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Posted - 2001-01-18 : 18:01:30
Rich writes "I wrote the subroutine below for an IntraNet attempting to UPDATE a TABLE. There are 2 fields in the TABLE I am attempting to UPDATE. The problem (Or question) is, why do I have to do 2 calls to SQL doing only one field update, rather than just one with 2 fields to update, there are 6 fields in the TABLE. The strange part of this is that the UPDATE actually works, it just never comes back after the 'execute' statement. IF I code it the way it IS below, then it works like it is supposed to, so I found a way around the problem, although the problem still exists. This program runs from Netscape(4.7) or IE to a WinNT(4.0) Server running SQL 7.0.
Tell me what you think, is this a 'Bill' (As in Gates) problem, SQL, PERL, or am I going Nucki' Futs...???
Here's my code: # ----- # sub update_wo { if ($func eq "Approve") { $func = "Approved" } else { $func = "Canceled" }
$x = 0; while($x < 2) { $x = $x + 1; if ($x == 1) { $line = "SET status = '$func'" } if ($x == 2) { $line = "SET appr_date = '$newtime'" } $sql = "UPDATE Cust_WO $line WHERE wo_num = '$wo_num' "; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) || errout("$DBI::errstr $sql\n\n"); $sth->execute(); $sth->finish(); }
print "\n"; print "$wo_num has been $func on $newtime \n"; print "\n"; } # ----- #
There is code BEFORE/AFTER this, my attempt here was to show that the UPDATE function is screwy, that's all. Please let me know what you guys think about this, Hell, I have a ton more wonderful MS thinks I can show you also...
Thanks... PS: You need to set AUTOWRAP ON on this question box, Netscape doesn't AUTOWRAP on the form unless you tell it to...." |