Can you use this method if you want to format the results instead of just dumping them out? I've done something similar by iterating through the recordset I've produced and writing to excel, but I had to generate sub headings at certain points. Could I use your method instead, because I've just tested it and its much quicker.I also had problems where Excel 2000 doesn't care what you dump in to it, but excel 97 requires the data to be explicitly converted before it would write it to excel so if it's a decimal value coming from the recordset I've had to do this:objxlsht.Cells(lngExcelRow, intExcelCol).Value = CDbl(rs(intexcelcol - 1).Value)
where in excel 2000 I just did this:objxlsht.Cells(lngExcelRow, intExcelCol).Value = rs(intexcelcol - 1).Value
Have you had this kind of problem?Yonabout