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 My IBM Thinkpad T43...

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Not Just a Number

15586 Posts

Posted - 2006-06-28 : 12:59:31
is fried.....they had to send it to IBM to replace the system board...

So I'm wotking on a loaner...of the M$ products and mainframe stuff is pushed so I have to reload them everytime I want to use another one,

But gone are ERWin and SQL Server which were installed locally...I can reloead SQL Server no problem, but ErWin with it's complicated licensing and registration took I don't know if I should register it on a another machine because I don't know what that will do.

So am STUCK doing DB2 OS/390 DDL Changes and enhancements by hand if working with DB2 could get any more painful....

PLUS, I will have to resynch my model when I get the damn thing back




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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2006-06-28 : 13:31:29
I received my new IBM ThinkPad T60P two weeks ago! It is super fast. The P model has the 15" display instead of the 14.1" display.

Tara Kizer
aka tduggan
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Not Just a Number

15586 Posts

Posted - 2006-06-28 : 13:44:28
Now I have laptop envy



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22859 Posts

Posted - 2006-06-28 : 16:07:05

So you're really REALLY R E A L L Y pissed then?

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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2006-06-28 : 16:26:14
Should have got a Dell (without the exploding battery)

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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2006-06-28 : 16:29:15
We don't have options as to which vendor to pick for our laptops. Corporate decides the vendors.

Tara Kizer
aka tduggan
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Not Just a Number

15586 Posts

Posted - 2006-06-29 : 10:40:01
Originally posted by tkizer

I received my new IBM ThinkPad T60P two weeks ago! It is super fast. The P model has the 15" display instead of the 14.1" display.

Tara Kizer
aka tduggan

What's the max memory?

We have developers that will be getting Rational application developer, and it's requirement is 2 GB of memory...

What a pig

What ever happened to 16kb?

Oh, that's unix



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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2006-06-29 : 15:00:59
It comes with 1GB of RAM. I asked for 2GB though and it got approved. Lucky me!

Tara Kizer
aka tduggan
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

1168 Posts

Posted - 2006-06-30 : 04:57:18
Originally posted by tkizer

It comes with 1GB of RAM. I asked for 2GB though and it got approved. Lucky me!

Tara Kizer
aka tduggan

That's a nice laptop... which CPU did you get - the T2500 or T2600?

I've got a M1710 - VERY nice. T2600, 2 GB ram, 100 GB 7200 rpm drive (... and not that it's relevant to work, a GeForce 7900 GTX with 512 MB ram). If you've upgraded to the 2 GB ram, then the only real difference seems to be the screen size/resolution (mine is 17", 1920x1200), and the extra weight I'm lugging around

*##* *##* *##* *##*

Chaos, Disorder and Panic ... my work is done here!
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

1168 Posts

Posted - 2006-06-30 : 05:00:21
Originally posted by X002548

is fried.....they had to send it to IBM to replace the system board...

So I'm wotking on a loaner...of the M$ products and mainframe stuff is pushed so I have to reload them everytime I want to use another one,

But gone are ERWin and SQL Server which were installed locally...I can reloead SQL Server no problem, but ErWin with it's complicated licensing and registration took I don't know if I should register it on a another machine because I don't know what that will do.

So am STUCK doing DB2 OS/390 DDL Changes and enhancements by hand if working with DB2 could get any more painful....

PLUS, I will have to resynch my model when I get the damn thing back




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It might be nice if all software licensing could be done on some kind of roaming profile? Of course, that would have many technical issues (not the least being usage when 'off-net') - but it would be nice to be able to log onto a machine and decide which of your registered software you want to use on the machine you've started using...

*##* *##* *##* *##*

Chaos, Disorder and Panic ... my work is done here!
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Not Just a Number

15586 Posts

Posted - 2006-06-30 : 08:48:42
Well, I found out that it's going to take 2 weeks.

I wish I had to deliver with an SLA of 2 weeks...lately it's been 2 hours.....

Pure insanity



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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2006-06-30 : 12:56:36
Originally posted by Wanderer

Originally posted by tkizer

It comes with 1GB of RAM. I asked for 2GB though and it got approved. Lucky me!

Tara Kizer
aka tduggan

That's a nice laptop... which CPU did you get - the T2500 or T2600?

I've got a M1710 - VERY nice. T2600, 2 GB ram, 100 GB 7200 rpm drive (... and not that it's relevant to work, a GeForce 7900 GTX with 512 MB ram). If you've upgraded to the 2 GB ram, then the only real difference seems to be the screen size/resolution (mine is 17", 1920x1200), and the extra weight I'm lugging around

*##* *##* *##* *##*

Chaos, Disorder and Panic ... my work is done here!

I have the T2600.

Tara Kizer
aka tduggan
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