Hello GURUS,The code below displays the correct results in terms of number but I have two issues.1, the query is displaying duplicate results2, I would like to show ElectionName only ones and then positions and candidates associated with each can displayed multiple times under each ElectionName.Can you please see what I am missing?Thank you very much.select [ElectionName] = CASE WHEN GROUPING(p.positionId)= 0 THEN MAX (p.Position) ELSE (e.ElectionName + CAST(e.ClosingDate AS VARCHAR(12))) END, p.position, c.candidateName, COUNT(*) TotalCount from ElectionResults erinner join candidates c on er.candidateId = c.candidateidinner join Positions p on er.positionId = p.positionId inner join Elections e on c.PositionId = c.PositionIdgroup by e.ElectionName,candidatename, e.closingDate,position,p.PositionID WITH ROLLUPorder by position asc