In my FTS Thesaurus for a hardware type store I have the following :<expansion><roll><roller><rolling></expansion>
When I search for "Bosch corner roll" using the following query :select tblp.productid, tblp.productcode, tblp.description, KEY_TBL.RANK from tblProduct tblpINNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(tblProduct, *, 'FORMSOF(THESAURUS,"bosch corner roll")') AS KEY_TBL ON tblP.ProductID = KEY_TBL.[KEY]
I get matches for anything and everything that includes the term "roller" "roll" and "rolling" and the "Bosch corner" part is totally disregarded. It seems to almost revert to a FREETEXT style search. I was hoping it would search for "Bosch corner roll", "Bosch corner roller" and "Bosch corner rolling" of course.I have tried putting "AND" between the words to no avail. How do I get it to use the thesaurus for part of the entered phrase and not completely blow the rest of the searched term out of the water? This is for a public facing e-commerce site so we can't control what is searched for so my approach needs to kind of fit all.I have experimented with breaking up the incoming search term into separate words but then the Thesaurus doesn't work is someone searches for "lawn mower" and I am passing "lawn" and "mower" and I want it to replace with "lawnmower".Many Thanks.