Hii need to sum the values in different cells of an excel sheet which im getting from data base and which is in a loop and the number of entries depends on the user.Please help me out im adding the code please check it out:<% Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"%> <html><body><%dim objConnset objConn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")objConn.open "provider=SQLOLEDB;data source=;initial catalog=RUT;user id=test;password=test;"iMonth = Request.QueryString ("month")iyear = Request.QueryString ("year")intpid = Request.QueryString ("project")inteid = Request.QueryString ("eid")dim fDateDIM fmonthDim fiif iMonth = "February" and iYear mod 4 <> 0 then iTo = 28 elseif iMonth = "February" and iYear mod 4 = 0 then iTo = 29end ifif (iMonth = "April" or iMonth = "June" or iMonth = "September" or iMonth = "November") then iTo = 30 end ifif (iMonth = "January" or iMonth = "March" or iMonth = "May" or iMonth = "July" or iMonth = "August" or iMonth = "October" or iMonth = "December") then iTo = 31 end ifdim rsobj1,rsobj2,rsobj5,rsobj9sql1 = "select first_name from tblUserMaster where emp_id='"&inteid&"'" set rsobj1 = objConn.Execute (sql1)sql2 = "select distinct activity_id from tblTimeSheet where month='"&iMonth&"' and year='"&iyear&"' and project_id='"&intpid&"' and emp_id='"&inteid&"' and bill_non = ''"set rsobj2 = objConn.Execute (sql2)%><b>Employee Name:<%=rsobj1("first_name")%></b> <TABLE BORDER=1><TR><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></td><TD ><%=imonth%></TD><TD ></td><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ><%=imonth%></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ><%=imonth%></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ><%=imonth%></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD><TD ></TD></TR><TR bgcolor="#ffffff" style="FONT-FAMILY: fantasy; BACKGROUND-COLOR: powderblue"><td ><b>Client/Assignment</b> </td><td ><b>ProjectName</b> </td><td ><b>Remarks</b></td> <td><b>Total Hrs</b></td><%for i = 1 to iTofmonth=imonthfi =ifDate = fi & "/" & fMonth & "/" & iYearResponse.Write "<td align=center><b>" & i & "</p>" & weekdayname(weekday(fdate)) & "</b></td>"next%></TR><%'===============================================d efault activity============================%> <% do until rsobj2.EOF%><tr><%dim intactid,rsobj3intactid = rsobj2("activity_id")sql3 = "select activity_name from tblActivityMaster where activity_id = '"&intactid&"'"set rsobj3 = objConn.Execute (sql3)sql4 = "select no_of_hrs,remarks,date from tblTimeSheet where month='"&iMonth&"' and year='"&iyear&"' and project_id='"&intpid&"' and emp_id='"&inteid&"' and activity_id='"&intactid&"'"set rsobj4 = objConn.Execute (sql4)%><td><%=rsobj3("activity_name")%></td><td></td><td><%=rsobj4("remarks")%></td><td></td><%do until rsobj4.eof%><%if (rsobj4("no_of_hrs") < 8 ) then%><td><%=rsobj4("no_of_hrs")%></td>// I need to add the values i get in this td and display in the td with red colour and the number of values may change according to the user<%else%><td>8</td><%end if%> <% rsobj4.movenextloop%></tr><%rsobj2.movenextloop%>