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 Survey Says...

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Most Valuable Yak

15732 Posts

Posted - 2010-09-29 : 11:14:57
I set up a short survey (2 pages, 4 sections, 70 questions) to see which features/functions in SQL Server are well-known and not-so-well-known. It's helping me put together a presentation and some (hopefully) future blog posts that cover some of the less-well-known stuff.

The survey is limited to 100 responses, so if you get to the page and can't do anything, it's probably reached that limit. I haven't used Surveymonkey before so I don't know how it responds in that instance. Some of you have seen this survey before, so you don't have to respond again.

The first 3 sections have the same available responses:

Never heard of it - literal, this is new to you/first time you've heard of it
Never used - you know about it, but never used it
Occasionally - you use it once in a while, but not regularly, or not in a production system
Frequently - this is something you eat 3 meals a day, live and breathe, couldn't live without, etc.
No such thing - this was an attempt to test your knowledge with some trick questions. Feel free to ignore this option.

The last section is an opinion survey on certain features. There's a standard Not Applicable/No Opinion option, but you should use this only for things where you have zero experience or knowledge.

NO PEEKING! JUST DIVE IN! It's completely anonymous so there's no risk in saying "I didn't/don't know that one", that's exactly what I'm trying to find out.

If you do decide to take the survey, please try to answer every question. The link is:

I'll publish the results within a week or so, maybe sooner if I reach the maximum responses. I do want to continue a thread on lesser-known features, but I'd prefer to keep it separate from the survey so it doesn't affect the results. (that's why I locked this thread)

Thanks for participating!

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