublin can hold our hands up and say we're cheap!!!)
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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-03 : 11:19:55
"given the price of beer in'd be hard to get ripped off more anywhere else!"

Ouch, that hurt, it really did!

When I go to posh places (my standard) I pay for a pint appx £3.00
That would be a standard price for a pint at the pub

But I think our currency is quickly approaching the status of a, as I like to call "peseta-money".
Cents are hardly heard of, and the smallest coin is 50cent, why do we bother!!
50cent = £0.038
1krona = £0.075
You may laugh if you want

In norway, oh that's a ripoff - big time!, due to all the oil their prices are seriously inflated!
They go to sweden, swedes go to poland.

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22859 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-04 : 00:46:19
The Removal People come today :-(

Couldn't find my slippers this morning ... and we have two pepper pots and no salt ... I am such a spoilt brat!
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In (Som, Ni, Yak)

17689 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-04 : 01:01:10
"We took possession of our new home yesterday"
"The Removal People come today :-("
That's amazing, all in 3 days ? Either you don't have much things to pack up or your wife is efficient.

So World Cup Party this weekend ?


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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2052 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-04 : 03:11:47
Hang on Guys, Kristen is on the phone

"What's that, you're going to pay for everyone (and partners) to come over for your housewarming?"

"And you're going to put them all up in a 5 star hotel"

"Very generous of you Kristen, See you there"

"You'll charge it to company expenses, OK"

Right I'm back now. I think Kristen will be making an announcement about this soon, so I don't want to spoil the suprise, can you all pretend you don't know.



Don't worry head. The computer will do all the thinking from now on.
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

4110 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-04 : 03:45:00
have you received your e-tickets yet?

do I need to pretend I watch football or cricket or that ball kicking sports whatchamacallit?

does your new home have a pool?

keeping it simple...
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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-04 : 03:52:14


You're such a swell guy Kristen!

This is just great, can I bring my wify as well?

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In (Som, Ni, Yak)

17689 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-04 : 04:02:53
Thanks a lot Kristen !

You are the man !


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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2052 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-04 : 06:57:57
can I bring my wify as well?

You mean as well as your girlfriend? There was me thinking that it was just rumours about these Scandinavian types



Don't worry head. The computer will do all the thinking from now on.
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Posting Yak Master

168 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-04 : 10:11:10
Originally posted by Kristen

We took possession of our new home yesterday - how exciting!

Let me know when you are all coming round and I'll throw a housewarming party!


I wish you the best for the future my friend. I hope it's the dream pad you've always wanted!

Inability is a disaster; patience is bravery; abstinence is a treasure, self-restraint is a shield; and the best companion is submission to Divine Will.
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22859 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-05 : 04:50:43
"I think Kristen will be making an announcement about this soon, so I don't want to spoil the suprise, can you all pretend you don't know"

The bit about me saying my private jet would pick everyone up you mean?

"Either you don't have much things to pack up or your wife is efficient"

Sadly we have way too much stuff - 3 huge removals trucks and still plenty of junk left at the old place - including the whole of my offices ...

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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2006-07-05 : 05:16:09
3 removal trucks???
you live in a mansion or something???

Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow
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